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   Yes - Fragile. DVD-Audio. Full rip, PPCM 5.1, LPCM 2.0 24/96. DTS 5.1, DD 5.1, DD 2.0
 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 01-10-2006, 22:57 (post 1, #658872)


Group: News makers
Posts: 12604
Yes - Fragile 1972 tr> tr>
Артист: Yes
Альбом: Fragile 1972, 2002
Жанр: Prog-Rock......
Формат файла: DVD-Audio. Video_TS. Audio_TS
Ссылка 1: VIDEO_TS 178 clicks
Ссылка 2: ATS_01_1.AOB 169 clicks
Ссылка 3: ATS_01_2.AOB 91 clicks
Ссылка 4: ATS_01_3.AOB 83 clicks
Ссылка 5: ATS_01_4.AOB 84 clicks
Ссылка 6: REST 94 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia

диск содержит водяные метки - disc content water-marks :(

thanks to my friends :)

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Speak to me of summer, long winters longer than time can remember..., January 26, 2006
Reviewer: Eddie Lancekick "A Regulator" (Pacific Northwest)
Deep. Melodic. Technically advanced, with theme's that could apply to a fantasy lore of faraway pasts or distant futures, though the band's name seems basic, there is nothing basic about their music. Nor is there album's title indicative of something that could break easily, but more something to be cherished throughout time.
The progressive rock of early Yes albums like "Fragile" tell's a story. Each song is it's own opus! "Starship trooper" has a beautiful guitar sound compliments of none other than Steve Howe, While Anderson's high melodic voice tell's a story with emotion and conviction instead of just "singing a song".
Aside from "starship trooper", other track's that helped launch this album into the mainstream are also fun, powerful, and meaningful as well as diverse. "Roundabout" is a classic little foot tapper.
This album also was the maiden voyage for future keyboard legend Rick Wakeman. You can check out Wakeman and the other amazing musicians of this group with tracks that don't have Anderson on vocals, like "Five Per Cent For Nothing", "The Fish" and "Mood For A Day". All are solo pieces by Bill Bruford, Chris Squire and Steve Howe, respectively.
If you like prog rock, or like music that makes you "feel", this album would be an excellent starting point. Yes's cover's are done by artist Roger Dean and always present a fanstic dreamscape architecture that add's to the vision of their music.

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Progressive rock - made accessible, June 18, 2003
Reviewer: Samhot (Star Land)
_Fragile_ should always be considered a classic in the progressive rock genre, not just because the musicianship is virtuosic, tasteful and unique, but because the majority of it is catchy and accessible as well - something that's very rare in progressive rock as a whole.
Jon Anderson's distinctly artistic upper-register, Chris Squire's crunchy basslines, Steve Howe's floating guitar leads, Bill Bruford's tasteful drumming and Rick Wakeman's versatile keyboard work here come together to make a unique, tantalizing brand of music. The album starts off with "Roundabout," which exemplifies what I was saying in the opening paragraph. This track is ultra-catchy and addictive. The grooves on here (mostly exemplified by Bill's drums and Chris' bass) are hard to resist. Definitely a classic that has aged, and will seemingly continue to age nicely.
Next comes the first of five solo pieces: The first two of the five being my absolute favorites. "Cans And Brahms" is Rick Wakeman's impressive arrangement of bits found in the Allegro giocoso (third movement) of Brahms' 4th symphony. He did an excellent job on this (and for the record, Brahms is a favorite of mine amongst many classical composers, and I've heard and own his 4th symphony.) Next comes Jon Anderson's "We Have Heaven," which is a cerebral piece showcasing his vocal artistry. If you listen carefully, you'll find seven separate (but overdubbed) vocal parts by Jon on here. On the seventh one, he is heard saying "yes." The following track called "South Side of The Sky" seems to be a standout amongst Yes' many epic-length tracks. There seems to be a bluesy, down-home atmosphere to it, especially in Steve Howe's fluid guitar licks. While it's indeed spacy, it's not as otherworldly as most of their other epics, and seems to maintain a bit of earthiness that some of the other epics didn't.
"Five Per Cent For Nothing" is a short track showcasing Bruford's drumming ability, but, don't expect it to be a virtuoso display, as it seems more like a steady groove-oriented workout. "Long Distance Runaround" seems to showcase a slight country influence, mostly heard in Steve's guitar. Other than that, the track is a short little ditty. "The Fish" is Chris Squire's bassline workout, which plays out in something of a 7/4 rhythm, while several overdubbed bass samples are exemplified. Quite a nice track. Catchy and addictive as well. "Mood For A Day" is Steve's acoustic workout. Quite virtuosic, atmospheric and tasteful. The last track called "Heart of The Sunrise" starts out with what may have been Yes' most heavy and aggressive moment up until _Relayer_. The crushing attack borders on classic metal. That theme plays out quite a few times within the 3 1/2 minutes of the instrumental opening, which then gives way to a host of trippy atmospherics and Jon Anderson's faraway-sounding vocals.
There isn't much more that I can say. This is definitely a classic in Yes' catalog. In a weird sort of way, I could go as far to say that this is Yes' strongest album (of course, no one can claim to know what is and what isn't anything regarding appreciation of any kind.) There isn't another album quite like this one in their catalog. Highly recommended

