Muddy Waters - 1964 Folk Singer, MFSL GOLD UDCD 593
 OlCh Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 30-01-2006, 16:13 (post 1, #539431)


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Muddy Waters - Folk Singer. MFSL GOLD UDCD 593
Артист: Muddy Waters
Альбом: Folk Singer. MFSL GOLD UDCD 593,
Жанр: Blues Revival, Delta Blues, Acoustic-Electric Chicago Blues.........
Формат файла: eac-log-cue-flac-scans-rar
Ссылка: CD 92 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
даже если кто и не любит почти "root folk-blues" скачайте и зацените что можно сделать с записью 1963 года - редкой красоты альбом :D
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 30-01-2006, 16:14 (post 2, #539432)


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Muddy Waters - 1964 Folk Singer [MFSL GOLD UDCD 593]

by server_alliance

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thanks to runo for rip, thanks to other friends for help :)

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Review by Cub Koda
Muddy's "unplugged" album was cut in September of 1963 and still sounds fresh and vital today. It was Muddy simply returning to his original style on a plain acoustic guitar in a well-tuned room with Willie Dixon on string bass, Clifton James on drums, and Buddy Guy on second acoustic guitar. The nine tracks are divvied up between full rhythm section treatments with Buddy and Muddy as a duo and the final track, "Feel Like Going Home," which Waters approaches solo. What makes this version of the album a worthwhile buy is the inclusion of five bonus tracks from his next two sessions: An April 1964 session brings us Willie Dixon's "The Same Thing" and Muddy's "You Can't Lose What You Never Had," while the October 1964 session features J.T. Brown on sax and clarinet on "Short Dress Woman" and "My John the Conqueror Root," as well as "Put Me in Your Lay Away," another strong side. Folk Singer offers both sides of Muddy from the early '60s.

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 joker0x Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 30-01-2006, 16:52 (post 3, #539454)


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 runo Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 30-01-2006, 17:11 (post 4, #539472)

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Feb 10, 1994
Richmond Times - Dispatch - Richmond, Va., by Patrick McCarty

Continuing the theme of last week's column, Mobile Fidelity's new Gain System is used on both its digital gold plated 24-karat CDs and on its re- entry into audiophile LPs. The debut recording for dual formats is Muddy Waters' "Folk Singer." First released in 1963, it remains one of Waters' finest efforts.

While both formats are excellent, there is a distinctly warmer hue to the vinyl. The LPs are pressed on 200 grams of high-definition vinyl. Both formats provide great detail. Vocal and guitar nuances are immediate. The vinyl draws a slightly finer line by sounding more natural. When [WATERS] drops to a low- down moan or lifts to a shouting refrain, his vocal timbre remains more consistent on vinyl than CD. Each format offers a pristine recording. There is a definite brightness on the CD. If you prefer bright, choose the CD.

A plus for the CD is the inclusion of the two bonus tracks "You Can't Lose What You Never Had" and "The Same Thing," which include the great Otis Spann on piano. Waters is comfortable and relaxed. Phrases are never rushed. [Buddy Guy]'s guitar plays in great sympathy to Waters' vocals, adding impact and enhancing Waters' delivery. Guitar leads flow behind Waters' voice. Open sounding with a superb complement of acoustic and electric instrumentation, "Folk Singer" is a grand listen.

И еще:

"It delivers Water's voice... with such realism, you would think you were sitting in the studio." - Rolling Stone

"This is the one they've all been talking about, and it's possibly the best sounding blues CD ever." - Hi-Fi News & Record Review

"Folk Singer demonstrates what is possble in the CD medium." - The Absolute Sound

"Talk about ambience... you can hear the damned chairs creacking on this stuff. A big gold star for Mobile Fidelity." - Goldmine

"... you will notice a startling difference in sound clarity on this recording versus any other CD in your collection." - The Montgomery Express

"... the clearest, most tangible, dimentional and UNDIGITAL CD sound I've ever heard." - Stereophile

Как говорится, к выступлению предыдущего оратора добавить мне больше нечего. Это просто одна из самых лучших аккустических записей, которые я когда-либо слышал!

Enjoy! :lol:
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 Shiza Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 31-01-2006, 01:09 (post 5, #539861)

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