> (secret societies)Paris-The secret history of Jesuits(1975)
 red_gonzo Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-04-2005, 19:14 (post 1, #409419)


Group: Read Only
Posts: 218

This is Edmond Paris' shocking book The secret history of Jesuits (1975) which exposes Vatican's most powerful secret society known as Society of Jesus or simply the Jesuits. Paris follows the little known history of this military order of the Roman Catholic Church from its inception by Loyola to the present day. You will be surprised how this secret brotherhood has exerted great power behind the scenes by setting up or toppling kings, creating religious conflicts and tormenting wars. This unique book is also one of very rare books which reveal Vatican's sponsorship of the 3rd Reich and how Hitler was simply pursuing Vatican's long standing policy of purging out all of "heretics". After the death of pope John Paul II many people can't help to wonder how come even today Vatican is stronger than ever and still has millions of blind believers. This powerful book may hold some answers to this puzzle. 200 pages. A must read for everyone.

From the backcover:
Out of Europe a voice is heard from the secular world that documents historically the same information told to us by ex-priests. Edmond Paris boldly exposes the Vatican's involvment in world politics, intrigues, and the formenting of wars throughout history. It apears, beyond any doubt, that the Roman Catholic instution is not a Christian church and never was. Prophetically, she is the whore of Revelation 17 and 18. The poor Roman Catholic people have been betrayed by her and are facing spiritual disaster.

Paris.-.The.secret.history.of.Jesuits.(1975).pdf 0 clicks

Please share this book with others, add links on other forums as I don't know many of them.
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