Antonio Vivaldi - con moto (2013), Giuliano Carmignola, Accademia Bizantina, Ottavio Dantone; Deutsche Grammophon
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 Posted: 02-04-2013, 18:39 (post 1, #1074223)

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Giuliano Carmignola, Accademia Bizantina, Ottavio Dantone - Antonio Vivaldi - con moto
Артист: Giuliano Carmignola, Accademia Bizantina, Ottavio Dantone
Альбом: Antonio Vivaldi - con moto, 2013
Издатель: Deutsche Grammophon\ARCHIV Produktion / 479 1075
Жанр: Classical, Baroque
Формат файла: NetLab, FLAC
Ссылка 1: eDonkey 84 clicks
Ссылка 2: Torrent
Ссылка 3: magnet 100 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
Примечание: На Трекере FLAC

Giuliano Carmignola combines his passion for the baroque with his love of motorcycling, which he calls, Vivaldi con moto - motion and emotion from a MOTOcyclist-musician.

Internationally known as a harpsichord player and conductor of baroque opera, Ottavio Dantone has directed his Accademia Bizantina on many acclaimed recordings, including three albums with star countertenor Andreas Scholl.

:music: Sound Samples :music:



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