> Отечественный эквивалент Гарри Поттера, "Monday Starts on Saturday"
 muaddib Member is Offline
 Posted: 24-07-2005, 15:12 (post 1, #445233)

Kwizatz Haderach
Group: Netlab Soldier
Group: Netlab Soldier
Posts: 3553
"The Russian equivalent of Harry Potter: "A. and B. Strugatsky are by far the most famous Russian writers of science fiction. Their work influenced several generations of young Russians, opening up new horizons of intellectual freedom, combined with endless fun. "Monday Starts on Saturday", the Russian equivalent of "Harry Potter", was written 40 years earlier, and the whole business of dealing with magic happens in a scientific research facility rather than in the school. The main characters are young adults rather than school kids, but that doesn't make it any less funny!"

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 grif Member is Offline
 Posted: 24-07-2005, 15:31 (post 2, #445238)


Group: News makers
Posts: 12730
мне почему-то кажется , что понять "Понедельник" могут только выходцы из СССР , пожившие хоть чуть при советской власти .
да и сам Стругацкий считает , что вещь понятна только советским людям - нынешнее поколение уже не понимает .
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