Johann Friedrich Fasch - Passio Jesu Christi (2008) [FLAC], Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis Choir, Capella Savaria Baroque Orchestra
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 Posted: 07-11-2008, 21:37 (post 1, #864745)

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Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis Choir, Capella Savaria Baroque Orchestra - Johann Friedrich Fasch - Passio Jesu Christi
Артист: Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis Choir, Capella Savaria Baroque Orchestra
Альбом: Johann Friedrich Fasch - Passio Jesu Christi, 2008
Издатель: Naxos / 8.570326
Жанр: Classical
Формат файла: EAC / FLAC / CUE / LOG
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: Torrent

Johann Friedrich Fasch (1688 - 1758)

Passio Jesu Christi

Label: Naxos, 8.570326
Year: 2008


Maria Zadori - soprano
Peter Cser - bass
Zoltan Megyesi - tenor

Capella Savaria Baroque Orchestra
Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis Choir

Tamas Bubno - choir master
Zsolt Kallo - orchestra leader

Mary Terey-Smith - conductor

Bach's predecessor at the Leipzig Thomasschule, and a prolific composer with a contemporary reputation throughout Germany, Johann Friedrich Fasch composed works for the Lutheran church service as well as secular instrumental works, including overtures (suites), symphonies, partitas and a large amount of varied chamber music. His Passio Jesu Christi is a setting of the so-called Brockes Passion, known for its overt sentimentality and theatricality, which was also set by Handel and by Telemann, among others.

It has been a difficult task for musicologists to get a grip on Johann Friedrich Fasch. Although based in Zerbst for most of his long life - he was born three years after Handel and died one year before - Fasch's voluminous work is scattered throughout the archives of Europe and dedicated diligence has been required to make sense of its scope. To most listeners who are aware of Fasch at all, he is merely the composer whose trumpet concerto filled out the Erato disc featuring Jean-Francois Paillard's popular recording of Pachelbel's Canon in D. Fasch is a far more interesting composer than just that would imply. A one-time student of Johann Kuhnau also strongly influenced by Georg Philipp Telemann, Fasch often thought outside the Baroque box and had a uniquely individual style that emphasized variety. In reference to his sacred vocal music, a genre in which Fasch produced hundreds of works, one usually reads "most of it is lost." One that is not is his Brockes-Passion, Passio Jesu Christi FWV F:1, wjoc is the featured work on Naxos' Fasch: Passio Jesu Christi. This Hungarian recording features a fine rank of vocal soloists, including the redoubtable Maria Zadori, the Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis, and Capella Savaria under the direction of Mary Terey-Smith.
The Overture (Suite) in D minor that opens the disc is one of 87 that survive by Fasch, and one aspect of it that is immediately apparent is how little it sounds like Telemann - it is cool, restrained, easygoing, and decidedly pre-classical in its approach. What is more surprising is that it is thought to date from the late 1720s and may have been commissioned for the court in Dresden - a little ahead of the advent of classical style even in Italy. Fasch's penchant for being ahead of the curve is likewise demonstrated by his setting of the passion text by Barthold Heinrich Brockes, which dates from 1717-18; it had only been set the first time by Reinhard Keiser in 1712. The better-known settings of this text - by Handel, Telemann, and its partial use by Johann Sebastian Bach in his St. John Passion - all came later. It survives in two manuscripts, one in Chicago and the other in Leipzig, and both were probably copied after Fasch had died; Mary Terey-Smith elected to edit the Leipzig version for this performance.
Like Fasch's Overture, this Passion is unadorned, never fussy, relatively free of contrapuntal business, and quite straightforward in its presentation; the chorales are especially lovely. The soloists are fine, particularly Maria Zadori, whose voice lightens up the restrained atmosphere of the performance every time it is heard. One qualm though; Terey-Smith's direction is so cautious that the music only seldom sparkles, and several times the passion gets dangerously close to being boring, though it never quite arrives there. With 2008 being the Semiquincentennial of Fasch's death, expect more to come, although in sum, Naxos' Fasch: Passio Jesu Christi is a generally pleasing example of Fasch's vocal music.


Overture (Suite) in D minor, FWV K:d5

I. Ouverture 00:04:01
II. Aria 00:03:03
III. Bourree 00:01:48
IV. Menuet 00:03:26
V. Aria: Largo 00:05:35
VI. Aria: Un poco allegro 00:05:40

Passio Jesu Christi, FWV F:1, "Brockes-Passion"

Part I: Chorale: Mich vom Stricke meiner Sunder (Chorus) 00:03:32
Part I: Recitative: Als Jesus nun zu Tische sasse (Evangelist, Jesus) 00:00:56
Part I: Aria: Das Gott, dem alle Himmelskreise (Daughter of Zion) 00:01:17
Part I: Recitative: Und bald hernach nahm er den Kelch (Evangelist, Jesus) 00:01:11
Part I: Aria: Gott selbst, der Brunnquell alles Guten (Daughter of Zion) 00:01:18
Part I: Chorale: Ach, wie hungert mein Gemute (Chorus) 00:01:23
Part I: Recitative: Drauf sagten sie dem Hochsten Dank (Evangelist, Jesus) 00:00:47
Part I: Aria: Mein Vater, schau, wie ich mich quale (Jesus) 00:04:08
Part I: Recitative: Mich qualt der Sunder schwere Last (Jesus) 00:01:04
Part I: Aria: Sunder, schaut mit Furcht und Zagen (Tenor) 00:02:03
Part I: Recitative: Die Pein vermehrte sich (Evangelist) 00:01:13
Part I: Aria: Brich, mein Herz, zerfliess in Tranen (Tenor) 00:03:45
Part I: Chorale: Herr, lass dein bitter Leiden (Chorus) 00:01:12
Part II: Chorale: Ein Lammlein geht und tragt die Schuld (Chorus) 00:01:33
Part II: Recitative: Und Jesus ward zum Palast Caiphas' (Evangelist) 00:00:50
Part II: Chorale: Falsche Zeugnis, Hohn und Spott (Chorus) 00:00:56
Part II: Recitative: Die Nacht war kaum vorbei (Evangelist) 00:00:36
Part II: Recitative: Hat dies mein Heiland leiden mussen? (Daughter of Zion) 00:00:43
Part II: Aria: Meine Laster sind die Stricke (Daughter of Zion) 00:03:04
Part II: Recitative: Wie nun Pilatus Jesum fragt (Evangelist) 00:01:07
Part II: Aria: Verwegene Rotte, was fangest du an? (Tenor) 00:01:03
Part II: Recitative: Wie man ihm genug Verspottung (Evangelist) 00:00:54
Part II: Aria: Hier erstarrt mein Herz und Blut (Daughter of Zion) 00:02:05
Part II: Recitative: Sobald er nun gekreuzigt war (Evangelist) 00:00:39
Part II: Chorale: O Menschenkind, nur deine Sund' (Chorus) 00:00:39
Part II: Recitative: Und um die neunte Stunde (Evangelist) 00:00:52
Part II: Chorale: Jesu gab man bittre Gall (Chorus) 00:01:01
Part II: Recitative: Hierauf rief Jesus laut mit ganzer Macht (Evangelist) 00:00:43
Part II: Aria: Ihr Augen weinet Blut (Tenor) 00:04:21
Part II: Chorale: Ich danke dir von Herzen (Chorus) 00:02:53

Total Playing Time: 01:11:21

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