Voice Actor's Guide to Recording at Home and On the Road, By Jeffrey P. Fisher, Harlan Hogan
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Jeffrey P. Fisher, Harlan Hogan - Voice Actor's Guide to Recording at Home and On the Road
Автор: Jeffrey P. Fisher, Harlan Hogan
Название: Voice Actor's Guide to Recording at Home and On the Road
Формат: PDF 304 Pages/RAR
Объем: 6.67 Mb
Обменник линк
For many years, recording voiceovers was the exclusive domain of commercial studios. Even a simple voice audition meant a trip to a studio, an ad agency, or an agent’s office. Today voiceover actors are increasingly producing voice tracks for corporate narration, radio spots, animation, games, and other dialogue projects from their own home studios. Many have learned that to survive in this highly competitive field, they need to learn and master basic home recording production techniques. "The Voice Actor's Guide to Recording at Home and On the Road, Second Edition" shows both aspiring and established voiceover actors how to set up and effectively use their own inexpensive -- but professional-sounding -- personal recording studio to make professional-quality home recordings quickly and easily. Everything is covered to help you get auditions and jobs, from setting up your studio with the right hardware and software, recording at home, and production basics, to promotion, podcasting, and advanced production. This new edition of this bestselling bible for voiceover home recording has been completely updated to cover all the exciting new technology and delivery options currently available.

About the Author

Jeffery P. Fisher provides audio, video, music, writing, training, and media production services. He also teaches audio and video production at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, and writes extensively about music, sound, and video for print and the Web. He is the author of eight books, including Instant Sound Forge, Moneymaking Music, Ruthless Self-Promotion in the Music Industry, and Profiting from Your Music and Sound Project Studio.
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 twister p
 Posted: 23-01-2012, 09:50 (post 2, #1043394)


А можно, пожалуйста, снова выложить эту книжку? По указанной ссылке уже недоступна, а очень хочется :rolleyes: Спасибо!
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