> European Archive, Classical music archive (free!)
 otterhouse Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-02-2009, 13:31 (post 1, #877948)


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Posts: 5
Hello All,

Did anyone see the European Archive yet?


It's a collaboration of different European radio libraries.
At the the moment there are more then 800 classical Lp's
you can download for free. There are some real rare gem's in that
collection, like the Max Rostal Beethoven sonata's ($200 at Ebay!)
never issued on cd:


I uploaded some examples of the lp's on youtube, where I used the scans of the lp
for the video's:


I am very curious what you think of the collection, and what your favorite Lp is...


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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-02-2009, 17:03 (post 2, #877980)


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 otterhouse Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-02-2009, 21:28 (post 3, #878030)


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Posts: 5
Not in the Usa (although you can see the youtube movies ).
Outside the USA (Europe, Asia, Russia, Australia) the website should be accessible.
And eh.... Americans, never heard of Proxy servers?....

Are there people outside the USA who have trouble accessing the site?


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 FiL Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-02-2009, 22:20 (post 4, #878041)

Сварливый Мозг Клуба
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QUOTE (otterhouse @ 02-02-2009, 13:28)
Not in the Usa (although you can see the youtube movies ).
Why is that? Is there a big difference in copyright law?

And eh.... Americans, never heard of Proxy servers?....
Do you have a good list of fast and stable free proxy servers we can use over here?

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 drobovik Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-02-2009, 22:31 (post 5, #878046)

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Немного не в тему,но есть трекер только с классикой и саундтреками.
Построен на движке газель,ну чисто вата,только в серых тонах)))
Если кто большой любитель заинтересуется,то у меня ещё есть 2 инвайта
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-02-2009, 23:32 (post 6, #878061)


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Posts: 18021
И как оно там, с логами? Свои релизеры есть, или перекладывают с других? Было бы интересно :)
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 ilmarranen Member is Offline
 Posted: 03-02-2009, 00:53 (post 7, #878088)


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Европейский архив - супер!
2otterhouse Thanks.... biiiiiggG =)

2drobovik Оооо я бы не отказался. :rolleyes: Обещаю вести себя хорошо.
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 drobovik Member is Offline
 Posted: 03-02-2009, 01:11 (post 8, #878096)

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QUOTE (yury_usa @ 02-02-2009, 23:32)
И как оно там, с логами? Свои релизеры есть, или перекладывают с других? Было бы интересно :)
Я там не особо в курсе дела,была открыта рега-я и зашёл,толком не зная что это.Словно почувствовал.В принципе только там я нашёл двойник Вагнера,который безуспешно искал 2 года))Слил его и больше ничего не качал.Наблюдаю.Но если дела пойдут с таким-же прогрессом как и сейчас (недавно ввели отдельную страницу для сонограмм),то думаю всё у них получится))Хочешь попасть?Гмыло мне своё дай-попадёшь)))

2ilmarranen я к сожалению уже раздал инвайты ,сорри. :(
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 TopoGigio Member is Offline
 Posted: 04-02-2009, 17:40 (post 9, #878391)


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Hello Rolf...
...of Classical Music Chatterbox *** fame...
Without link here,then I add... :diablo:
It's a collaboration of different European radio libraries.
At the the moment there are more then 800 classical Lp's
you can download for free. There are some real rare gem's in that
collection, like the Max Rostal Beethoven sonata's ($200 at Ebay!)
never issued on cd:

Im not a poster here,but Ill give your posts a look,sure!
I like your efforts...:diablo:

Welcome!user posted image

This post has been edited by TopoGigio on 04-02-2009, 17:45
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 otterhouse Member is Offline
 Posted: 06-02-2009, 11:31 (post 10, #878840)


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Posts: 5
Note... At the moment, the "whole side" wave files on top are Raw unedited files. People mistake them for "the declicked and normalized" files. So please scroll down and you the the edited (and better sounding) files.

Thanks for your comments!

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