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Forums > Флейм > шара-дот-ком пропал, кто-нить что знает?

Posted by: Forrest on 12-03-2004, 13:04
у меня тоже нету.
может временный глюк?

Posted by: muaddib on 12-03-2004, 13:09
надеюсь что не накрыли, а то жалко терять такой ресурс newest/fear2.gif

Posted by: Brait on 12-03-2004, 13:14
Хех, у них упал первый DNS-сервер, и обезумел второй DNS-сервер В результате сейчас находится на неизветном IP-адресе. Ждите, когда отремонтируют...

Posted by: Billy Bonce on 12-03-2004, 13:59
Что за напасть последнее время newest/fear2.gif

Posted by: Metal_Sergio on 12-03-2004, 14:14
надеюсь ждать не долго !!!

Posted by: astra on 12-03-2004, 19:26
Brait а откуда тебе известны такие подробности, если не скрет? smile.gif

Posted by: FiL on 12-03-2004, 20:26
astra, запусти nslookup и ... при наличии достаточных знаний эта инфа узнается минуты за 3.

Posted by: astra on 12-03-2004, 20:29
QUOTE (FiL @ 12-03-2004, 17:26):
astra, запусти nslookup и ... при наличии достаточных знаний эта инфа узнается минуты за 3.

ОК. Спасибо, посмотрим. cool.gif

Posted by: novichok on 13-03-2004, 12:44
Шара вроде как накрылась - (

Posted by: MAL on 13-03-2004, 13:06
QUOTE (novichok @ 13-03-2004, 10:44):
Шара вроде как накрылась - (

Ссылку дал - а пароля нету - там спрашивают пароль

Posted by: Edv on 13-03-2004, 13:17
ShareReactor Down Indefinitely
March 12, 2004
Thomas Mennecke

ShareReactor has become one of the most popular link sites for the eDonkey2000/Overnet community. This site made the "search" feature irrelevant by using hash codes to directly link an individual with a file. Hash links have proven to be invaluable in the fight against corrupt or false files.

However, after approximately three years as the top link site for eDonkey2000/Overnet, its future is drawn into great question. The site has been down for several days, with little in the way of an explanation. The little information that has surfaced has been confined to the ShareReactor chatroom and a few forum posts. The ShareReactor IRC chat room topic states the following:


The site administrator, Simon Moon, has been unreachable since the site closure. Because of the fluid nature of the current situation, the ShareReactor administration has asked us to remove their previous statements, stating "ShareReactor will be down until further notice." (

Posted by: astra on 13-03-2004, 15:20
Ладно. Всё яснои с ними.

Тогда другой вопрос.
Какие есть альтернативные сайты?
Поделитесь пожалуйста.
Вот один я знаю: (
Но ето жалкая пародия...там совсем нету софта, а на шера такие вещи выкладывали...

Posted by: muaddib on 13-03-2004, 15:31
QUOTE (Edv @ 13-03-2004, 10:17):
ShareReactor Down Indefinitely

н-да, темные времена наступают newest/fuyou_2.gif

novichok, что за форум? что на нем есть, вобщем стоит регистрироваться?

astra, если шпрехаешь на хиброу смотри сюда. (

да и еще есть (

Posted by: Mr.A on 13-03-2004, 16:21
QUOTE (astra @ 13-03-2004, 14:20):
Ладно. Всё яснои с ними.

Тогда другой вопрос.
Какие есть альтернативные сайты?
Поделитесь пожалуйста.
Вот один я знаю: (
Но ето жалкая пародия...там совсем нету софта, а на шера такие вещи выкладывали...

Много хороших релизов бывает на FileHeaven (
Много ссылок на софт бывает на Pleasuredom101 (, но там нужна регистрация.

Posted by: muaddib on 13-03-2004, 17:05
QUOTE (Mr.A @ 13-03-2004, 13:21):
Много хороших релизов бывает на FileHeaven (  

дык и там нужна регистрация.

