Walter Trout - Collection, 6 альбомов (1989-2003)
 arizonadream Member is Offline
 Posted: 29-05-2016, 17:51 (post 1, #1111706)

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Walter Trout - Collection 1989
Артист: Walter Trout
Альбом: Collection 1989-2003
Издатели: всякие-разные
Жанр: Blues, Blues Rock, Electric Blues, Pop Rock
Формат файла: NL+
Ссылка 1: Tracker
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
Примечание: Pелиз AD's

:punk: :punk: :punk:

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Walter Trout Band - 1989 - Life In The Jungle {Bozz BOCD 5014}

Walter_Trout_Band_-_1989_-_Life_In_The_Jungle.(Bozz_BOCD_5014).[NL_].iso.wv 26 clicks

 1. Good Enough To Eat . . . . . . .4:26
 2. The Mountain Song. . . . . . . .3:40
 3. Life In The Jungle . . . . . . .5:45
 4. Spacefish. . . . . . . . . . . .0:44
 5. Red House. . . . . . . . . . . .9:44
 6. She's Out There Somewhere. . . .4:21
 7. Frederica (I Don't Need You) . .4:51
 8. In My Mind . . . . . . . . . . .4:25
 9. Cold Cold Feeling. . . . . . . .8:41
10. Serve Me Right To Suffer . . . .7:13

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Walter Trout Band - 1992 - Live (No More Fish Jokes) {Provogue PRD 70512}

Walter_Trout_Band_-_1992_-_Live_(No_More_Fish_Jokes).(Provogue_PRD_70512).[NL_].iso.wv 23 clicks

 1. Dust My Broom . . . . . . . . .6:28
 2. If You Just Try . . . . . . . .7:05
 3. False Alarm . . . . . . . . . .5:34
 4. Life In The Jungle. . . . . . .6:22
 5. Girl From The North Country . .8:11
 6. Victor The Cajun. . . . . . . .6:12
 7. Earrings On The Table . . . . .1:41
 8. Motivation Of Love. . . . . . .6:26
 9. Playing With The Gloves On. . .4:03
10. The Love That We Once Knew. . .6:29
11. Prisoner Of A Dream . . . . . .6:13
12. Going Down. . . . . . . . . . .6:57

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Walter Trout Band - 1992 - Transition {Provogue PRD 70442}

Walter_Trout_Band_-_1992_-_Transition.(Provogue_PRD_70442).iso.wv 26 clicks

 1. Motivation Of Love . . . .5:06
 2. Endless Variety. . . . . .3:34
 3. Transition . . . . . . . .5:16
 4. Running In Place . . . . .5:25
 5. Deeper Shade Of Blue . . .4:12
 6. Got To Kill The Monkey . .4:14
 7. Face The Night . . . . . .4:28
 8. Playing With Gloves On . .4:16
 9. She's Missing. . . . . . .6:31
10. Fast Moving Traffic. . . .4:49
Лог некошерным вышел, диск тестироваться отказался из-за косяка(?) в девятом треке,
на котором Траут особо усиленно глотку дерет - приводу со страху икнулось :crazy:
Слушал, слушал - ниче не услышал! Сойдет...

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Walter Trout Band - 1994 - Tellin' Stories {Silvertone Records 74321 19354 2}

Walter_Trout_Band_-_1994_-_Tellin'_Stories.(Silvertone_Records_74321_19354_2).[NL_].iso.wv 27 clicks

 1. I Can Tell . . . . . . . . . .6:41
 2. Tremble. . . . . . . . . . . .5:14
 3. Wanna See The Morning. . . . .5:39
 4. Need To Belong . . . . . . . .4:50
 5. Runnin' Blues. . . . . . . . .5:36
 6. On The Rise. . . . . . . . . .6:01
 7. Time For Movin' On . . . . . .4:26
 8. Head Hung Down . . . . . . . .6:28
 9. Please Don't Go. . . . . . . .5:16
10. Tellin' Stories. . . . . . . .6:34
11. Somebody's Cryin'. . . . . . .6:26
12. Take Care Of Yo' Business . .11:23

