> Phelps-Vatican Assassins(secret history of Vatican)(2004)
 red_gonzo Member is Offline
 Posted: 20-04-2005, 00:23 (post 1, #410209)


Group: Read Only
Posts: 218

This is Eric Jon Phelps's monumental book Vatican Assassins - Diabolical History of Society of Jesus 2nd Edition (2004) which is the biggest expose of Vatican's most powerful secret society known as the Society of Jesus or simply the Jesuits. The author spent many years gathering the pieces of this gigantic puzzle which connects many other secret groups such as Freemasonry, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, Club of Rome, Knights of Columbus, Illuminati, Mafia, CIA, KGB and many others. Phelps proves beyond doubt that the Jesuit order ultimately controls all these front groups which dominate world affairs such as banking and politics. This unique book delivers the complete history of this diabolical group of intellectuals who decide which king should rule and which king should be destroyed. The Jesuits have been the main instrument in the inquisition and are continuing the elimination of all "heretics" to the present day. Through their front groups they have created many conflicts and religious wars which in the end have only made them even more powerful than before. They have set up many schools and universities all over the world to indoctrinate future leaders, financiers and all kinds of religious manipulators. Their goal is nothing less than complete and total world domination. The means to achieve it have earned them the title of Vatican assassins because of their purging out of all who don't bow to the pope. An historical masterpiece, exposing the biggest conspiracy the world has ever known. Get to know intimately the fathers of such front groups as Illuminati and others. After reading this book you'll know exactly why all world leaders came to Vatican to bow to the dead pope John Paul II. Over 700 pages, many pictures. A must read for everyone.

From the Back Cover:
Vatican Assassins gives the past and present diabolical history of the Society of Jesus. Its Second Thirty Years' War (1914-1945), including the Jewish, Lutheran, Orthodox and Buddhist Holocausts, was vengeance for the Order's expulsion from Europe and Asia during 19th Century. Its Cold War was the continuation of the killing of "accursed heretics and liberals" pursuant to the Council of Trent - upheld by the Second Vatican Counsel - while using both the American and Soviet Empires to erect dictators worldwide who were secretly or openly loyal to the Pope. But President Kennedy attempted to end the Cold War prematurely, for which he paid with his life. In control of the Attorney General, the Justice Department and the FBI, New York Archbishops Spellman, Cooke, O'Connor and Egan have covered it up, thereby preventing justice from being served - until now!

Phelps.-.Vatican.Assassins.-.The.Diabolical.History.of.The.Society.of.Jesus.2nd.Edn.(2004).pdf 6 clicks

Also of great interest is the audio interview with the author:
Eric.Phelps.-.Vatican.assassins.1.rm 5 clicks
Eric.Phelps.-.Vatican.assassins.2.rm 1 clicks
Eric.Phelps.-.Vatican.assassins.3.rm 0 clicks
Eric.Phelps.-.Vatican.assassins.4.rm 2 clicks

Please share this book with others, add links on other forums as I don't know many of them.
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