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Forums > Super Sound > Немного фактов с каких лент и с использованием каких подручных инструментов сделаны CD мистера Пола Маккартни!, Информация от мистера Стива Хоффмана (типа, спрашивали - отвечам!)

Posted by: runo on 28-01-2006, 21:40
Немного фактов с каких лент и с использованием каких подручных инструментов сделаны CD мистера Пола Маккартни:

Here are some facts:

First British CD issues used the original master tapes without any signal processing whatsoever.

Second British CD issues used the original master tapes with No-Noise and a great deal of other signal processing.

The DCC issues used the original master tapes without any signal processing but played back through a proper machine.

ALL CD ISSUES USE THE SAME BRITISH MASTER TAPES, it's just the mastering that differs. I believe the DCC's sound the best (duh) but the first British CD issues are a good souvenir of the actual sound of the master tapes.

These albums were recorded without Dolby A and can sound a bit hissy if aggressive EQ is used. A (shi*ty) mastering trick that they used on the second CD series is to No-Noise the hell out of the tapes and then boost the de-noised top end which results in a really bad sounding CD that "pumps" like crazy. Also, there is a bass boost on the second British CD set that makes everything sound bloated.

Bottom line, if one cannot find the DCC's, the original British CD issues are THE ones to covet. I can't believe they are too hard to find; most people dumped them in favor of the "remasters". Their loss.

Please ask me not about the US Capitol CD's. I have no idea their sources.

The Columbia CD's used USA Capitol EQ dubs to make their versions. (The Columbia stamp is right on the USA Capitol tapes). SO, only a collector should worry about these.

The original British LP's used the same master tapes as the British CD's. The USA Capitol LP's used EQ dubs.

If I remember correctly only WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND was mixed with Dolby A. All of the earlier British master tapes are non-Dolby (thank God).

So, without reading this thread I think I have covered the salient points? Wait, the thread title is McCartney & RAM? Hmmm. A&R Studios mix, 1/2 out of phase (nothing can be done because of all the pre-mixes). Master mixes used FLAT for the DCC Gold CD version, played back on an ATR-100-2 with dedicated tube amplifiers. Same for all the other McCartney DCC's except SPEED OF SOUND which was mastered from a straight STUDER with stock ATR-100 electronics.

Hope this helps.

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