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Walter Trout & The Free Radicals - 2000 - Live Trout [2CD] {Ruf Records ruf 1051}

Walter_Trout_&_The_Free_Radicals_-_2000_-_Live_Trout.CD1.(Ruf_Records_ruf_1051).[NL_].iso.wv 19 clicks

Walter_Trout_&_The_Free_Radicals_-_2000_-_Live_Trout.CD2.(Ruf_Records_ruf_1051).[NL_].iso.wv 19 clicks


1. I Can Tell . . . . . . .7:32
2. Walkin' In The Rain. . .5:50
3. Say What You Mean. . . .6:44
4. The Reason I'm Gone . .11:20
5. Come Home. . . . . . . .6:50
6. Walter Speaks. . . . . .0:29
7. Livin' Every Day . . . .5:02
8. Let Me Know. . . . . . .5:04



1. Finally Gotten Over You . . .9:47
2. Gotta Broken Heart. . . . . .8:21
3. Walter Speaks Again . . . . .0:37
4. I Shall Be Released . . . . .7:00
5. Serve Me Right To Suffer . .10:58
6. Good Enough To Eat. . . . . .5:25

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Walter Trout & The Radicals - 2003 - Relentless {Ruf Records ruf 1083}

Walter_Trout_&_The_Radicals_-_2003_-_Relentless.(Ruf_Records_ruf_1083).[NL_].iso.wv 28 clicks

 1. I'm Tired. . . . . . .6:04
 2. The Life I Chose . . .6:08
 3. Jericho Road . . . . .4:31
 4. Work No More . . . . .5:45
 5. Talk To Ya . . . . . .5:33
 6. Cry If You Want To . .4:46
 7. Chatroom Girl. . . . .5:34
 8. My Heart Is True . . .6:41
 9. Lonely Tonight . . . .2:24
10. Helpin' Hand . . . . .5:22
11. Collingswood . . . . .4:15
12. Empty Eyes . . . . . .5:10
13. The Best You Got . . .6:25
14. Mercy. . . . . . . . .4:24

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Topic Link: Walter Trout - 2010 - Common Ground
Topic Link: Walter Trout & His Band - Luther's Blues (2013)

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 drobovik Member is Offline
 Posted: 29-05-2016, 19:16 (post 2, #1111709)

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и правда блюз шоле??? :fear2: :fear2:
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 Bakuran Member is Offline
 Posted: 29-05-2016, 19:52 (post 3, #1111710)

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drobovik ;) а таки шо: у вас какбэ есть основания для недоверья?
можите дажи не сумливаться, милейший: блюз-рок, белый, чистой воды акислеза, я быб дажиб сказал - уже классика :drag:

arizonadream, пасиба. Эпический пост. Снимаю шляпу :hi:
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 Bakuran Member is Offline
 Posted: 29-05-2016, 20:00 (post 4, #1111711)

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drobovik, кста, ёшкинЪкотЬ :w00t:
Аааатличное инструментальное прочтение блюзовых стандартов от Bruno Marini за 2015-й год слыхал?
Одно из самых ярких последних впечатлений. Оказывается даже в наше
баблонутое время можно играть так и такое. Во как :drag:

Исчо David M'ore тронул и Gregor наш Hilden за той же датой
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 drobovik Member is Offline
 Posted: 29-05-2016, 20:11 (post 5, #1111712)

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Bakuran, да ну откуда у меня сомнения-то? Это я так, в порядке флуда :diablo:

А за наводки спасибо, мне как раз опять нечего слушать.
Пойду искать / качать :punk: :punk: :punk:
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 arizonadream Member is Offline
 Posted: 06-06-2016, 10:28 (post 6, #1111788)

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