> (hidden history)Jan van Helsing-Hande weg von diesem Buch(2004)
 red_gonzo Member is Offline
 Posted: 02-10-2004, 21:11 (post 1, #306258)


Group: Read Only
Posts: 218
For english-only speaking:
This book is in german. English title would be: Don't touch this book. The newest book by german bestseller author Jan Udo Holey alias Jan van Helsing gives the reader an insight into things which are intentionaly kept in secret from us. Our secret history, secret societies, ancient civilizations and technology, spiritual growth are just some of the topics this fascinating 400 pages book deals with. Always optimistic author has also authored other books, by far most known is the "Secret societies in 20th century" which was an underground besteller and is still banned in Germany.

Fur Deutschsprachige:
Das neueste Buch von bestseller Autor Jan van Helsing bringt einem spannendtem Nachfolger von seinem anderem Buchern. Geheime Geschichte, alte Civilizationen und Technologien, Geheimgeselschaften, unsere spirituelle Entwicklung sind nur einige dinge von diesem brisantem 400 seitigem Buch. Also: Hande weg und nicht downloaden... smile.gif

Edonkey link:
Jan.van.Helsing.-.Hände.weg.von.diesem.Buch.(2004).pdf 9 clicks

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