> Freenet Stable Build 5081
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 Posted: 14-05-2004, 22:26 (post 1, #261457)

Hand of Doom
Group: Roots
Group: Roots
Posts: 17384
Freenet stable build 5081 is now available. Please upgrade, unless you are running an unstable build. Users of the stable network should upgrade weekly on average. The snapshots are updating. You can get the new build by using freenet-webinstall.exe on Windows, or update.sh on Linux/*nix/MacOS X.

Don't forget to shut down the node before updating and start it up afterwards.
Changelog: Fixed lots of bugs:
* The routing table was being overrun by nodes with no contact details.
* Reseeding caused a NullPointerException and never worked (thanks
* Many inserts would never finish.
* Several inaccuracies fixed and improvements made to rate limiting.
* The "latest build" indicator was very easily spoofable. Now it is
rather less easy to spoof.
* Fproxy threads would hang forever if an exception happened during the
request, e.g. if out of disk space.
* We should cache late-arriving data, if we are still searching.
* hops.png had a border on some pages.
* Vary the minRequestInterval randomly slightly to prevent oscillation
(and make traffic analysis harder).
* build.xml will now build (with ant) everything, including
freenet-ext.jar, if you have the source for Contrib.
* Update CVS details in build.xml because sf changed the CVSROOT
* Don't send whether we are transient in our node reference. Firstly, it
is irrelevant: all that matters now is whether the node is
contactable; all nodes will either do their share or will be dropped
from people's routing tables. Secondly, it's a breach of privacy
(although a minor one given the first reason).
* DataSent was not being sent until after the padding had been sent,
when a SendData failed. This meant the parent state didn't know the
send had failed for some time, which could cause problems.
* Handle various unexpected or late messages better.
* Some minor refactoring, logging, indenting, comments, etc.
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