Gioacchino Rossini "Zelmira", (FLAC) - Torrent
 abbsound Member is Offline
   Posted: 22-05-2006, 23:46 (post 1, #604751)

Тихий копираст

Group: News makers
Posts: 856
Gioacchino Rossini - Zelmira
Артист: Gioacchino Rossini
Альбом: Zelmira,
Жанр: Опера
Формат файла: FLAC
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: Torrent
Примечание: P.S. Релиз создан не мною. Я просто раздаю.
Zelmira - Cecilia Gasdia;
Emma - Bernarda Fink;
Antenore - Chris Merritt;
Ilo - Wiliam Matteuzzi;
Polidoro - Jose Garcia;
Leucippo - Boaz Senator;
Eacide - Vernon Midgley;
Sacerdote - Leslie Fyson.

Ambrosian Singers, John McCarthy chorus master

I Solisti Veneti/ Scimone

The happiest and most harmonious of Rossini's works.

Rossini wrote this for his fiance, Isabella Colbran, (who later became his wife).

The opera is set on the island of Lesbos, where Zelmira is caught in a plot by Antenor
who seeks to seize the throne of Lesbos with the aid of Leucippus...........
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