Title: Dark Side of the Moon (Harvest Records 3rd issue) Record Company: Harvest Records Catalog Number: CDP 7 46001 2 Bar Code: None. Manufacturing Information: -CD: Japan -Cover: no info -Booklet: England Matrix Information: Top: CDP 7 46001 2 AR 1B2 TO CP35-3017 Pressing Plant: Toshiba / EMI, Tokyo, Japan Production Mastering: EMI mastering Release Date: 1986-1988 Release Information: Third U.K. issue. CD made in Japan by EMI / Toshiba. Booklet says "Printed in England by James Upton Ltd. Birmingham and London." There is no bar code on the back cover. Total Time: 42:54 Track Peak Levels: 87.8 / 94.7 / 100 / 97.2 / 100 / 99.1 / 100 / 96.1 / 100 Description: Front Cover: Black with prism. Title in circle in upper right corner. Back Cover: Black with inverted prism. In the top right corner is the catalog number. In the lower right corner is the Harvest logo. Booklet: 12-page booklet with credits, pictures and lyrics. On page 10, it says: "Printed in England by James Upton Ltd. Birmingham and London." Label: Matte black label on a silver disk, with the label information etched out so that it appears to be written in silver. Harvest logo at the top. To the left of center hole it says: "All Rights of the producer and of the owner of the recorded work reserved. Unauthorized copying, hiring, renting, public performance, and broadcasting of this record prohibited." Below that is a rectangle divided into four areas. In each of these sections of the rectangle, clockwise from the top left, it says:
STEREO CDP 7 46001 2 Made in Japan BIEM / JASRAC
There is nothing written around the edge of the label. |