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Forums > Rock & Prog > Primal Fear 2004 "Devil's Ground", Nuclear Blast label

Posted by: sanbo on 24-03-2004, 13:10
Артист:Primal Fear (
Альбом:Devil's Ground, 2004
Жанр:Power Metal
Формат файла:EAC/APE/RAR
Ссылка:CD (ed2k://|file|PRIFE_2004_DeGr_by_sanbo.rar|613329522|1030A82AAB1B35147E8DDEABE48A651C|/
Примечание:only Killers, no Fillers! 16 sites book & covers, Jumpstart


1. Metal Is Forever
2. Suicide and Mania
3. Visions of Fate
4. Sea of Flames
5. The Healer
6. Sacred Illusion
7. In Metal
8. Soul Chaser
9. Colony
10. Wings of Desire
11. Heart of a Brave
12. Devil's Ground
13. Die Young
14. Metal Is Forever (5.1 Mix)
15. The Healer (5.1 Mix)

total time 71.41 min

(p) + © 2004 Nuclear Blast GmbH
Released: February 24, 2004

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Album Review
Who needs Judas Priest when you have Primal Fear? Seriously, given the British metal gods' move towards thrash, post-1990's seminal Painkiller, the German quintet, led by former Gamma Ray frontman Ralf Scheepers (himself once considered to replace Halford) arguably sounds more like classic, '80s period Priest than the real deal. Heck, Rob Halford never shrieked a heavy metal standard-bearing anthem more gallantly (or, admittedly, shrilly) than album opener "Metal Is Forever." Yes, it is forever, my sore-necked, headbanging friends -- or at least just under an hour, going by this, the group's fifth album, Devil's Ground. Sifting through the 12 tracks on offer here: "In Metal" is another call for the metal troops to stand up and be counted, "Visions of Fate," "Soul Chaser," and "Colony 13" balance their generous doses of adrenalin with very memorable choruses, while "The Healer" and the semi-epic "Wings of Desire" are both fine, dramatic slower numbers -- mostly devoid of silly sentiment, but guaranteed to bring out those lighters just the same. And with the help of newly acquired drummer Randy Black's (borrowed from Canadian thrashers Annihilator) nifty footwork on the likes of "Sacred Illusion" and "Sea of Flames" (the latter also piercing a few eardrums courtesy of Scheepers' screams), Primal Fear does open the speed metal envelope after all. As usual, guitar solos are often as much highlights as the songs themselves, as both Stefan Leibing and returning founder Tom Naumann are capable of firing them off at will. In short, few heavy metal bands, Teutonic or otherwise, can whip out the steel like Primal Fear -- it's not very original, but its always dependable.
~ Ed Rivadavia, All Music Guide newest/punk.gif newest/punk.gif newest/punk.gif

pls, отпишите, что происходит с EDGUY, если кто-то в состоянии подержать в расшарке, свистните тоже.

пользуясь случаем хочу сказать спасибо zhelAnna!

небольшое нелирическое отступление. в сети есть мр3-ный релиз Velvet Acid Christ 2004 "Between The Eyes" (vol 1.). Этот сборник ремиксов старых и новых вещей вышел в конце февраля...но пока моя охота на него не увенчалась успехом..может кто-то удачливее оказался..? тогда дайте знать, плз. вторая часть должна выйти в свет в мае. (ed2k://|file||111817686|D89E6DDC81ADE2A47B14D8DEDDB99591|/

user posted image


01. Futile [Nazi Bastard]
02. Disflux [Feedback]
03. Decypher [Force=Authority]
04. Decypher [Acid Revolution]
05. Dial 8 [Bound and Gagged by Din_Fiv]
06. Dial 8 [Barely Alive]
07. The Hand [Aggro Trash]
08. The Hand [cut Throat Psycho Rave]
09. We have to see, We have to know [Extended]
10. The Hopeless
11. Murder the World
12. The Dead
13. So Much

ключ к архиву - в названии файла. smile.gif

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