есть еще такой сайтик (, но он временно не пашет, хотя там тоже есть свой форум.

newest/director.gif хочу внести предложение, составить список подобных ресурсов, кроме того что на главной (там не все работает и не все на понятных языках smile.gif)

Posted by: MAL on 13-03-2004, 17:58
QUOTE (Mr.A @ 13-03-2004, 14:21):
QUOTE (astra @ 13-03-2004, 14:20):
Ладно. Всё яснои с ними.  Тогда другой вопрос.
Какие есть альтернативные сайты?
Поделитесь пожалуйста.
Вот один я знаю: (
Но ето жалкая пародия...там совсем нету софта, а на шера такие вещи выкладывали...

Много хороших релизов бывает на FileHeaven (
Много ссылок на софт бывает на Pleasuredom101 (, но там нужна регистрация.

А как там регистрится на FileHeaven ? Нажимаю регистрится а меня выкидывает на Forum Index -нииичччо не понимаю

Posted by: novichok on 13-03-2004, 18:19
muaddib (

rolleyes.gif Форум классный. Кстати там много народу с Шары. Выкладывают в основном софт. Ну и музыка бывает. Короче все туда newest/w00t.gif .

Posted by: Linuxer on 13-03-2004, 21:01
Мда, весёлая новость! sad.gif
Славо богу что я успел несколько новых релизов сохранить. smile.gif
А вообще , как вы думаете чё у них там случилось если одновременно форум и страница запоролись ?

Posted by: wraith on 14-03-2004, 01:44
Всё, что сейчас точно известно, это необъяснимая пропажа владельца сайта. С ним уже 3 дня никто не может связаться... newest/confused_1.gif

Posted by: UGIN on 14-03-2004, 05:50
Вот найдется - и узнаем...
Говорят, что он НЕ сбежал на Багамы..

Posted by: LF_ on 14-03-2004, 07:20
Откуда и что известно? на счет пропажи....

Posted by: UGIN on 14-03-2004, 07:38
Покопайся здесь..
залазь.. (

Posted by: LF_ on 14-03-2004, 18:07
Там надо регистрироваться, а ломает smile.gif

Posted by: UGIN on 14-03-2004, 18:59
Лови, обломов...
Я тут сотворил эдакую выжимку всех новостей от одного из команды SR
с самого начала..

OFFICIAL STATEMENT (or as official as it gets at the time)

As of now you probably noticed that the main page ( and the forums ( is offline. However our IRC server is still running, although you CANNOT connect to it through the DNS, so use instead, and feel free to join #ShareReactor if you want too…

Now enough of this babbling…. Why is ShareReactor down? You’re all asking. The truth is, none of us knows. However it’s seems to be DNS problems, since and a few other sites is online which is running on the same line as ShareReactor is/was. SimonMoon has been offline for almost 2 days at the time you are reading this, so nothing can and have been confirmed, so please don’t jump to any conclusions.

Now you all probably wonder when ShareReactor will be back up. Again none of us knows, however the core and some of the users still hang around at IRC, and when the page gets back online, that’s the first place it will be announced.

If you wish to contact anyone from the crew and are unable to get on IRC, you can use the mail addresses at the bottom of this post. If the person you seek is not listed, send the mail to someone else and tell him/her to pass it on

- The ShareReactor Crew


ShareReactor is DEAD DEAD, and will MOST LIKELY NOT be back,,, - READ: MOST LIKELY!

The ShareReactor IRC chat room topic states the following:


The site administrator, Simon Moon, has been unreachable since the site closure. Because of the fluid nature of the current situation, the ShareReactor administration has asked us to remove their previous statements, stating "ShareReactor will be down until further notice."


Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 7:38 pm Post subject:
Let me get rid of a few rumors.. - and PLEASE stop spreading rumors... you know jack ass s**t anyways (sorry about the language)

1. Simon might have taken the donationmoney and fled to Bahamas...
2. Hell, he might even have been adopted by aliens..
3. Or maybe he got into heaven, sitting besides Jesus as I'm typing this....

