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Forums > Rock & Prog > Perfect Strangers I, The Mysterious Band

Posted by: flogger77 on 07-01-2004, 17:27
Артист:Still Life (
Альбом:Still Life, 1970
Жанр:Early Progressive
Формат файла:EAC→APE
Ссылка:CD (ed2k://|file|Flg77.Life.rar|214004353|A5C056CBE56C9B690E9803A301F84E26|/
Примечание:Первый и, к сожалению, единственный альбом замечательной и таинственной группы...

Obscure and collectable this was the four piece Still Life's one and only LP, first released by Vertigo in 1970. The 6 tracks of organ led Progressive Rockwere over looked at the time but today the album has become one of Vertigo's most sought after releases... - из Repertoir'овской аннотации.

Posted by: flogger77 on 07-01-2004, 17:36
До недавнего времени, этот альбом был самым загадочным в моей коллекции. В буклете нет абсолютно никакой информации о музыкантах! Не дали результата и мои поиски в Нете - никакой конкретики, общие фразы о прекрасной музыке и пессимистических текстах.
Альбом, тем временем, действительно, ИМХО, замечателен. По стилю близок к первым Хипам - раскладки голосов, Хаммонд. Есть нечто общее и с ранним Deep Purple и, особенно, с Warhorse. Тем не менее, "вторичностью" он не страдает - работа исключительно, ИМХО, оригинальная и серьёзная. Мощнейший вокал, классные аранжировки и виртуозное исполнение.
С неделю назад, примерно, наш коллега meow! раскопал, таки, конкретную информацию о группе! Огромное ему за это спасибо! newest/thumbsup.gif Приведу цитату из найденной им странички.
Нижеследующий текст скопирован из веб-страницы 07.01.2004 15:34:59
The Mysterious Band from Vertigo- Still Life (

Скопированный текст:

A little known band which made one album published by label Vertigo. The album is a significant collector's item among fans of progressive music. The LP was printed with a gatefold sleeve. But only the titles of song and the name of the writers are written on the cover. Without line~up. The informations about group are very difficult to find.
Dear Reader of my Site ! Today, I give you information about this very mysterious group.
Firstly back to the roots. Bassist Graham Amos,vocalist Martin Cure began their musical adventure in 1963 in the Coventry band called The Sabres. They later formed The Peeps in 1965. The other two members of the band were Roy Albrighton (guitar) and Paul Wilkinson (drums). The Peeps recorded five SPs for Philips (1966-68). In 1969, the name was changed to Rainbows. With the
addition of a keyboard player they recorded two singles for CBS. The mysterious keyboard player was Terry Howells (ex-Ray King Soul Band). The Rainbows had some gigs in Hamburg, Germany and when they were finished the guitarist, R.Albrighton decided to stay in Germany (later,he formed a band called Nektar). When Rainbows came back to England, the drummer P.Wilkinson
left the band (he joined a band called Flying Machine). So then there were three musicans: Amos, Cure, Howells. They changed a band name to Still Life and wrote the songs which turned into the album. But the band had not a drummer. Alan Savage was contacted to do the session and he had about a week to learn the material prior to recording. Album was recorded at Sound Recording
Studios, near Marble Arch, London Savage was involved with the recording on the following dates:1st October 1970, 2nd October 1970, 5th October 1970, 6th October 1970, 13th October 1970.
The Album was mixed Monday 26th October 1970. Obviously, the other members were doing overdubs,vocal etc.on the dates in between. S.Shane did produce the LP.

Martin Cure - vocal
Graham Amos - bass
Terry Howells - keyboards
Alan Savage - drums

1. People in black (Howells)
2. Don't go (Howells/Cure)
3. October Whitches (Howells)
4. Love song no.6 (Howells)
5. Dreams (Howells/Cure)
6. Time (Howells/Amos)

Содрано с ремастера Repertoir Records REP 4198-WP.
Огромное спасибо Meithar за расшарку! newest/thumbsup.gif

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