Dorati-LSO - Vienna: Music by Schoenberg, Webern and Berg, 1990. Mercury Living Presence 432 006-2
 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-03-2007, 22:40 (post 1, #724059)


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Antal Dorati - London Symphony Orchestra - Vienna: Music by Schoenberg, Webern and Berg
Артист: Antal Dorati - London Symphony Orchestra
Альбом: Vienna: Music by Schoenberg, Webern and Berg, 1990
Издатель: MLP / 432006
Жанр: Classic, Orchestral Music
Формат файла: eac-cue-log-wv-scan-iso
Ссылка: CD 36 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia

thanks to my friends :)

On this CD:

1. Pieces (5) for orchestra, Op. 16
Composed by Arnold Schoenberg
Performed by London Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Antal Dorati

2. Pieces (5) for orchestra, Op. 10 1. Sehr ruhig und zart / 2. Lebhaft und zart bewegt / 3. Sehr langsam und äusserst ruhig / 4. Fliessend äusserst zart / 5. Sehr flies
Composed by Anton Webern
Performed by London Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Antal Dorati

3. Pieces (3) for orchestra, Op. 6
Composed by Alban Berg
Performed by London Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Antal Dorati

4. Lulu, suite (from the opera), for soprano & orchestra
Composed by Alban Berg
Performed by London Symphony Orchestra
with Helga Pilarczyk
Conducted by Antal Dorati

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This post has been edited by OlCh on 19-09-2007, 08:34
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-09-2007, 08:35 (post 2, #780005)


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excellent, terrific, August 14, 2004
Reviewer: Sungu Okan "Can Okan" (Istanbul, Istanbul Turkey)
This is a very good collection of 2nd Vienna School. All works are amazing. These works are not dangerous modernly, but very effective, somewhere dramatic, too. And the performances of Antal Dorati is awesome. His London Symphony Orchestra played with emotion, powerfrul, effective. The sound quality is excellent, too.
Schoenberg's Five Pieces, Op. 16 is his one of the first atonal works. Written for large orchestra, and it is very insane, impressive, somewhere very contemplative and calm (in 2nd and 3rd pieces). But, I think the star of this CD is Alban Berg's Three Pieces for Orchestra:
Berg's Three Pieces, Op. 6 is may be the most complex work of 2nd Vienna School, but it is most impressive, too. Especially, the last movement, which a funeral music written with influencing of World War I, is very effective, heavy but drammatic, touching. In last minutes there are very powerful climaxes which there is a solo for hammer! The last exploding chord of the work, which comes after a very deep deathful silence, is terrible. I think, this is may be a prophety of Berg, which means these wars will not finish, may be in next years there are more terrible wars, including atomic bomb!!
Another important work is Berg's Lulu-Suite. This suite be constitued from his second opera, as you know. It is includes, a very amazing music, Interlude-Film Music. In this movement, the curtain of 2nd Act's 1st scene falls and then a silent-non-coloured film starts with this music. It has a very interesting, but intelligent form, based on film's story: the music starts and go forward, then it arrves a centre of music, and then it goes backwards! and finishes as like starts...
It is an essential recording and at this price, a must have for any classical music lovers. Highly reccomended

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 schwarzi Member is Offline
 Posted: 31-01-2010, 10:34 (post 3, #941863)


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