> Pink Floyd / Live At KQED Studios 1970, Варезрелиз от Complexity
 AngryTau Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-07-2007, 09:56 (post 1, #763938)

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Posts: 2121
Pink Floyd Live At KQED Studios 1970
Исполнитель: Pink Floyd
Альбом: Live At KQED Studios 1970 , 1989
Жанр: Rock
Информация о диске: сжатие Без сжатия, разм. 3.44Gb, Video:NTSC 4:3, Audio:DD 2.0 192 Kbps
Ссылка: Link NEW!
Shortly before the band released Atom Heart Mother, the band performed their current set for the cameras of public broadcasters KQED. The original master was thought to have been lost and the surviving footage has long been the preserve of bootleggers. This is the first time KQED has given their official consent to the release of the footage - essential viewing for any Pink Floyd fan.

This post has been edited by AngryTau on 09-07-2007, 18:18
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