> Azureus December 6, 2007, багфиксы
 LF_ Member is Offline
 Posted: 28-06-2005, 20:03 (post 1, #435766)

Hand of Doom
Group: Roots
Group: Roots
Posts: 17384 - June 27, 2005
New Features:

Core | DHT torrent lookup now based on sha1(hash) and torrent xfer encrypted using hash-derived key
Core | More aggressive banning of peers sending bad data - algorithm change and block-banning feature
Core | Support for multiple DHT networks on same port
Core | Introduced "passive torrents" - these are tracked but not downloaded
Core | Category setting functions added to "My Tracker"
Core | Added ability to make plugin config ui components invisible
UI | Average peer speed for swarm column added
Plug | Plugin interface extension to allow per-plugin torrent-attributes
Plug | Plugin ResourceDownload feature for accessing content-type

Core | Improved optimistic unchoke anti-leech algorithms
Core | CVS versions run multiple DHTs to permit validations of changes
Core | DHT anti-spoof for cache forwards
Core | DHT mechanisms for flood prevention
Core | Added local tracker url to torrents when hosting external torrents
Core | Hosted torrents now become "passively tracked" when their corresponding download is removed
Core | More pro-active injection of DHT scrapes for torrents with failing trackers
Plug | More JPC plugin enhancements to help reduce cache server load
Corrected bugs:

Core | DHT protocol version logic fixes
Core | Fix for 100% cpu when more than 60 connections are registered with a selector under buggy network stacks
Core | Invalid listen port configuration would prevent Azureus from starting
Core | Added hooks to catch Windows shutdown events to allow graceful Azureus exit
Core | Fix for start-stopped non-simple torrents showing data-missing error on restart
Core | Fix for drag-n-drop SWT exceptions blocking Azureus startup
Core | Fixed up "interested" message for downloads with "do not download" files
UI | Categories not being correctly displayed when torrents transit between downloading and seeding

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 DarkWizard Member is Offline
 Posted: 08-07-2005, 08:14 (post 2, #439079)


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Posts: 49
К сожалению новая версия ( оказалась глюкава :help:
При одновременной закачке более 4 торрентов, особенно если на них много сидов/пиров и скорость закачки более 200-300кб/с Azureus начинает ругаться на проблемы с чтением/записью дисковых буферов. Торрент при этом "краснеет" и останавливается. До решения проблемы пришлось пока откатиться на Что характерно, эта ошибка вылезла только вчера, когда я поставил в закачку 5 торрентов, если тянуть по 1-3 торрента то все ок. Кстати может кто посоветут хороший bittorent-клиент под Linux ? Если новый Azureus настроить не удасться придется искать ему замену
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 LF_ Member is Offline
 Posted: 08-07-2005, 16:54 (post 3, #439196)

Hand of Doom
Group: Roots
Group: Roots
Posts: 17384
Говорят, что http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MLDonkey рулит...
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 DarkWizard Member is Offline
 Posted: 08-07-2005, 20:42 (post 4, #439250)


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Posts: 49
попробую в понедельниу MLdomkey. а пока старая версия azureus, стабильно тянет 230-250 кб/с и чуть больше отдает (270-300к) я не зажимаю ап, наоборот, стараюсь отдать побольше, как показала практика, чем больше отдаешь тем быстрей сам качаеш :)
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 LF_ Member is Offline
 Posted: 08-07-2005, 20:50 (post 5, #439254)

Hand of Doom
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Posts: 17384
Я как-то прибывал в уверенности, что для виндов его нет, но пока искал линк - с удивлением узнал, что теперь бегает и на виндах, да еще и GUI имеет вполне приличный... В тяжелой задумчивости - ибо один клиент на ВСЕ сети, это звучит заманчиво...

user posted image

GUI http://sancho-gui.sourceforge.net/
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 DarkWizard Member is Offline
 Posted: 08-07-2005, 20:59 (post 6, #439256)


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Posts: 49
Да, было бы удобно, а то приходится юзать 2 клиента (amule & azureus) мул, и вообще сеть ed2k. хорош тем что там можно найти практически все и релизы держатся месяцами и годами. Но скорость там... :( До появления торрента, образа ДВД я качал месяцами, вплоть до полгода. Торрент же хорош своей скоростью, но релизы живут недолго, максимум 2-3 недели, если опоздал скачать почти нереально :(

This post has been edited by DarkWizard on 09-07-2005, 05:34
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 DarkWizard Member is Offline
 Posted: 08-07-2005, 21:13 (post 7, #439261)


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Posts: 49
В прошлом году пробовал MLdonkey (кстати он не требует X-ов и может запускаться как "демон") Когда много источников качал хорошо, но если файл редкий, то он проигрывал мулу, видимо тут играет роль "кредитная система" мула. Как торрент-клиента я его не юзал, ничего не могу сказать, да еще вопрос как отнесутся трекеры если я попытаюсь к ним законнектиться таким клиентом
кстати при "прочих равных" линух лучше работает с сетью, скорость закачки/отдачи выше чем у винды на 20-40 %

This post has been edited by DarkWizard on 09-07-2005, 05:32
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 WoW Member is Offline
 Posted: 10-07-2005, 07:55 (post 8, #439863)


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ох я в него пару дней поигрался(под виндузу, санчо и последний коре) но не бывает так, чтоб все сразу и работало. Закачку не завершил, постоянно куски докачивал, ну его в баню- неудобный(не показывает статистику отделных закачек) и кривой.
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 LF_ Member is Offline
 Posted: 10-07-2005, 17:08 (post 9, #439970)

Hand of Doom
Group: Roots
Group: Roots
Posts: 17384
Да, меня тоже не поразил - источники в осле ищет плохо, гнутеллу тоже на увидел... На торренте не пробовал - ибо сил было мало... Хотя вроде все, что пробовал - докачалось без проблем...
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 admik Member is Offline
 Posted: 10-07-2005, 19:08 (post 10, #440015)

флуд и труд
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на торенте файлы нельзя банить и т.д.

