> База данных Реактора, Все линки в одном файле , на момент его "смерти"
 Lord KiRon Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-05-2004, 08:19 (post 1, #263183)

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In.Memory.Of.ShareReactor.chm 0 clicks

Линк нашел на форуме ^RuVideo^ , публикую тут ибо думаю что заинтересует многих .
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 serzik Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-05-2004, 10:22 (post 2, #263203)


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 gti Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-05-2004, 17:05 (post 3, #263321)


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Posts: 223
ну рано еще писать некралоги. вся база висит на нескольких зеркалах шарыдотком. плюс появились борцы за свободу шары - фришарадотком. и самое интересное привожу цитатой :

On the 10th March 2004 authorities ordered the shutdown of ShareReactor under the suspicion of infringement of what translates best to trademark laws and copyright laws. Now, two months later, we are not one step further. My lawyer till today didnt even get allowance to see any details, other than i was told, which is about nearly as much as you know by now. This is something thats not acceptable, in a country (switzerland) that claims to be democratic and modern. It seems to me more like a banana republic.  RespectP2P.org is started because of ShareReactor's case, but is not limited to it. Here i and the people that join along the ride, will tell you what happened to them. You hear what lots people dont want you to hear. You will read what corporations dont want you to read. And you will learn what you can do to help.  This is a fight corporations already lost. Simply because its not a fight, its a choice of the ones that pay their bills, their customers, us. The point of this page is to drive that home to them.  
ShareReactor.com Owner
Founder of RespectP2P.org

кстати развернутое мнение владельца раектора можоно почитать в Interview with"Simon Moon", webmaster and owner of ShareReactor.com
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 Lord KiRon Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-05-2004, 17:24 (post 4, #263327)

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При чём тут некрологи , такой файл удобен бы был даже когда Реактор был жив - всё быстро , под рукой а на Реактор только за новинками smile.gif
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 UGIN Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-05-2004, 17:42 (post 5, #263330)

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Вот вот, не лазить все время в поисках, а только проверять обновления..
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 Billy Bonce Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-05-2004, 18:22 (post 6, #263348)


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Неплохо бы для нетлабовских релизов такую базу smile.gif
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