What i wanna illuminate with the above 3 points is that there could be a hole bunch of reason as to why everything except IRC is down. Some of us knew SimonMoon better than most of you ever will, thus why we are almost 100% sure he didn't fled to Bahamas. Yeah right you all say, damn no you didn't know SimonMoon. Well maybe we didn't... guess thats possible. But atleast we dont walk around spreading bullshit rumors which NOONE has EVER confirmed.. Whwn Simon returns back online I'm sure he'll come up with some form of statement, so untill then please let the matter rest and BE CRITICAL TO THE INFORMATION YOU READ!


altho nothing has happened i just wanted to clearify that there's still no news, we have not heard from simon, and we still dont know what the future brings.. - things looking just the same as yesterday. However a 3 week old mirror of sharereactor is online at
URL: (

Posted by: Gim on 14-03-2004, 19:28
А можно в кратце на русском?

Posted by: LF_ on 14-03-2004, 19:36
краткий перевод - а хер его знает Ж) потеряли главного админа - с ним три дня нет связи...

Posted by: UGIN on 14-03-2004, 20:39
А может он русский - этот SimonMoon...
Вот и запил..
И попал в Ленинград, в баню newest/devil_2.gif

Posted by: muaddib on 14-03-2004, 21:32
прям детектива настоящая newest/gun_smilie.gif
или еще лучше киберпанк в стиле гибсона animated/war/brutal.gif

Posted by: konic on 16-03-2004, 15:47
Хорошо хоть, что не разогнали ...

Posted by: UGIN on 16-03-2004, 16:33
Пока все по старому, никаких новостей..
Все ищут главадмина, сайт лежит...
Если тут бывают жители Швейцарии - подключайтесь к поискам..

Posted by: Lord KiRon on 16-03-2004, 17:08
А вот мой любимый линк по ТВ : ( , во всём что касается ТВ релизов покруче реактора .

Posted by: Lord KiRon on 16-03-2004, 20:28
Всё , закрыли Реактор суки sad.gif (

News has finally broke regarding the sudden shut down of ShareReactor. It appears the Swiss Judical Inquiry Department of Thurgau has taken the site down due to copyright infringement. We will have more news on this fluid situation as it comes in.

Posted by: Zemlynin on 16-03-2004, 21:08
newest/ranting2.gif Жаль

Posted by: mts on 16-03-2004, 21:26
Пока это только расследование. Так что есть шансы... newest/worthy.gif

Posted by: Lord KiRon on 16-03-2004, 21:41
А я бы если бы можно было ему бы с десяток долоров подкинул , ну там на адвокатов и т.д.

Posted by: Power User on 16-03-2004, 22:55
где же мы теперь харчеваться будем (с) ?

Posted by: astra on 16-03-2004, 23:06
QUOTE (Power User @ 16-03-2004, 19:55):
где же мы теперь харчеваться будем (с) ?

Вот и я задаюсь тем-же самым вопросом ...

Posted by: LF_ on 16-03-2004, 23:47
To everyone in the ed2k community

As everyone is probably aware of now, ShareReactor has been taken down by the Swiss authorities.
This was done at the request of several big Multimedia companies, who filed a complaint.
SimonMoon has been detained and questioned by the authorities. His house has been raided and searched for evidence.
The SR servers and some personal hardware have been confiscated.

We will address some basic things now.

Is SR dead forever now?
We don't know. This is a serious situation, not only for SimonMoon, but for everyone who has something to do with SR.
If SimonMoon prevails in this case, we think he will continue SR. ShareReactor has been his hobby (not his job) for
the past 3 years. Through all the setbacks and complaints he never gave up. One and a half years ago his house was
searched as well, he has received threats, phonecalls and cease and desist letters on a weekly basis, and he never
cut and ran. So if he makes it through this, chances are SR will continue in some form. However, if he loses this
case, he is in serious trouble, and SR will most likely be history.

