> Rimax MPEG4 DivX DVD MultiPlayer, обсуждаем
 VxWorks Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-11-2003, 21:47 (post 1, #387739)

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Статья о новом DivX плейере, первая часть находится здесь
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 Set Member is Offline
 Posted: 13-11-2003, 00:09 (post 2, #387763)


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Пофиксил явные очепятки.
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   Posted: 12-12-2003, 02:11 (post 3, #388604)


i'm not sure what this forum is talking about cus i'm not russian, anyways, i'd like to ask natl, the author of the review for that player, since you test it you may help me as myself i've got a brand new rimax but i'm not able to play most of my divx.
while attempting to play for instance a divx 3 low-motion 512 x 272 @ 874 kb/s, it plays for a little while (35 secs) and then, crash, the picture remains frozen. this happen with most divx, not with for instance xvids, and other formats plays just fine. some other divx crash the whole player and i'm not able even to eject the disk, so i gotta disconnect it. in fact, since yesterday that i bought it, i didn't reach to play any divx movies. is it normal? could this be a technical failure of this specific unit? i'd appreciate any help, thanks to all
so later sad.gif
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   Posted: 12-12-2003, 02:28 (post 4, #388605)


sad.gif привет
я хотел бы спросить natl, автор обзора для того игрока, так как Вы проверяете это, Вы можете помочь мне как самостоятельно, я имею совершенно новый rimax, но я не способен играть большинство моего divx.
пытаясь играть например divx 3 низких движения 512 x 272 874 килобайта в секунду, это играет на некоторое время (35 секунд) и затем, крушение, картина остается замороженной. это случается с большинством divx, не с например xvids, и другими играми форматов, только прекрасными. некоторые другие divx разбивают целого игрока, и я не способен даже изгнать диск, так что я должен разъединить это. фактически, с тех пор вчера, что я купил это, я не достигал к игре никаких divx кинофильмов. действительно ли это нормально? мог это быть техническим отказом этого
я оценил бы любую помощь благодаря всем
столь позже
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 VxWorks Member is Offline
 Posted: 12-12-2003, 02:37 (post 5, #388607)

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Please, don't try to translate your message 'cos machine translation is crap.

I will forward your question to Natl and he'll answer your question. Is this OK with you? This time, I'll do the translation, if you don't mind biggrin.gif
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   Posted: 12-12-2003, 03:12 (post 6, #388608)


hehe sorry yeah this translation ought to be a mess...
anyways, so glad you replied that fast, i really appreciated, as rimax technical support dont seem interested in the matters of the customers (now i understand why such a low price for this player..)
i'd be happy to hear some advice from that buddy, he ought to be an expert in those things, so i'll be checkin the forum, meanwhile thank you so much and so later mate
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 VxWorks Member is Offline
 Posted: 12-12-2003, 23:52 (post 7, #388634)

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OK, here are your answers for you:

1. No, this is not normal. Such a problem never happened to him
2. Try upgrading the firmware (to 30.06.2003)
3. Try to change your media (CDs) to silver/silver (cheapest available) and record at slowest speed possible.
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   Posted: 15-12-2003, 21:56 (post 8, #388765)


hi again,
thanks for your advice. however, as i thought that indeed those symptoms were quite weird for a new player, i went to my retailer and throw it away, i changed it for a brand new `kiss dp-1000´, 20$ more expensive, but, in my opinion, a lot more trustworthy, i think thats a great player, scandinavian, and now i'm enjoying all formats w/o any troubles, it's a huge high quality playback for divx 3, 4, 5, xvid,,,
plus, i think that brand `rimax´, it's a quite weird brand, i wrote to the technical departement and i still haven't been responded. i guess now i've done the best choice changing to kiss instead of buying a player that starts to give you troubles since the first time.
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 VxWorks Member is Offline
 Posted: 15-12-2003, 22:06 (post 9, #388768)

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I personally would go for Yamada as I don't like anything that uses Sigma. smile.gif
I totally agree with you about support issues - I requested some marketing stuff from them and got no responce for two weeks. Weird!

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 kanski Member is Offline
 Posted: 26-12-2003, 17:06 (post 10, #388995)


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Posts: 9
Отличие от Yamada
Compatible File Types - DivX, Xvid, DivX Audio, HDCD, DVD Audio, SACD, AAC, MP3
Поддрежка DVD Audio, SACD, но разве тем, кому нужен такой звук будут покупать бюджетка?

Digital Audio - DTS/Dolby Digital/MPEG/PCM via Coaxial, Optical Fiber Output
Нет аналогового 5.1

А как с этим делом у Yamada?
Region Code - Region Free (Code Free)
PM Email Poster
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