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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 25-10-2006, 21:35 (post 46, #669220)


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во кто лучше всех понимает по англицки! дык и донеси ему, что не возможно! а самое лучее остаётся только стерео с двд-аудио скатать
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 25-10-2006, 21:36 (post 47, #669222)


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QUOTE (kokiku @ 25-10-2006, 19:31)
А то какие-то "куд ю, вуд ю"!
но это же еще не ай вонт ю, ай ниид ю :lol:
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 tsn Member is Offline
 Posted: 03-11-2006, 13:01 (post 48, #672567)


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Прожёг диск, Yamaha S1500 свободно и легко проиграла этот dvd-a. :D:
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 kokiku Member is Offline
 Posted: 03-11-2006, 14:07 (post 49, #672577)


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То есть DVD-Audio часть? Точно?
Вносить Yamaha S1500 в список?
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 03-11-2006, 15:12 (post 50, #672593)


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tsn спасибо :D: , а то качают-качают, но поделится хотя бы информацией и то жмут :w00t:
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 kokiku Member is Offline
 Posted: 03-11-2006, 21:56 (post 51, #672702)


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QUOTE (OlCh @ 03-11-2006, 15:12)
поделится хотя бы информацией
Да, хотелось бы для таких больших релизов получить хоть какие-то комменты.
А то уходят Гиги,как в пропасть. Даже эха нет!
Реализация до конца (до совершенства) ещё не отработана, поэтому хотелось бы узнать о результатах.
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 tsn Member is Offline
 Posted: 04-11-2006, 11:26 (post 52, #672867)


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Posts: 10
То есть DVD-Audio часть? Точно?
Вносить Yamaha S1500 в список?
да, всё верно DVD-Audio часть играет без проблем.
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 04-11-2006, 12:09 (post 53, #672873)


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QUOTE (kokiku @ 03-11-2006, 19:56)
А то уходят Гиги,как в пропасть. Даже эха нет!
Реализация до конца (до совершенства) ещё не отработана, поэтому хотелось бы узнать о результатах.
а может и хорошо что молчат? было б что не в порядке... не молчали бы! :laugh:
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 genka Member is Offline
 Posted: 14-11-2006, 06:16 (post 54, #676535)

Напускатель дыма

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народ, простите за простоту, но можно ссылочку, как записать DVD-A с помощью Nero. Уже очень давно DVD не делал, все забыл. Знаю, что какие-то файлы надо переимоновать, но как именно не помню. Также не совсем понятно, какие из файлов мне нужны. PAR2- это же вроде коререкция ошибок? Или я их с чем-то спутал?
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 kokiku Member is Offline
 Posted: 14-11-2006, 08:02 (post 55, #676541)


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Я пишу, пишу об этом, и тут же об этом спрашивают! :laugh:
Пары писать не стоит - это только для проверки (и восстановления) целостности.
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 genka Member is Offline
 Posted: 14-11-2006, 18:38 (post 56, #676757)

Напускатель дыма

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Спасибо огромное за инструкции! Так получилось, что я попробовал сдлеать диск в конце прошлой недели, тогда же поискал инструкции, но не нашел. Поэтому после неудачных попыток спросил уже без поиска :)
Все файлы этого диска не влазят на 4.5ГБ болванку. Что из VIDEO_TS можно выбросить?
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 14-11-2006, 21:10 (post 57, #676826)


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если не ошибаюсь, то весь Долбанутый Дигитал :hi:
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 genka Member is Offline
 Posted: 16-11-2006, 05:12 (post 58, #677419)

Напускатель дыма

Group: Prestige
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Все записалось с первого раза, спасибо за подсказки. К сожалению моя вертушка оказалась из плохих- на 15 секунде звук отрубается :(
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 12-12-2007, 09:30 (post 59, #804061)


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а я вот тока щас экспериментирую, монтировал video_ts, монтировал audio_ts, запихал сначала audio_ts потом video_ts в discjuggler, и пишу на болвань :drag:

прожглось. finalizing делало почти 10мин(!). Проверил, оба слоя играет с компа, вроде все ОК :punk:
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