Артист: |
Big Audio Dynamite |
Альбом: |
Planet BAD-Greatest Hits, 1995 |
Издатель: |
Sony music |
Жанр: |
Alternative/punk rock |
Формат файла: |
eac-ape |
Ссылка: |
CD |
Нахождение: |
eDonkey |
Culling together tracks chosen from a decade's (and seven albums') worth of material, Planet BAD serves as a focused, well-chosen compilation of Mick Jones' post-Clash outfit. Although neither as critically or commercially successful as the Clash, Big Audio Dynamite's blend of rock and dance music, with a generous dose of samples, was a fixture on college radio in the mid- to late '80s with tracks like "E=MC2," "The Bottom Line," and "C'mon Every Beatbox" (all included here). The band even managed to make a foray onto the U.S. Top 40 charts in 1992 with the infectious "Rush." With his place already secure in rock annals, Jones' work with BAD was much more lighthearted, but it cannily anticipated the influence electronics and technology would have on music. Despite the dated feel of some of Planet BAD, it's also undeniable that the band was a more interesting venture than it was sometimes given credit. |
01. Big Audio Dynamite [BAD] / The Bottom Line [0:03:46.40]
02. Big Audio Dynamite [BAD] / E [0:05:58.57]
03. Big Audio Dynamite [BAD] / Medicine Show [0:06:33.00]
04. Big Audio Dynamite [BAD] / C'Mon Every Beatbox [0:04:32.18]
05. Big Audio Dynamite [BAD] / V. Thirteen [0:04:40.50]
06. Big Audio Dynamite [BAD] / Sightsee M.C! [0:04:57.25]
07. Big Audio Dynamite [BAD] / Just Play Music! [0:04:12.22]
08. Big Audio Dynamite [BAD] / Other 99 [0:04:28.48]
09. Big Audio Dynamite [BAD] / Contact [0:04:13.32]
10. Big Audio Dynamite [BAD] / Free [0:03:32.08]
11. Big Audio Dynamite II / Rush [0:03:11.20]
12. Big Audio Dynamite II / The Globe [0:03:47.30]
13. Big Audio Dynamite II / Looking For A Song [0:03:46.55]
14. Big Audio Dynamite II / Harrow Road [0:03:42.67]
15. Big Audio Dynamite II / I Turned Out A Punk [0:03:47.63]
Code Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 3 from 28. July 2007
EAC extraction logfile from 17. September 2007, 22:29
Big Audio Dynamite [BAD] / Planet BAD - Greatest Hits
Used drive : Optiarc DVD RW AD-7170A Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure Utilize accurate stream : Yes Defeat audio cache : Yes Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 48 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : Internal WAV Routines Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0:00.00 | 3:46.40 | 0 | 16989 2 | 3:46.40 | 5:58.57 | 16990 | 43896 3 | 9:45.22 | 6:33.00 | 43897 | 73371 4 | 16:18.22 | 4:32.18 | 73372 | 93789 5 | 20:50.40 | 4:40.50 | 93790 | 114839 6 | 25:31.15 | 4:57.25 | 114840 | 137139 7 | 30:28.40 | 4:12.22 | 137140 | 156061 8 | 34:40.62 | 4:28.48 | 156062 | 176209 9 | 39:09.35 | 4:13.32 | 176210 | 195216 10 | 43:22.67 | 3:32.08 | 195217 | 211124 11 | 46:55.00 | 3:11.20 | 211125 | 225469 12 | 50:06.20 | 3:47.30 | 225470 | 242524 13 | 53:53.50 | 3:46.55 | 242525 | 259529 14 | 57:40.30 | 3:42.67 | 259530 | 276246 15 | 61:23.22 | 3:47.63 | 276247 | 293334
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\Big Audio Dynamite [BAD] - Planet BAD - Greatest Hits.by.rat.eac-ape.covers\Big Audio Dynamite [BAD] - Planet BAD - Greatest Hits.by.rat.eac-ape.covers.wav
Peak level 99.9 % Range quality 99.9 % Copy CRC C154BCC4 Copy OK
No errors occurred
End of status report |
This post has been edited by rat24 on 30-03-2012, 10:04