> Вот и до Канады дело дошло....
 LF_ Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-02-2004, 00:50 (post 1, #231053)

Hand of Doom
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Posts: 17384
На следующей неделе ... Хорьки поганые....

Canada's recording industry is poised to launch dozens of lawsuits against Internet users who share copyrighted music through "music swapping" networks such as Kazaa.
The lawsuits will target high-volume music traders — people who store several thousand MP3 song files on their computers and make them available through the Internet for others to download.

Bell Canada, Rogers Cable, Telus Corp. and Shaw Communications Inc. are among major Internet service providers being told to expect federal court orders early next week that would require them to identify Internet subscribers who are allegedly pirating this music.

The Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA) represents major record labels such as Universal Music Canada and EMI Music Canada. It sent a "notice of motion" to high-speed Internet providers Wednesday afternoon to warn the orders will be requested Monday in Federal Court.

The Star has learned that at least 20 individuals are being pursued, though the recording industry has previously said it would go after 30 to 40 individuals.

Nine customers of Rogers Cable have been targeted.

Остальное http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentSe...ol=968793972154
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 LF_ Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-02-2004, 01:45 (post 2, #231088)

Hand of Doom
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Posts: 17384
Продолжая тему, хотя я бы не судил этих личностей, который аплоадят Jay Z, Mariah Carey and Jennifer Lopez - таких надо расстреливать нафиг сразу tongue.gif

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 obaldin Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-02-2004, 02:01 (post 3, #231095)


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Bell Canada and Rogers want time to notify their clients so alleged music thieves have time to retain a lawyer.  "It's important that before any order be granted that people who have the most interest and information and knowledge have an ability to speak to the court and make their voice be heard," Bell's lawyer Katherine Podrebarac said outside court.  Bell and some of the others have already contacted alleged uploaders to give them a heads up of the court proceedings.  Quebec's Videotron is the only company not fighting the order

Какие у вас там положительные провайдеры! Все, кроме одного, не очень-то желают закладывать клиентов.
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 piligrim Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-02-2004, 02:09 (post 4, #231097)


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а моего провайдера вообще в списке нету newest/laugh.gif
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 mts Member is Online (18.5 min)
 Posted: 17-02-2004, 17:37 (post 5, #231246)

штатный нетлабовский телепат

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Posts: 4836
Downloading Verdict (Monday, February 16, 2004)  
The fight between the Canadian Recording Industry Association and the country's five biggest internet service providers has been put on hold.A federal court adjourned the case until March 12, but there are some who believe the debate will continue and the longer it persists the closer to a solution we get.Technology expert Rick Broadhead says we should consider this a warning shot.Regardless of whether the assocation is successful, threatening legal action is a smart move because look at what has happended in the States as a result.Downloading rates are down 50 percent.Broadhead believes it will take years for both sides to find some common ground,there will always be those who say they have a legitimate right to download music for free and so it is those people the industry is trying to reach with it's lawsuit.

Ждём до 12-го марта...
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