> (Paranormal)Bearden-Excalibur briefing-Explaining paranormal phe
 red_gonzo Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-10-2004, 21:03 (post 1, #306249)


Group: Read Only
Posts: 218
Dr. Bearden's updated book Excalibur briefing 2nd Edn - Explaining paranormal phenomena (first released in 1978, updated in 1988) gives the reader an attempt to scientifically explain all these paranormal things such as UFOs (any kind), psychics, remove viewing, psi phenomena and many other unexplained and puzzling happenings which we encounter in our everyday life either directly or not. Using a much more enhanced (meta)physics, including expanded mathematical logic, the author is able to give a comprehensible and organized explanation of many of these phenomena as you have never seen it before.

Quoting from foreword:
This book deals in a comprehensive fashion with such a vast array of topics — from physics, psychology and evolution to advanced weaponry, military strategy and international politics — that many of you may become anxious, even fearful on reading it. In fact, this assembly of previously uncorrelated information and scientific breakthrough may be the most disturbing you have ever received. This cannot be helped. This book represents an important step in our efforts to avoid global war involving not only nuclear armaments but also what appears to be a revolutionary development in Soviet military technology — psychotronic weapons. They are the modern equivalent of the legendary invincible sword, Excalibur.
Before you turn to The Excalibur Briefing, I want to leave you with these thoughts. The material you are about to read will certainly be denied by our own government and military and probably by a major segment of the scientific community. It is not unlikely that Tom will be dismissed as a paranoid crackpot. Such tactics have been employed before against brilliant, courageous people who challenge the fundamental dogma of the establishment as Tom does here. Nevertheless, I want to reassure you that Tom is sane, sober, and serious.
In closing, I want to point out that Tom's fundamental concern is the unification and evolution of the human species to a higher form of life through a process that he terms "mind linkage." This stage of growth to higher consciousness is explored in the latter part of the book. It is a breathtaking portrait of how the spirit of science can lead to a science of the spirit, to a physics of metaphysics.

Table of contents: http://www.cheniere.org/books/excalibur/index.html

Edonkey link:
Bearden.-.Excalibur.briefing.2nd.Edn.-.Explaining.paranormal.phenomena.('78-'88,.www.cheniere.org).zip 1 clicks
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