Why doesn't SimonMoon tell us this himself?
SimonMoon is under official investigations. It is very likely that he has been told not to communicate with anyone,
in order not to hinder the investigation. Or maybe because he is seen as a suspect and cannot talk because of that.
Or perhaps they want to stop him from telling other people what they should do. Who knows.

So now what?
Now we do what we have been doing. We wait for more information. And hope it all works out.

What else can we do??
People on various forums have suggested donating money for SimonMoon's legal expenses.
We like that idea, because we want to do something to help SimonMoon through this. The problem is that for that
to happen we need to be sure that he wants it, that his lawyer is ok with it, and that we have someone trustworthy
to collect the money. We will post updates if we worked out a way to do this. Before people start complaining about
asking for donations again, SimonMoon did spend the money on a new line, but the SDSL company is a bit crappy. And that
was the best Switzerland had to offer. As for the forum server, ironically it was finally assembled and ready for testing
early last week. Let's hope we'll see it working someday.
Thanks to everyone who suggested donating money for a lawyer. This is not only about SR, this is about the future of many
p2p sites. If SR wins this, then things look a lot brighter than if SR loses and dies. This case will set a precedent for
the future.

Some general notes:

To everyone who said that SimonMoon ran with the money, it may be nice to know that so far SR has only cost SimonMoon a
lot of money. But it was his project so he accepted that. But the kind of hardware needed for the forum required a
We can only hope that an official press release will stop the ridiculous conspiracy theories about SimonMoon.
It has been very hard to stay calm and quiet while people publicly trash your friend like that. He didn't deserve to be
treated like that. People even posted his address and phone number publicly. How low can you go? Imagine how you would
like it if suddenly everybody with an Internet connection can find your home and can call you in the middle of the night?
Also, imagine how it must have been for him to read all that, after he was detained and questioned, after his house was
raided and emptied by the police. We want to show SimonMoon our full support, and we truly hope this will all end well.
If you want to talk about all this, join SR IRC at, #sharereactor.

Kind regards,

The ShareReactor Crew

Posted by: Xman on 17-03-2004, 00:57
Нашли тоже где сервак и откуда этим делом заправлять newest/laugh.gif В Швеции или Швейцарии newest/laugh.gif Они бы ещё прямо у RIAA и подобных компаний хостинга попросили...

Для таких сайтов надо сервак стаить где нибудь на Кубе или в Индии и тогда бы всякие Swiss authorities сосали бы по полной программе.... newest/fuyou_2.gif

Так и вспоминается Задоронов они там на западе ну все тупыыые smile.gif

Posted by: Linuxer on 17-03-2004, 01:10
Да интересная история, хех остаёться только надеяться что SimonMoon ничего нелегально не хранил у себя домаsmile.gif
То есть имхо, всё что РИАА узнает это только определённая информация о юзерах на форуме шары. А ссылки на файлы, всегда были у всех на виду, то есть в данном плане создателя сайта нельзя ни в чём обвинить. smile.gif
Хех, думаю это была психологическая атака, и РИАА безусловно проиграет!
Вообще, если я не ошибаюсь то создательница Шары, погибла в автокатострофе два года назад, имхо P2P щас больше чем просто закачка фильмов и игр smile.gif

Posted by: Lord KiRon on 17-03-2004, 01:29
Во первых ^RIAA^ тут не причём , во вторых Швейцария как раз имеет самые мягкие (или точнее сказать неопределёные) законы во всей Европе ибо она не член Евросоюза.

Posted by: Xman on 17-03-2004, 01:33
Lord KiRon
во вторых Швейцария как раз имеет самые мягкие (или точнее сказать неопределёные) законы во всей Европе ибо она не член Евросоюза.

