> Keith Jarrett - Invocations & The moth and the flame, Найдено в сети
 sastre Member is Offline
 Posted: 23-04-2004, 01:02 (post 1, #253216)


Group: Members
Posts: 1940
Артист:Keith Jarrett
Альбом:Invocations & The moth and the flame, 1981
Формат файла:ape + covers
Ссылка:CD 12 clicks
Примечание:Спасибы за рип уходят jemenfous by eShock e2k cc

1. Invocations-First (Solo Voice) (Jarrett) - 5:21
2. Invocations-Second (Mirages, Realities) (Jarrett) - 8:58
3. Invocations-Third (Power, Resolve) (Jarrett) - 7:32
4. Invocations-Fourth (Shock, Scatter) (Jarrett) - 6:48
5. Invocations-Fifth (Recognition) (Jarrett) - 5:04
6. Invocations-Sixth (Celebration) (Jarrett) - 5:33
7. Invocations-Seventh (Solo Voice) (Jarrett) - 3:04
8. The Moth and the Flame, Pt. 1 (Jarrett) - 6:58
9. The Moth and the Flame, Pt. 2 (Jarrett) - 5:36
10. The Moth and the Flame, Pt. 3 (Jarrett) - 8:23
11. The Moth and the Flame, Pt. 4 (Jarrett) - 8:07
12. The Moth and the Flame, Pt. 5 (Jarrett) - 9:42

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