Karajan-VPO - 1959.60 R.Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra, etc, 2000 Decca Legends 466-388
 Елена Нетлабская Member is Offline
 Posted: 03-01-2007, 10:40 (post 1, #696867)


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Herbert von Karajan - Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - Richard Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra, etc
Артист: Herbert von Karajan - Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Альбом: Richard Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra, etc, 2000
Издатель: Decca / 466388-2
Жанр: Classical, Orchestral Music
Формат файла: eac-cue-log-wv-scans-iso
Ссылка: CD 108 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
спасибо нашим мальчикам :clap:

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Karajan Rules, March 29, 2004
Reviewer: A music fan
This is simply a document of just how high a standard an orchestra can achieve. Recorded before the disastrous fall out between the Vienna State Opera and Karajan. This is simply the finest recordings of this set of tone poems from Richard Strauss..bar none! For Horn players this is a special treat and nowhere on earth will you hear such incredible horn work.
Somehow with other orchestras these pieces can come off either as vulgar or sloppy. Karjan and Vienna worked in these John Culshaw/DECCA productions towards a goal of utmost perfection..AND ACHIEVE IT!
If you compare with Szell, these recording easily bypass Cleveland's foray into these repetoire by sounding human and even in places WARM...something the CBC Szell recordings possessed little of.
Save the waste and get Karajan...these are splendid transfers with excellent playing in all departments

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as expected, it's excellent, April 16, 2000
Reviewer: Ray & Vhie Barnes (Surrey, British Columbia Canada)
It is quite remarkable that Also Sprach Zarathustra was originally recorded in March, 1959, the digital remastering makes it sound like a brand new recording. The percussion here and in Till Eulenspiegel is very crisp. The performances are pretty well self-recommending. On Track 7 there is a glissando by the Vienna Philharmonic strings that makes you shake your head in disbelief. This recording is also enhanced by the excellent documentation, including the Herculean efforts by the engineers some 40 years ago to dub the organ parts, which were played at a nearby church (there was no organ at the Sofiensaal). The organ had to be re-tuned to the VPO's pitch. Quite fascinating reading indeed.
I won't go so far as to say this is the one to have for this music, as Karajan's 1974 recording with the BPO of all 4 of these items is pretty great in its own right. I think Michel Schwalbe's solo violin contribution in the latter recording might tip the scales in its favour, but that's admittedly splitting hairs. Fritz Reiner's famous recording in Chicago, and Haitink, and Kempe in Dresden - just to name a few - can rub shoulders with either of the Karajans. Nonetheless, this record is very welcome indeed and can be strongly recommended, especially at medium price

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