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   Saint-Saens: Symphony No. 3 "Organ" Franck: Symphony in D Minor S.Comissiona-BalSO-HSO, 2003 DVD-Audio PPCM 5.1 2.0 24/96, DD
 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 01-11-2006, 13:10 (post 1, #671846)


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Posts: 12604
Sergiu Comissiona-Baltimore Symphony Orchestra-Houston Symphony Orchestra - Saint-Saens: Symphony No. 3 "Organ" Franck: Symphony in D Minor. DVD-Audio tr>
Артист: Sergiu Comissiona-Baltimore Symphony Orchestra-Houston Symphony Orchestra
Альбом: Saint-Saens: Symphony No. 3 "Organ" Franck: Symphony in D Minor. DVD-Audio, 2003
Жанр: Classic, Orchestral Music
Формат файла: DVD-Audio. Video_TS. Audio_TS
Ссылка 1: AUDIO_TS.part1 29 clicks
Ссылка 2: AUDIO_TS.part2 26 clicks
Ссылка 3: AUDIO_TS.part3 23 clicks
Ссылка 4: AUDIO_TS.part4 24 clicks
Ссылка 5: VIDEO_TS 25 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
SPOILER (Rapidshare Links)

великолепнейшая музыка, великолепное исполнение, великолепный звук.... и чуть было не загубили диск для нас :actu: :

нарисовали DVDAUDIO.MKB, но забыли проенкриптить :punk: и про водяные знаки так же забыли :)
но заделали специальную ексешку и оригинальный диск на компе не играется! :fear2:
но с копией то всё в ажуре! :drag:

и как всегда thanks to my friends :)

Product Description

This was the last of Saint-Saens symphonies and, by far, his most famous work. Unlike symphonies of the Romantic Era, this symphony has two parts instead of the normal four movements. During the second part the dominant theme of the first part returns with a vengeance. The orchestra sound swells and crests and the organ, which until now has been heard only softly in the background of small sections, returns with the full strength of the orchestra. This musical moment has been used time and again to demonstrate the power (or lack thereof) of stereo speakers. The effect is spine-tingling.

Advanced Resolution DVD-Audio, Dolby Digital, and stereo options Stunning 5.1 surround sound Technical notes about the source material and restoration process Composer Bios Plays on ALL DVD players

On this CD:

1. Symphony No. 3 in C minor ("Organ"), Op. 78
Composed by Camille Saint-Saens
Performed by Houston Symphony Orchestra
with Jannelle Guillot, Frederick Minger
Conducted by Sergiu Comissiona

2. Symphony, in D minor, Op. 48
Composed by Cesar Franck
Performed by Houston Symphony Orchestra
with Jannelle Guillot
Conducted by Sergiu Comissiona

Thank You, Silverline, December 23, 2007
By Joseph L. Ponessa (Glendive MT USA)
Thank you, Silverline, for bringing us this wonderful DVD-Audio mastering of these two fine performances. Sergiu Comissiona conducts the Baltimore SO in Saint-Saëns' THIRD "ORGAN" SYMPHONY at the National Presbyterian Church in Washington, while Federick Minger plays the John Jay Hopkins Memorial Organ dedicated in 1970. In the second work on the disc, Comissiona conducts the Houston SO in Franck's D MINOR SYMPHONY at Jesse H. Jones Hall in Houston. The brochure does not provide any dates for the recordings, which come from the vaults of Vanguard. Since Comissiona was at the helm in Boston from 1969 to 1984, and in Houston from 1980 to 1988, these recordings likely come from the very end of the analog period, just before the advent of digital recording.
Lengthy DVD credits document the loving care that went into the DVD-A transfer and remastering. The results are wonderful. When my copy arrived I put it in my player and was amazed. I thought that I was familiar with these two works already, but sounds came at me which I had never heard before. All day long the disc played over and over again, four or five times through, as I went about my other business. I just couldn't seem to find a way to hit the stop button until day's end. The next day I found myself singing the syncopated phrases from one or the other work, at odd times. It's been a long time since that happened. DVD-Audio has brought musicality back to music reproduction. Thanks again, Silverline

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This post has been edited by OlCh on 22-01-2009, 13:05
Please take a second to encourage releaser for all his hard work, press 'Thanks' button
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-11-2007, 00:25 (post 31, #793909)


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добавлена ссылка на VIDEO_TS :inv1:
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-11-2007, 00:44 (post 32, #793916)


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замечательно! :freu:
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 Posted: 11-11-2007, 11:34 (post 33, #794016)


Товарисчи! подскажите чем сабж можно послушать?
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-11-2007, 17:55 (post 34, #794086)


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QUOTE (Volui @ 11-11-2007, 03:34)
Товарисчи! подскажите чем сабж можно послушать?
powerdvd 7.3 :drag:
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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 20-11-2008, 09:12 (post 35, #866659)


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добавлен линк на рапидшаре... там полный образ... :rolleyes:
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