но перспектива имеется :)
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-08-2007, 20:18 (post 11, #772577)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
Azureus August 17, 2007

FEATURE: Core | Act on suspend/resume events on Windows [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Added new AZ message to inform of bad pieces [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Added new stacked HAVE message to reduce peer-peer overhead [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | IPv6 support - dht, version server, tracker and improved transport [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | New "Torrent" menu in the menu bar [amc1]
FEATURE: UI | New "Piece Distribution" subview in the pieces tab [The 8472]
FEATURE: UI | Auto-speed ping views in Tools->Statistics->Transfers when Auto Speed is enabled [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | "Clear Resume Data" menu option added [amc1]
FEATURE: UI | "Clear remembered save paths" option added (for the Open Torrent dialog) [amc1]

CHANGE: Core | Optimise memory usage for single-file downloads [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Optimise memory usage for queued torrents (no need to keep resume data in memory) [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Much better peer ID identification code added, many more clients now correctly identified [amc1]
CHANGE: Core | Changes made to identify some "fake" clients (or other clients which identify themselves in a problematic way) [amc1]
CHANGE: Core | Biased optimistic disconnect slightly against leechy peers [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | Core changes in some places to allow "Default save path" to be used without requiring "Use default data dir" to be enabled [hasturkun]
CHANGE: Core | Reduce CPU usage when many (queued) torrents are present and in the the pieces view [The 8472]
CHANGE: Core | *nix: New startup script to detect Gecko/XULRunner and to allow better restarting [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | UL/DL speed selection on right click of status bar changed from menu to scale widget. [TuxPaper]
Usage: (1) MouseDown+Drag+MouseUp (2) Click+Move+Click (3) Click+type number+Enter
CHANGE: UI | Open Torrent Window now asks to create directories if they don't exist yet, instead of evilly auto-creating them when you click the Browse button [The 8472]
CHANGE: UI | Added download status, distributed copies and completed piece count to the General torrent view [amc1, The 8472]
CHANGE: UI | User Comment field more useful in General torrent view - easy edit link, hyperlink formatting, auto-resizing [amc1]
CHANGE: UI | "Show Transfer Bar" menu option is now a checkbox menu item - so you can now hide the transfer bar using the menu item [amc1]
CHANGE: Plug | Added setVisible method for plugin menu items [amc1]

BUGFIX: Core | Fixed bug where renaming a download for a single file torrent would sometimes cause data to get out of sync and cause file errors [amc1]
BUGFIX: Core | Allow pipelined http seed requests to switch torrents [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Bootstrap DHT better when no contacts [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fixed bug where renaming a download in some conditions would generate "Target is sub-directory" errors [amc1]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed swarm view rendering bug where some incomplete peers were shown as full circles [The 8472]
BUGFIX: Plug | Fixed bug where previously removed child menu items would still be present when generating some menus [amc1]
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 korneliy Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-08-2007, 20:35 (post 12, #772584)

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Posts: 5462
Чего ты решил, что это бета? Это полноценный релиз. :)

Posted By: nolar
Date: 2007-08-17 07:57
Summary: Azureus Released !

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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-08-2007, 20:48 (post 13, #772589)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
fixed, видимо по ошибке приписал :hi:
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-12-2007, 20:11 (post 14, #803860)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
Azureus December 6, 2007

New Features:

* Core | Reconnect to peers after unexpected disconnect / recover stats of recently disconnected peers
* Core | Global download speed limit can also limit the number of outgoing requests, this should improve TCP performance
* Core | IP binding now provides primitive round-robin load balancing for users with multiple internet connections; accepts interface names and IPv6 binding (if supported on the platform)
* Core | Embed ChangeLog.txt in release jar
* UI | Column menu option to automatically put contents of cell into the tooltip
* UI | Piece distribution view is now also available as a peer subview
* UI | Added 'time remaining' column to peers view
* UI | Added option to suppress file download dialog
* UI | Various progress reports have been unified; main status bar can display progress for certain processes now
* Plug | Plugins can now change the color of rows
* Plug | Plugins can add configuration colour parameters


* Core | Attempt to re-open a file when access fails to try and recover from a transient error
* Core | Auto speed default is now the new 'beta' (v2) algorithm
* Core | Revised piece picking code to deal better with some edge cases and snubbed peers
* Core | Share Ratio/min Seeds ignore rule now applies even when no tracker scrape is available
* UI | Added private torrent indicator to the general tab
* UI | Logging Consoles now have regex-based filters
* UI | Tweaked table views to use a bit less memory and run better when items are being quickly removed/added

Corrected bugs:

* UI | Don't hang UI redraw if file access is slow
* UI | Fixed inconsistencies in the Torrent Open Dialog related to renaming and retargeting files and directories

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