Америка тоже не член евросоюза...... но как мы знаем там настала многим полная ж...а за то что они просто качали файлы а не держали такой сайт как шара.ком

Posted by: Xman on 17-03-2004, 01:38
Во первых ^RIAA^ тут не причём

Если кто не понял риаа была приведена как один из примеров активных борцов естественно к закрытию шаре может она и не имеет отношения но есть и другие подобные организации и т.п

Posted by: FiL on 17-03-2004, 02:11
QUOTE (Xman @ 16-03-2004, 17:33):
а за то что они просто качали файлы а не держали такой сайт как шара.ком

А вот не факт, что держать файлы меньшее нарушение. Скорее большее.

Posted by: muaddib on 17-03-2004, 10:34
QUOTE (FiL @ 16-03-2004, 23:11):
QUOTE (Xman @ 16-03-2004, 17:33):
а за то что они просто качали файлы а не держали такой сайт как шара.ком

А вот не факт, что держать файлы меньшее нарушение. Скорее большее.

так как раз они в штатах только тех судили кто эти файлы не посредственно у себя держал и распострянял их, а за линки думаю судить по нарушению авторских прав нельзя. сами посудите, шара их только публикует и никто ни кого не заставляет ими пользоваться.
давайте надеятся что и на этот раз все обойдется и Р2Р победит!
очень уж хочется поскорее на шару вернутся.

Posted by: LF_ on 17-03-2004, 19:16
Да тут на самом деле всегда одно и тоже - 4 или 5 лет мутузили чувака, который "сломал" ДВД защиту - признали невиновным. Может и тут через 5 лет признают невиновным - только кому через 5 лет это будет надо?

Posted by: wraith on 17-03-2004, 20:58
Беженцев с sharereactor можно найти на ShareConnector (

Posted by: muaddib on 06-04-2004, 20:03
вот что я нашел на (
2004/03/18 -- Update  
This morning I received e-Mail from SimonMoon, letting me know that he's basically doing all right. He now is free again to talk with me, but that does not apply to the rest of you, as far as I know. I asked him how to go about all your questions about donations for his case, here it goes:  
Concerning donations for SimonMoon  Basically, he doesn't think that this is such a good idea at the moment.  
However, if you still feel you should donate something, you're free to transfer with PayPal to but ONLY there! This is really important that you do not transfer your money to any other account or funding initiative, those are inofficial, ONLY the PayPal account is OFFICIAL!  
He asked me to tell you one more thing: please consider that a few large donations are much easier to handle than loads of tiny ones when if it comes to fair refunding (after covering the lawyers costs) across all those who donated. Therefore, he would be most happy to receive larger donations from companies or institutions.      In his e-Mail, he also asked me to put my service back online! I shouldn't worry about any costs on his side and all that (he's just so nice), but no, Jigle won't continue, it's closed.  
Christian (  

Posted by: LF_ on 09-04-2004, 18:57
Official Statement from a former ShareReactor member

As you might have noticed, the last week has been quite interesting for all of us on the former irc channel. Last week i had a couple of nice men visitting me , arriving early wednesday the 17th in their black suits , carrying only their briefcases and a paper telling them that it was ok that they entered my premises. Once they were inside i got told my rights, and were asked to sit quietly on a chair in a corner of my livingroom. Sitting there watching them disassembling my livingroom , removing my computers, monitors, and basically everything related to it, and carrying it into their Peugeot 306's, all white (they dont even have taste !) was quite a surrealistic feeling. After 3 hours of non-stop violating of my home, i got transported to the local police office where i was first put in a cell, and then detained for questioning. They asked me everything about how worked, what kind of movies and software we distributed and how we did it. Only thing i could tell them was that we only supplied people with links to the edonkey network. That i had released a "few" titles myself, and that i admitted what i did. So of course my attorneys have alot of work on their hands now.

Since this has happend a few days has gone by.I have put my life for considderation, and have found out that my family and friends are more important to me, than releasing titles, writing in various forums, and helping people on irc with their questions about SR. That is the reason im writing this now. People should know that there were a few hardworking people comitting themselves to make SR / Forum / Irc work , these people got nothing out of their trouble and were in it for the fun of it all. Now these people are being put to trial , will be sued for every dime they have , until they break down and turn against their friends. I for one will not do so. I have told the police everything I did. Everything that i could tell them about my own person. What happend on SR irc, and the forum could only be a case between the SR website owner and the Swiss police, not others.

