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   Miles Davis - 1986 Tutu, 2002 Warner DVD-Audio 24/96 5.1 + 2.0 + DD5.1
 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-11-2007, 19:26 (post 1, #791439)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
Miles Davis - Tutu 1986,
Артист: Miles Davis
Альбом: Tutu 1986,, 2002
Издатель: Warner
Жанр: Jazz, Fusion
Формат файла: ISO (DVD-5 ripped with DVDFab)
Ссылка 1: CD 1 126 clicks
Ссылка 2: CD 2 87 clicks
Ссылка 3: CD 3
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
Примечание: диск содержит воду / contains watermarks
спасибо ув. hud за релиз в торренте, а также user posted image за предоставленный релиз! :hi:
за предоставленные обложки отдельное спасибо JaggerV :freu:

Кто скачал в торренте, переименуйте ИСО-шник в Miles.Davis-Tutu.DVD-Audio.2002.Full.Image.iso и поддержите в осле плиз :)

1. Tutu
2. Tomaas
3. Portia
4. Splatch
5. Backyard Ritual
6. Perfect Way
7. Don't Love Your Mind
8. Full Nelson
Please take a second to encourage releaser for all his hard work, press 'Thanks' button
The following members said 'Спасибо!': Alextref, der spunk, Raven, Shy Beast, isaakvon, SonofBertie, Гордый, wulfman, base5, black876, k-dmitriy, kars1954
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-11-2007, 19:30 (post 2, #791441)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
Dolby Digital 5.1 (448Kb/s)

MLP 96/24 5.1
MLP 96/24 2.0

Main Menu Introduction
Biographies-Cast-Miles Davis

Original producer, Executive Producer: Tommy LiPuma & Marcus Miller
Original engineered & mixing by Eric Calvi at Atlantic Studios
Original Mastering by Doug Sax at Mastering Lab

DVD-Audio Producer: David May
DVD-Audio Production Coordinator: Penny Marciano
DVD-Audio Mastering Bob Ludvig, Gateway Mastering
Surround Sound mix by Bill Schnee


Legendary jazz trumpeter Miles Davis (1926-1991) is so influential that many other famous jazz musicians are linked to him - either because they have played with him or for him, or they have been inspired by him. The list of musicians who have been part of his band read like a Who's Who of Jazz: Gil Evans, John Coltrane, Bill Evans, Cannonball Adderley, Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Chick Corea, and Billy Cobham are but a few names of former band members who became famous in their own right. His career spans nearly 50 years from the 1940s to the 1990s and he was part of nearly every important innovation in jazz during that period. And yet his playing style is quite distinctive - lyrical, introspective and melodic, and yet with a blistering intensity.

Many of Miles' best albums are with the Columbia label, including Kind Of Blue, Sketches of Spain and many others. In 1986, he switched labels to Warner and Tutu is his first Warner album, winning him his fourth Grammy for Best Jazz Instrumental Performance.

It is a somewhat controversial album, since it is highly engineered and overdubbed with a heavy synth backdrop. Most of the other instruments are overdubbed and played by producer Marcus Miller. There are a few guest musicians including Paulinho da Costa (percussion) on several tracks, George Duke (keyboards) in Backyard Blues, Omar Hakim (drums and percussion) on Tomaas and Michael Urbaniak (electric violin) on Don't Lose Your Mind.

Most of the songs can be described as "moody but funky". I prefer early Miles, but this is quite listenable. Sony has been remastering and releasing most of Miles' albums on Super Audio CD in recent years, so I suspect this is Warner's attempt at stealing some of the thunder.

Превосходный альбом! Первый записанный в Ворнер у Дейвиса. Только, по-моему, он больше Маркуса Миллера, чем Майлза, учитывая, что Миллер здесь всё сочинил, почти на всех инструментах при записи сыграл и аранжировки также его. Короче, грубо говоря диск его. Понятно, участие Майлза в записи также очень велико!

Радикально отличающийся в содержательном и техническом плане диск от уже проходившего у нас "Кайнд оф блу"! Причём джазовым, как пишут во многих местах, я бы его никак не назвал, в отличие от второго.
Концептуальный альбом (кстати, один из последних у Дейвиса, за который он получил очередную Грэмми) сведён на отлично! Bill Schnee смог помочь передать слушателю с помощью микса всё силу музыки этого диска! Но, к моему очень небольшому сожалению, был недостаточно смел при выборе концепции сведения. Считаю, что мог сделать ещё замороченнее, абстрактнее...

Содержание тут мне нравится куда больше того же Майлза в Кайн оф блу! Скорее это из-за Миллера.
Нравятся все вещи. Джаз-прог-роковый седьмой трек Don't Love Your Mind мне вообще срывает крышу.

Советую всем искушённым и нет!

Немного инфы по созданию альбома по ссылке -

Музыка - 15 баллов
Сведение - 9.

