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> Пираты наступают - Соня плачет и Партия Пиратов в ШША
 djet Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-06-2006, 01:28 (post 16, #612633)


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Posts: 1127
Всегда догадывался, что это панельный бизнес.. Где-то видел чудесный баннер "Home Fucking is killing Prostitution", до сих пор отыскать не могу.. :lol:
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-06-2006, 02:05 (post 17, #612644)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
Всегда догадывался, что это панельный бизнес.. Где-то видел чудесный баннер "Home Fucking is killing Prostitution", до сих пор отыскать не могу.. :lol:

жжошь :punk: :D
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 LF_ Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-06-2006, 02:56 (post 18, #612655)

Hand of Doom
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Ааааааа, djet - убил, нафиг.... рыдаю :lol:

А партия пиратов что-то завалилась, но было там примерно следующее:

The official aim of the copyright system has always been to find a balance between the interests of publishers and consumers, in order to promote culture being created and spread. Today that balance has been completely lost, to a point where the copyright laws severely restrict the very thing they are supposed to promote. The Pirate Party wants to restore the balance in the copyright legislation.

All non-commercial copying and use should be completely free. File sharing and p2p networking should be encouraged rather than criminalized. Culture and knowledge are good things, that increase in value the more they are shared. The Internet could become the greatest public library ever created.

The monopoly for the copyright holder to exploit an aesthetic work commercially should be limited to five years after publication. Today's copyright terms are simply absurd. Nobody needs to make money seventy years after he is dead. No film studio or record company bases its investment decisions on the off-chance that the product would be of interest to anyone a hundred years in the future. The commercial life of cultural works is staggeringly short in today's world. If you haven't made your money back in the first one or two years, you never will. A five years copyright term for commercial use is more than enough. Non-commercial use should be free from day one.

We also want a complete ban on DRM technologies, and on contract clauses that aim to restrict the consumers▓ legal rights in this area. There is no point in restoring balance and reason to the legislation, if at the same time we continue to allow the big media companies to both write and enforce their own arbitrary laws.

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 FiL Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-06-2006, 05:21 (post 19, #612663)

Сварливый Мозг Клуба
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QUOTE (gene @ 08-06-2006, 17:12)
Аналогично. :punk: Все, кто смотрел у нас фильмы, утверждают, что это много лучше, чем в кинотеатре. Может хотели сделать нам приятное, а может кинотеатры у нас такие. Не знаю, не хожу. :drag:
Ну да, у меня тоже лучше. Только с утра у всех голова болит. А фильм... я не уверен, что хоть раз досмотрели, все равно с утра никто ничего не помнит.

Может я потому и хожу в кинотеатры, что там мне удается таки кино смотреть :)
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 FiL Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-06-2006, 05:25 (post 20, #612664)

Сварливый Мозг Клуба
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QUOTE (LF_ @ 08-06-2006, 18:56)
А партия пиратов что-то завалилась, но было там примерно следующее:
ой, а сейчас там вообще каая-то фигня. Видно наехали на ребят весьма конкретно.
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 Spyle Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-06-2006, 13:13 (post 21, #612782)

Homo homini lupus ЭСТ

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QUOTE (djet @ 09-06-2006, 00:28)
Где-то видел чудесный баннер "Home Fucking is killing Prostitution", до сих пор отыскать не могу.. :lol:
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