I hope that SR will once again rise from the grave and maybe establish itself as a serious - LEGAL - website once again. This IS possible and i hope that everyone that reads this letter will help and encourage Simon Moon to rebuild his site once he is able to bring the website back up. I for one will give my support, ofcourse this time under strict rules that the website ONLY consists of links to legally distributed software (shareware, freeware etc.)

With best wishes and hopes from

взято с (

Posted by: Lab on 09-04-2004, 20:09
И что.. все? п...ц?

Posted by: FiL on 09-04-2004, 20:14
- Ты кто?
- Я пи...ц.
- Ну и что?
- Ну и все.

Posted by: muaddib on 10-04-2004, 01:33
а по-моему, совсем не смешно.

Posted by: Lab on 11-04-2004, 13:47
вот и я об этом

ЛФ - твои коментарии?

Posted by: UGIN on 11-04-2004, 14:15
Оно, скорее, даже грустно..
Человека мурыжат, сайт закрыт...

Posted by: Set on 11-04-2004, 17:24
А что LF smile.gif , LF уже давно понял, что адвокаты и суды полная фигня - киллеры лучше. Крутая "крыша" лучший друг муловода. newest/laugh.gif

Posted by: Сергей Иванович on 11-04-2004, 17:31
Нет, всё это безусловно грустно и однозначно печально, но... Как с НетЛабом-то? В смысле, нет ли для него подобной опасности?

Posted by: Lab on 11-04-2004, 20:59
тут самый главный вопрос - как выходят на людей?

Posted by: FiL on 11-04-2004, 21:22
Laborant, это зависит от того, чем человек занимается. Если он только пишет на форум, то выследить его сложно. А если он держит сервер, то намного легче. Но даже то "сложно", оно не столько сложно, сколько "не сразу". Ну, и доказывать что-то гораздо сложнее. У нас тут типа свобода слова. Писать могу все, что хочу. А то, что по тому линку кто-то смог варез скачать - так это не мое дело smile.gif Главное, чтобы не от меня качал.

P.S. Тебя через whois найти легче легкого, если тебя этот вопрос интересует.

Posted by: Lab on 11-04-2004, 21:45
а я знаю, только меня пока это меньше всего волнует... пусть докажут, что я активно распространяю фильмы и музыку и все это сидя на модеме smile.gif

Posted by: piligrim on 11-04-2004, 21:54
QUOTE (laborant @ 11-04-2004, 13:45):
а я знаю, только меня пока это меньше всего волнует... пусть докажут, что я активно распространяю фильмы и музыку и все это сидя на модеме smile.gif

значит с работы распространяешь newest/laugh.gif

Posted by: LF_ on 12-04-2004, 06:13
Мои коментарии очень простые - я не думаю, что им важно засудить этих людей - им важно закрыть сайт, что они и сделали - дальше будут долго мурыжить - результаты сильно зависят от законодательства, которого я не знаю - может у них в Шивцерленде это не наказуемо, но много зависит от адваката - во многих странах есть очень интересный закон - что-то типа сговор о совершении преступления - т.е. надо доказать, что был приступный сговор и бравые органы успели как раз чуть-чуть до факта...

Posted by: Set on 12-04-2004, 19:03
Домашний сервер, да ещё в таких странах - это конечно было очень уязвимо. newest/alien.gif

Posted by: Lab on 13-04-2004, 09:06
где бы то нибыло - домашний сервер это прямая улика

Posted by: UGIN on 15-04-2004, 06:33
10 альтернатив шаре дот сом ...

