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Forums > Rock & Prog > LACRIMOSA - Stille [1997], eac.ape.covers

Posted by: SpeculaNT on 29-08-2004, 15:33
Альбом:Stille, 1997
Жанр:gothic metal
Формат файла:eac-ape.covers
Ссылка 1:CD 1 (ed2k://|file|LACRIMOSA.[1997].[CD].Stille.[eac-ape.covers].[by.$peculaNT].[MeTaLMaDNeSS.TeaM].rar|507872365|DB9EBFFF76624C6D29F396A1E78DBBCA|/
Ссылка 2:CD 2 (ed2k://|file|LACRIMOSA.[1997].[CD].Stille.[covers].[by.$peculaNT].[MeTaLMaDNeSS.TeaM].rar|41693171|E1C8962A7F15F3F916DF334A58281F3C|/

1. Der erste Tag 10:09
2. Not every pain hurts 5:18
3. Siehst du mich im Lust ? 8:18
4. Deine Nähe 11:00
5. Stolzes Herz 8:45
6. Mein zweites Herz 6:52
7. Make it end 6:03
8. Die Strasse der Zeit 14:42

After the burning "Inferno" follows the "Silence"! From the glowing fire arises the first day in front of our eyes.

Timid, the sound of vibrating pianostrings penetrates the silence of this morning. But very soon the orchestra rises and whips the mist over the fields, and in the light of the first sun the golden horns shine in the full brilliance of their warm sound.

"Der erste Tag" ("The First Day") sets in, where "Der Kelch des Lebens" ("The Goblet Of Life") of the preceding album "Inferno" left off: in the glowing fire, in the ashes, in the morning after! Not long since the mist has disappeared, the ruins are rising high upwards. The traces of the devastation are covering the naked ground. No sound, no humans. The screams have grown dumb. "Silence" rules the scene!

Bereits auf der Vorabsingle "Stolzes Herz" konnte man den mitunter selbstkritischen Textpassagen aufmerksam folgen, die aus tiefster Dunkelheit ins Licht führten und mit Kraft und Lebensmut den Neuanfang ermöglichten.

The selfcritical lyrics of the single "Stolzes Herz" ("Proud Heart"), leading from the deepest darkness with power and the courage of life straight into the light, made the rebuilding possible.

Now, "Silene", the fifth chapter, tells in over seventy minutes the story of a mind wondering and starts in "The First Day" with a selfanalysis. Intellect and emotion find their discord. Fears are becoming defined and accusations are taken notice of, followed by the courage of forgiveness, the courage of selfperception and the inner establishment: "Not Every Pain Hurts". Purified, same enemies are brought to trial. "Siehst Du mich im Licht?" ("Can you see me in the light?") accuser and defender are questening themself while sitting in the same scale, discussing about lies and defamations and penetrating their courses. Hate and desperation are not seldom walking hand in hand with irony and cynicism, in contrast to the sensible and selfcritical view to a unreachable love: "Deine Nähe" ("Your Closeness").

To be able to learn from every downfall, to hold on the hope to find a light even in the darkest night and to reach the power to be able to stand up over and over again, that's what the title "Stolzes Herz" mediates also in the nearly two minutes longer album version unmistakable, and builds the topical bridge to "Mein zweites Herz" ("My Second Heart"), which is in a selfexplaining form not only beating for itself alone, as this title is to be seen as one of the key moments and as a piece of the heart of the entire record in itself. "Make it end" is the radical settlement with all the impressions, hopes, mistakes and experiences of the past. The fight for the own will, for the own heart. The fight for the own life and the end of hypocrisy and the selfcheating. No compromises!

Concluding, "Die Strasse der Zeit" ("The Roads of Time") brings the circle to close in a nearly fifteen minutes timetravel and transfers the happening to take place on an imaginary street leading back to the past. And after the travel through the night passes, the sun drives away the mist and from the ruins of their fathers the young and promising culture awakes.

After the chartsuccesses of the past LACRIMOSA releases ("Inferno" enters the german album charts and stays in their for seven weeks, "Stolzes Herz" reaches place nine in the german speaking single charts), the new album "Stille" appears to be the most unconventional and extravagant LACRIMOSA release so far, eventhough the stylistical and topical parallels to the the first releases can be drawn, which, under consideration of the additional visual angles, following ends up in the consequent mature of what Lacrimosa so far spoke of, put a light on and snatched up, and therefor allows a differentiated as well as joyfulness interpretational view. With the co-operation of the Barmbeker Symphonic Orchestra, the Rosenberg Ensemble and the Deutsche Lunkewitz SängerInnen (German Lunkewitz Singers), the new album of Lacrimosa, which was recorded at the Impuls Studios in Hamburg, aims not only topically but specially musically and productionally a pretentious high quality standard!

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