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Forums > Super Sound > Ravel Bolero Orchestre De Paris Jean Martinon, DVD-Audio, MLP 4.0,2.0 24/48 EMI classics

Posted by: Raven on 20-05-2007, 11:34

Maurice Ravel
Артист: Maurice Ravel
Альбом: 2001
Жанр: Classics
Формат файла: ISO
Ссылка 1: ISO (ed2k://|file|RavelBoleroDVD-AUDIO_PPCM_48_24.ISO|2773450752|E68E643C8FFAEC7F1B8E0134358C95FF|h=CSVRSUS43N6NLJBRGWPGXG3QBZTSFCLR|/
Ссылка 2: Scan (ed2k://|file|RavelBoleroScan.rar|1352736|95EE4461EB694BD36952A85E69FA08EE|h=ZLYN2NOYRF4JJAGYNRLMVV3HA5LOS6IG|/
Нахождение: eDonkey

Образ с родной структурой,со всеми рабочими переходами, полностью готов для записи на DVD5 болванку.
Записывать образ , как всегда ImgBurn`ом ( ( )

Posted by: Raven on 20-05-2007, 11:35
user posted image
EMI Classics’ release of Jean Martinon and the Orchestre de Paris’ performances of Ravel’s Boléro, complete Daphnis et Chloé, and La Valse, happily, are anything but stale. Available on DVD-A, the disc brings back the original quadrophonic sound of the original recording. Martinon was wise to allow the sensual nature of Boléro to speak and insinuate for itself, never pushing or pulling the orchestra. Part of the charm of Boléro is following Ravel’s insistence that the tempo never change from beginning to end; it doesn’t need to change to evoke sensual imagery because the music itself embodies carnality. Part of the revelation upon listening to this recording is the distinct feeling that yes, THIS is the way Boléro is supposed to be played. The performance has an obviousness about it; that is, Martinon conducts in such a way as to make each succeeding variation of the theme sound logically in its proper place in soundspace and time with regard to every other thematic variation. The fact that a fifteen-minute piece that contains subtly shaded variations never gets boring proves, to this reviewer, the contention that Ravel was a genius of orchestration. This is truly one of the best recordings available of Boléro, topped perhaps, by Charles Munch in a long-ago recording; however, the sound experience is outstanding on Martinon’s version, given the DVD-A treatment.

Daphnis et Chloé, written for ballet, comes across as playful, light, and, by turns, menacing. Ravel scored three scenes from the Greek story (their love, Chloé’s abduction, and her return to Daphnis). The lush, ravishing orchestration is respected by Martinon, whereby the orchestra plays with carefully measured emotion; no grotesque over-the-top playing that deflates the beauty of the music. The fact that the frequency range is expanded on this DVD-A just makes the already exemplary sound and performance even more breathtaking. In the 4.0 multi-channel version, in the second section of Part Two of Daphnis (at 1:28) the basses groan making the listener feel their undulations as much as hear them.

La Valse, too, is well played, and comes across as a drunken, carefree if nihilistic, disturbing reverie as if the image of waltzers evoked by the music are histrionic, hedonistic, and scoffing at inevitable death or loss.

One annoying thing that occurs on this disc and, in fact, all DVD-As I’ve auditioned is the seconds of silence that occur between music tracks or movements that run together without pause. This is likely due to the loading of each menu of every track of music. This isn’t noticeable on DVD-As containing music with discrete tracks where no track seguéing occurs, but in classical music, movements are frequently strung together without pause. On the other hand, this problem does not occur with SACDs. We’re dealing with a technology issue, folks, and this is the only thing that keeps the disc from earning five stars for DVD-A quality.

Posted by: OlCh on 20-05-2007, 14:05
ты ето... не лыбся :laugh:
я понимаю, чо мордой забронировано место, что бы инфу дать? ну например - кто исполняет? а то как-то в то, что артист - Равель, с трудом верится :beer:

Posted by: Raven on 20-05-2007, 14:46
user posted image
Born January 10, 1910, Lyons, France.
Died March 1, 1976, Paris, France.

MUSIC DIRECTOR (1963-1968)

Jean Martinon studied violin at the Paris Conservatory. He continued studies in composition with Albert Roussel and conducting with Charles Munch. During World War II, he enlisted in the French Army and was taken prisoner in 1940. Martinon spent two years in a German camp, where he wrote many compositions, such as Stalag 9 (or Musique d'exil) and Absolve Domine for men's chorus and orchestra (without violins) in memory of French musicians killed in the war.

Upon his release, Martinon conducted the Concerts du Conservatoire de Paris, when he was appointed conductor of the Bordeaux Symphony. During this time, he also appeared with the London Philharmonic, Radio Eireann in Ireland, and with the Israel Philharmonic. Martinon's American debut was with the Boston Symphony in 1957. He also guest conducted in Chicago and received praise for performances of his own Second Symphony (Hymne à la vie). He served as director of the Düsseldorf Symphony from 1960 until 1966.

Martinon was invited to serve as music director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in 1963. He directed the Orchestra away from the Germanic in favor of the French style that was more fluid than bold. Martinon conducted a series of contemporary concerts, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, at the University of Chicago, and he also led a baroque music festival. During the Orchestra's seventy-fifth anniversary season (1965-66), he presented several world premieres, including his own Fourth Symphony (Altitudes).

Posted by: OlCh on 20-05-2007, 15:22
спасибо :)

Posted by: kokiku on 20-05-2007, 21:07
Третий хард пора покупать. :(

Posted by: Гордый on 20-05-2007, 21:50
Третий хард пора покупать.
Везёт же тебе, а если харды уже как раньше книжки - по полкам стоят? :fear2:

Спасибо за музыку, Raven_!

Posted by: kokiku on 20-05-2007, 22:00
Ну уж DVD-Audio я пока в силах жечь. :laugh:
Лучше уж так забэкапить.
Обычные релизы, если рука не поднимается убить - на DVD болванки. Вот они пролежат в коробках долго.
Проклятая жажда накопительства! :diablo:

А вот с DVD-Audio, на период раздач-скачиваний, с местом уже напряг. :pirat:

Posted by: kokiku on 22-05-2007, 21:48
Скачал. Спасибо. Слушаю.
Пока качать нечего - пусть мулы раздают. :)
Сам уехал в командировку. :beer: :40%: :crazy:

Posted by: TocTep on 26-06-2007, 00:11
There is NO video_ts :fear2: :help:

Posted by: Raven on 26-06-2007, 18:31
Folder Video_ts is absent on original disk.

Posted by: TocTep on 26-06-2007, 22:05
Greets !

Can it be burned with Juggler? (after not very succesful 2 tryouts).
If the answer is "yes" - how? whats the steps?

With Imgburn I have the same result - nada. It can't be played on domestic dvd player.

Posted by: jayg on 26-06-2007, 22:14

Still the back cover scan describes the disk as having two dvd-5 layers. And side A is meant for regular DVD-video players...

Posted by: Raven on 26-06-2007, 22:27
I write this relis only with ImgBurn.May be can write with Nero|(only select image)

Posted by: Raven on 26-06-2007, 22:30

Sorry,this relis only dvd-audio link.

Posted by: san2005 on 07-07-2007, 19:53
sorry for may bad english. but i have found a tool for decript audio (is protected)..get here ( (

or direct download ( (

Posted by: vfreak on 03-04-2008, 21:02
Thank you!

Posted by: dragut on 21-07-2009, 12:42

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