***Top 10 ShareReactor Alternatives***
April 13, 2004
Cory Higgins

ShareReactor (SR) was once the unchallenged king of ED2K link sites. However, Swiss authorities have made this no longer true. Slyck would like to bring you ten of the best alternatives for now it has faded away to but a fair memory. There are without a doubt many great sites missing from this ?Top Ten? list.

Down side, annoying ads and popup installers. Upside, simply everything else about this great site. Fans of SR will find themselves right at home here. This site offers a sharp design and easy to use interface. Like SR the real heart of content seems to be found in the forum boards. Without any doubt one of the top 10 ED2K link sites on the net.

FileDonkey /

These are the top options to replace now defunct seems to work better then, however FileDonkey is probably the better of choice for those who are English speaking only.

This is one of the several existing mirrors of older Sharereactor versions. While something like this cannot offer the level of service SR did, it is still a very valuable source of verified, and well-spread links.

Other ways to still gain access to both the old main page of Sharereactor and the forum boards are though the ?way back machine? Internet archive.

Main Page:*/

An often overlooked ED2K link site. Offering nearly 1000 movies, and nearly 2000 games, it is a place well worth bookmarking.

This high quality, once movie only site specializes in DVD-Rips with AC3 sound. They also now offer software, games, and music. Once you sample a DVD-Rip with AC3 sound you will tend to shy away from the rips with simple MP3 audio. The #1 source for AC3 DVD-Rips on the net.

Very well designed site. However seemed to load a bit on the slow side at the time this story was written. Good content on the main page and forum boards. With many former SR users looking for a home, watch for this site to grow in the coming months.

Now a veteran in the ED2K link community, ShareLive offers a huge amount of verified links. The former owner of ShareReactor himself was a fan calling Sharelive the ?first original idea for a ED2K link site, since Sharereactor.? Sharelive is one of the top choices and a top 10 replacement option for sure.

Another well designed site with loads of content. Well worth checking out and adding to your list of favorite ED2K link sites.

Slyck nearly didn?t add this amazing site to its list. It has a wealth of content to match any other site, and a great community to boot. However in the wake of all the chaos that has followed Sharereactor being taken down they are no longer allowing new registrations. Not a big deal if you are all ready a member but a real problem for someone coming to the site new. So what would be one of the top 2 or 3 sites for ED2K links is just barley included on the list at all.

A forum based community with loads of content. Miss this site and you are missing a great community and tons of verified links

We also want to include two honorable mentions. These sites are both top ten worthy but specialize in only one type of content.

We have mentioned this site on Slyck before, but hey its great. Just about any TV show your looking for can be found here.

Now, this site does just TV shows. Lots to pick from and worth checking out. They have went to TV shows only since ShareReactor was brought down

Best ED2K link site for albums, but had decided to shut its doors at the end of this month due to the ShareReactor incident.

As we said, this list in by no means the end all and be all of ED2K link sites, but it may expose some sites that ShareReactor refugees are not aware of. Slyck will continue to keep a close idea on the ShareReactor case as it will have far reaching implications for all sites that offer links to verified downloads on P2P networks.

Posted by: astra on 22-04-2004, 20:43
Кто-то заходил на ^ShareConnector^?
Там внизу есть большусщяя картинка с текстом на русском, о том как кто-то у кого-то что-то спёр. Что ето за прикол если кто знает?

Posted by: astra on 22-04-2004, 21:32
Ех зря. Мне понравились обе, и с текстом и там где бабуся фурболила свою внучку smile.gif
Жалко, что тут нельзя катинку добавить в посте, а то я запомнил ту с текстом на хард newest/devil_2.gif

так всётаки, чего и кто там не поделел с кем?

Posted by: Dimych on 22-04-2004, 21:56
Жалко, что тут нельзя катинку добавить в посте, а то я запомнил ту с текстом на хард

почему нельзя. в расширенную форму "add reply" для поста заходил?

Posted by: astra on 23-04-2004, 17:25
Да заходил. Тут можно только дать ^http^ ссылку. Невозможно загрузить катинку с харда.

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