Hammerfall - Legacy of Kings, Power Metal
 Uzaren Member is Offline
 Posted: 31-12-2002, 00:20 (post 1, #67501)

Герой Асфальта
Group: Roots
Group: Roots
Posts: 18547
Альбом:Legacy of Kings, 1998
Жанр:Power Metal
Формат файла:EAC->APE
Ссылка:Hammerfall - Legacy of Kings 1 clicks
Примечание:Находиться на NNov Russian Server

1.Heeding the Call
2.Legacy of Kings
3.Let the Hammer Fall
5.Remember Yesterday
6.At The End Of The Rainbow
7.Back To Back
8.Stronger Than All
9.Warriors Of Faith
10.The Fallen One
Bonus Tracs
11.Eternal Dark
12.Stone Cold (live)
13.I Want Out
14.Man On The Silver Mountain...
15.The Metal Age

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