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   Creedence Clearwater Revival - 1970 Cosmo's Factory, 2002 Stereo SACD. 96kHz/24bit
 Елена Нетлабская Member is Offline
 Posted: 04-05-2006, 23:33 (post 1, #596289)


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Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cosmo's Factory 1970
Артист: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Альбом: Cosmo's Factory 1970, 2002
Формат файла: SACD Stereo -flac 96/24-scans-rar
Ссылка: CD 79 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
:wub: :wub: :wub:
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 04-05-2006, 23:34 (post 2, #596290)


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thanks to Елены Нетлабской мальчикам :laugh:

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by server alliance

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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 04-05-2006, 23:39 (post 3, #596297)


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 TCPIP Member is Offline
 Posted: 05-05-2006, 03:26 (post 4, #596369)

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Просто фантастика какая-то! Я щасссс лопппну от зависти. Ажно 2 варианта. Даешь удесятерение запасов CCR! Спасибо!
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 silencer_rus Member is Offline
 Posted: 05-05-2006, 10:17 (post 5, #596457)


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Это опять SACD слой, преданный по аналогу и оцифрованный Audigy ?
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 05-05-2006, 10:36 (post 6, #596467)


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silencer_rus так точно! :hi:
а сам только разглядел, что наклейку на коробку шлёпнули неправильную - Криденсов в мультиченеле нету :(
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 silencer_rus Member is Offline
 Posted: 05-05-2006, 22:41 (post 7, #596775)


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Все бы хорошо, но мне кажется, что аналоговый вход аудиги не может в полной мере раскрыть преимущества САСД над обычным СД.Пора делать апгрейд, хотя бы на ESI Juli@. :)

Хотя предыдущий релиз роллингов меня приятно порадовал звучанием. Еще раз спасибо!
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 05-05-2006, 22:54 (post 8, #596784)


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Все бы хорошо, но мне кажется, что аналоговый вход аудиги не может в полной мере раскрыть преимущества САСД над обычным СД.Пора делать апгрейд, хотя бы на ESI Juli@. :)
я полностью согласен с этим, но.. на безрыбье и рак - рыба :lol: :actu:
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 05-05-2006, 23:12 (post 9, #596794)


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QUOTE (yury_usa @ 05-05-2006, 20:54)
Все бы хорошо, но мне кажется, что аналоговый вход аудиги не может в полной мере раскрыть преимущества САСД над обычным СД.Пора делать апгрейд, хотя бы на ESI Juli@. :)
я полностью согласен с этим, но.. на безрыбье и рак - рыба :lol: :actu:
а пачиму ты полностью согласен? конкретно - что не устраивает в Аудиги :rolleyes:
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 05-05-2006, 23:42 (post 10, #596816)


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ну, если его с тем же creative X-Fi сравнить например:
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For Music I'd recommend any Envy24-based card, such as M-Audio Revo 5.1 or Audiotrak Prodigy 7.1. They produce clear transparent sound without ugly hardware rediscretization, that is the nightmare of all Audigy users
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 06-05-2006, 00:08 (post 11, #596831)


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какое это имеет отношение к записи стерео 96/24 с аналогового входа? :fear2:
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 06-05-2006, 00:11 (post 12, #596835)


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я имел ввиду что полностью передать звучание стерео в 96/24 flac можно только на очень дорогой аппаратуре..

зы у меня самого аудиги, хочу взять x-fi :)
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 06-05-2006, 00:18 (post 13, #596842)


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всё - словеса, а конкретно? повторяю вопрос - какие технические характеристики позволяют сказать, что Аудиги2 плохая карта для записи стерео 96/24 с аналогового входа? :w00t:
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 TCPIP Member is Offline
 Posted: 06-05-2006, 00:26 (post 14, #596844)

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я имел ввиду что полностью передать звучание стерео в 96/24 flac можно только на очень дорогой аппаратуре..
Ты не прав. Полностью передать звучание ты не сможешь нигде. А разницу ты услышишь уже на компьютерных Microlab Solo. Ты можешь потерять на них целые куски, которые ты услышишь на других колонках, но те куски, которые более-менее сохранятся, уже кажут разницу.
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 06-05-2006, 00:29 (post 15, #596845)


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к сожалению, я не специалист :dunno:
Думаю -=Zepplock=- или AlexanderJ могут объяснить
В инете еще нарыл пару вещей:

The Audigy 2’s analog input appeared to roll off the high frequencies significantly and so we opted to use our DigiFire 7.1 to measure the frequency response. Note this graph measuring the Audigy 2 Output, as you can see the Audigy 2 Line-In rolls off the high end significantly:

Multi-channel analog

For games and DVD-Audio, as noted above, your best bet is the Audigy 2 ZS. But that's the exception.

For multi-channel analog from DVDs, you need to consider something: bass management. Though DVD soundtracks have a specific subwoofer channel, sometimes in your particular setup you'll want some low frequency sounds in the other channels to be rerouted to the subwoofer, too. That's bass management.

For our purposes, there are two places bass management can occur: in software (either the drivers for the sound card or in playback software) and by a receiver or preamp. In many cases, receivers are designed not to perform any processing on multi-channel analog inputs, in which case you'll need to do any bass management you require in software. Unfortunately, the DVD playback software out there doesn't currently allow you to perform much bass management, so you'll have to rely on your drivers, which limits your sound card choices. The Audigy 2 ZS drivers let you perform some bass management, but you don't want an Audigy 2 ZS--you want one of M-Audio's cards. On the consumer side, the extremely popular Revolution 7.1 is a very high-quality card. As you get into their pro gear, there are a few cards that could possibly sound a little better than the Revo, but your best chance of getting a noticable increase in quality is with the Delta 1010, which costs several times as much. Of course, that takes you into RME and Lynx territory, but none of those cards provide driver support for analog DVD playback (with digital passthrough, however, they should do just fine; see above).

But what if you have a receiver that will perform bass management on its multi-channel analog input (or you just don't think you need bass management at all)? Actually, the story is pretty much the same; you just have a few more choices. You can go for one of the Revolution 7.1's direct rivals (the Terratec Aureon Space 7.1 and Audiotrack Prodigy 7.1, both of which also use the Envy24-HT) or one of a few lowish-end pro cards (like the 5.1-channel Terratec DMX 6fire or the M-Audio Audiophile, among others), but realistically you probably won't hear much of a difference (without extremely nice equipment). Additionally, the lack of a need for bass management doesn't really open you up to super-high-end choices because, as mentioned above, the pro cards currently don't support analog DVD playback (though arguably this is just as much the fault of the software DVD players). Ultimately, whether you need your card to perform bass management or not, there's a paucity of options, which is why I lean toward digital passthrough from an inexpensive card to an external receiver for DVD playback (for the time being).

On the other hand, if your multi-channel analog output needs lean towards professional applications (sound editing and mixing and the like), by all means go with one of the RME or Lynx cards.
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