DVD-Audio Sound Review
There are three audio tracks on this disc: MLP 5.1 96/24 and MLP 2.0 96/24 on the DVD-Audio portion, and Dolby Digital 5.1 (448Kb/s) on the DVD-Video portion. A Linear PCM and dts 5.1 track would have been nice additions.

First of all, the CD. The copy that I have is the original release, circa 1986. Digital audio mastering technology was still in its infancy then, and the CD sounds very dull and muffled by today's standards.

By comparison, the MLP 2.0 track is a revelation! Forgive me for using the well worn cliché, but listening to the high resolution remastering is exactly like lifting a velvet curtain off my speakers. This remastering really brings out the dynamics and punchiness of the recording, with real improvements in deep bass and high frequencies. Cymbals sound scintillating. The drums and bass kicks out across the room. Compared to the CD, it is about 3dB louder but then the CD is recorded at a soft level by today's standards.

The MLP 5.1 is equally as impressive, featuring a discrete surround remix from the original multi-track. Most of the music is carried by the front left and right speakers, with the centre channel used as an ambience filler. Various instruments are placed into the rear speakers, mostly percussion and synth but also including the occasional rhythm guitar.

Track 7 (Don't Lose Your Mind) features some imaginative panning of instruments and sound effects across all speakers and is quite enjoyable to listen to - certainly far more enjoyable to the (by comparison) "boring" stereo version!

The subwoofer is used effectively to support the low frequency portion of the music, but deep bass is also present in the front left and right channels.

The Dolby Digital 5.1 audio track definitely does not sound as crisp and punchy as the MLP 5.1 audio track.
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 hud Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-11-2007, 19:48 (post 3, #791455)


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Posts: 343
QUOTE (yury_usa @ 02-11-2007, 19:26)

обложек, увы, нет :drag:

Обещали сделать.
Как только так сразу... :wink:

спасибо ув. hud за релиз в торренте
Отдаю долги ув. нетлабовцам :hi:

This post has been edited by hud on 02-11-2007, 19:51
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 kokiku Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-11-2007, 20:31 (post 4, #791477)


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Posts: 3676
QUOTE (yury_usa @ 02-11-2007, 19:26)
Кто скачал в торренте, переименуйте ИСО-шник в Miles.Davis-Tutu.DVD-Audio.2002.Full.Image.iso и поддержите в осле плиз :)
Поддержу в раздаче.
Но зачем переименовывать для мула? Мулу название как раз по барабану. Как ты его в топике назвал, так он первое время и поплывёт.
А вот, после переименовывания, в торренте уже не подержишь.
Или я не прав? :rolleyes:
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 fchef Member is Offline
 Posted: 03-11-2007, 00:59 (post 5, #791583)


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Posts: 70
are there any scans included please?
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 03-11-2007, 07:22 (post 6, #791686)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
QUOTE (fchef @ 02-11-2007, 16:59)
are there any scans included please?
added covers link / добавлена ссылка на обложки - спасибо JaggerV :hi:
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 antonellocaroli Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-11-2007, 21:25 (post 7, #793554)


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Posts: 9
I have a problem in to unload the CD 3 ..... it postpones Me to a page where he/she asks me the password....
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 antonellocaroli Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-11-2007, 21:32 (post 8, #793558)


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Posts: 9
Ah OK! CD 3 it is the link for the download of the torrent?
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-11-2007, 21:41 (post 9, #793561)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
Yes, you are correct. It is exactly the same as shared in ed2k network :)
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 wulfman Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-11-2007, 01:56 (post 10, #793942)


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Posts: 3
How on earth do i burn this one.
With or without watermarks and how ? :help:
Tried with imgburn without success.
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-11-2007, 02:01 (post 11, #793943)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
you should use imgburn. It will still contain watermarks, so you will not be able to play it on standalone player (unless your DVD player does not care about watermarks) :hi:
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 wulfman Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-11-2007, 10:30 (post 12, #793996)


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Posts: 3
Thnx 4 the answer Yuru.
I tried it with clone dvd without succes so it must be my player then. :(
Damn it.
Thnx 4 the effort and the kind answer.


This post has been edited by wulfman on 11-11-2007, 10:30
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 SonofBertie Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-11-2007, 12:15 (post 13, #794020)


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I played it on my Pioneer DVd-Audio player but Miles plays for 30 seconds then stops-damn watermarks. The DD is still nice on the computer. Thanks Yury. Does anyone know how to crack the watermarks?-I guess it would be done if it could be done.

This post has been edited by SonofBertie on 11-11-2007, 12:16
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 Гордый Member is Offline
   Posted: 13-12-2007, 22:46 (post 14, #804516)

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А меня вот качество только растроило... :(
Мало того что дудки, да ещё качество не лучше посредственного CD! :pig:
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 13-12-2007, 22:52 (post 15, #804519)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
QUOTE (Гордый @ 13-12-2007, 14:46)
А меня вот качество только растроило... :(
Мало того что дудки, да ещё качество не лучше посредственного CD! :pig:
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