> Foster-Toward Soviet America(American Communist Mein Kampf)
 red_gonzo Member is Offline
 Posted: 13-07-2005, 17:52 (post 1, #441164)


Group: Read Only
Posts: 218

This is William Z. Foster's rare and suppressed book Toward Soviet America - The Book the Communists Tried to Destroy (1961, originally published in 1932) in which he lays in front of your eyes the program of destruction of the American system and the proposed superimposition of a Socialist system upon the American people. The author was no communist dupe but the National Chairman of USA communist party, several times US presidential candidate and one of the most notorious American Communists ever known in history. This chilling book contains both flat-out Communist propaganda and accurate prophecy regarding the changes that would take place in this nation, changes that would move it further away from a constitutional republic and closer to a Soviet America. The same ideas expressed in this amazing book are as relevant today as were at the time the book was first published. 400 pages. A must read for everyone.

Some quotes from the book:
"Communist leader William Z. Foster’s TOWARD SOVIET AMERICA is easily the best-known book dealing with Communism by any American Communist. But the Communists themselves suppressed it: and, for all its fame, only a handful of Americans have actually seen the Foster work."
"William Z. Foster put the text of TOWARD SOVIET AMERICA on paper. The book’s real author was Karl Marx, with the collaboration of Nikolai Lenin and Josef Stalin. It is the poisonous ideas, and the destructive plans, of Marx and Lenin and Stalin, not merely those of Foster, that make this book so meaningful and so frighteningly authentic.
"For TOWARD SOVIET AMERICA disclosed EXACTLY what those geniuses of evil planned for this country under the hammer and sickle. The plan HAS NOT CHANGED. TOWARD SOVIET AMERICA still reveals what your fate under that symbol of slavery is intended to be."

Table of contents:

Foster.-.Toward.Soviet.America.-.The.Book.the.Communists.Tried.to.Destroy.(American.Communist.Mein.Kampf).(1961).pdf 2 clicks

Please share this book with others, add links on other forums as I don't know many of them.
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