Telemann in Major - Pratum Integrum Orchestra (2005), Caro Mitis. DSD Recording
 Злобный Релизёр Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-12-2008, 09:30 (post 1, #870503)


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Posts: 289
Pratum Integrum Orchestra - Telemann in Major
Артист: Pratum Integrum Orchestra
Альбом: Telemann in Major, 2005
Издатель: Caro Mitis / CM 0032005
Жанр: Classical, Baroque
Формат файла: eac_iso_wv_cue_log_covers_tags
Ссылка 1: CD 1 36 clicks
Ссылка 2: CD 2
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
Примечание: Rip by ivanemule
thanks to our friends :clap:

Orchestral Suite in B Flat Major for Two Oboes, Bassoon, Strings and Basso Continuo (TWV 55:B4)
1 Ouverture [05:37]
2 Air a l'Italien [01:48]
3 Les Cornes de Visbade [01:57]
4 Loure [01:23]
5 Marche [02:17]
6 Menuet [02:56]
7 Furie [01:41]
Concerto Grosso in G Major for Strings and Basso Continuo (TWV 52:G1)
8 Grave [01:47]
9 Vivace [02:32]
10 Grave [02:01]
11 Vivace [02:20]
Concerto in E Major for Flute, Strings and Basso Continuo (TWV 51:E1)
12 Dolce e staccato [02:52]
13 Alla Breve [03:31]
14 Largo [02:10]
15 Vivace [02:52]
Concerto in G Major for Violin, Strings and Basso Continuo (TWV 51:G4)
16 Vivace [06:40]
17 Largo [02:14]
18 Allegro [02:50]
Concerto Grosso in G Major for Two Flutes, Bassoon, Strings and Basso Continuo (TWV 53:G1)
19 [Andante] [03:04]
20 Allegro [02:40]
21 Largo [02:03]
22 Presto
Sonata in G Minor for Two Violins, Two Violas, Cello and Basso Continuo (TWV 44:33)
23 Grave [03:01]
24 Allegro [02:31]
25 Adagio [02:44]
26 Vivace [02:41]

Tracks 1-18 are world premiere recordings
Total time [67:53]
Text of the booklet is available in English, German, and Russian.

Pratum Integrum is the only original-instrument orchestra in Russia and one of the few ensembles specializing in early music. The members are nearly all very young but also very skilled. The entire package is beautifully designed and carried out, with an informative note booklet decorated with lovely medieval-looking artwork along the sides. The actual disc is imprinted with what looks like a Classical period dish design - one of the most striking optical disc printing jobs I have seen. The 5-channel recordings for this Russian label are made by Netherlands-based Polyhymnia International and are of great clarity and focus, with the surrounds giving a fine impression of the concert space - which was a studio of the Russian TV and Radio Company in Moscow large enough to hold both a symphony orchestra and an audience. Such studios are no longer overly-deadened with excessive absorbtive materials as was once the fashion in the Soviet period. (Then Melodiya would add metallic-sounding artificial reverb in mastering.)
Telemann was the leading composer of his time, getting much more attention than J.S. Bach. Yet much of his music has yet to be recorded and appreciated. The title of this disc may be a bit corny (reminding me of program themes of the late radio host Karl Haas) but it is a challenge to present several similar works by composers as prolific as Telemann; Vivaldi concertos present a similar problem. The newly-presented Orchestral Suite sports ten short movements (one only 58 seconds) in mostly dance forms. It is fresh sounding and more than that rather French-sounding - almost reminding one of Rameau’s suites. The other four works use standard tempo markings for the movements, which are four except for one concerto with five movements. The soloists on flute and oboe are exceptional. Tempi are occasionally break-neck, but without the slightest missed notes. (Made me think of the recent news item alleging that some classical soloists were taking performance-enhancing drugs to play faster; somehow seems unlikely in Russia.) Both Italian and French musical influences are heard, and most such Telemann works end with very happy-sounding and tuneful finales..

John Sunier

SPOILER (Pratum Integrum Orchestra)

SPOILER (Caro Mitis)

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The following members said 'Спасибо!': Mordenkainen, BioS, INN4, Nexuus, KSS_DIGGER, OlCh, Kleinervogel, Гордый, VVL, yury_usa, Amaz0ne, mikhail549, alglebych
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 Kleinervogel Member is Offline
 Posted: 18-12-2008, 15:38 (post 2, #870800)


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Posts: 492
Телеманн в мажоре по уровням (дб) - аналогичен минорному. Чуть погромче. Но все равно очень тихо. Интересно все-таки, насколько характер исполняемого Пратумом вписывается в показатели громкости - сравнить с тем же их симфонически-громким Тицем. (Вероятно не уравнивают\нормализуют под "некое среднее"! А лепят так - "как есть".)

Насчет студии, которая "large enough" полностью согласен.
Естественые реверберации! (Ага, будто ЛЗ в Polar Studio :D: !)

Кстати мажор у Телеманна, как и следовало ожидать, не такой уж "мажорный"\веселый (ср. опять же с общим натроем диска Тица).
Драматизм, экспрессия, моменты полные патетичной трагики - их пожалуй на треть диска: соль-мажорный концерт для скрипки (largo особенно) и соль-минорный секстет.
На примере этих моментов думается: интересно, а как бы они сыграли что-нибудь из Вивальди? Что нибудь очень знакомое - какой-нибудь из виолончельных концертов :rolleyes: .
(А лучше Времена года :D: ).

Звук - неровный, дрожащий, трепетный - как теплый воздух, как струящийся в воздухе дымок - плывет и покачивается - порыв прохладного ветерка, чуть колышутся тяжелые шторы, дрожащие огоньки свечей, мерцающих в золоченом вертикальном мраке зальных зеркал...

Концовка секстета - феерическая - очень понравилась - своей фуга-обрАзностью (притом звучит tres vivaldesque). Закручивающиеся быстрое движение - вверх по спирали. И представляется какая-то мистическая "лестница Иакова" - прямо в клубящиеся барочные небеса!

This post has been edited by Kleinervogel on 18-12-2008, 15:55
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 18-12-2008, 19:31 (post 3, #870814)


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добавлен линк на трекер :)
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