Genesis - A Trick of the Tail (1976), Atco (Atlantic) Victor Japan 38101-2
 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-06-2008, 18:35 (post 1, #843719)


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Posts: 18022
Genesis - A Trick of the Tail
Артист: Genesis
Альбом: A Trick of the Tail, 1976
Издатель: Atco (Atlantic) Victor Japan / 38101-2
Жанр: Progressive Rock, Art Rock
Формат файла: EAC, WAV Pack, CUE, LOG, Covers, Embedded album art, ISO
Ссылка 1: CD 1 143 clicks
Ссылка 2: CD 2
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
Примечание: одна из лучших версий по звуку!
1. Dance on a Volcano
2. Entangled
3. Squonk
4. Mad Man Moon
5. Robbery, Assault and Battery
6. Ripples
7. A Trick of the Tail
8. Los Endos


linked to: Topic Link: Лучшие На Сегодняшний День Версии Альбомов Genesis!
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-06-2008, 18:35 (post 2, #843720)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 18022
thanks to the original releaser! :punk: :wink:

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Review (AMG)
After Peter Gabriel departed for a solo career, Genesis embarked on a long journey to find a replacement, only to wind back around to their drummer, Phil Collins, as a replacement. With Collins as their new frontman, the band decided not to pursue the stylish, jagged postmodernism of The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway -- a move that Gabriel would do in his solo career -- and instead returned to the English eccentricity of Selling England by the Pound for its next effort, A Trick of the Tail. In almost every respect, this feels like a truer sequel to Selling England by the Pound than Lamb; after all, that double album was obsessed with modernity and nightmare, whereas this album returns the group to the fanciful fairy tale nature of its earlier records. Also, Genesis were moving away from the barbed pop of the first LP and returning to elastic numbers that showcased their instrumental prowess, and they sounded more forceful and unified as a band than they had since Foxtrot. Not that this album is quite as memorable as Foxtrot or Selling England, largely because its songs aren't as immediate or memorable: apart from "Dance on a Volcano," this is about the sound of the band playing, not individual songs, and it succeeds on that level quite wildly -- to the extent that it proved to longtime fans that Genesis could possibly thrive without its former leader in tow.

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The Atco is derived from the V/C Nimbus, but is not a simple level shift, as Raf's notes below show.

Raf wrote:
"The V/C and Atco CDs of Trick are derived from the same digital source. Barring the issues described below, the two cancel out completely when the levels are matched. Are they the same mastering, technically speaking? You tell me! There's been a bit of monkeying done here.

First up, the volume levels:

Tracks 1 and 3 = the Atco is 0.8 dB louder compared to the V/C
Track 2 = the Atco is 1.8 dB louder
Tracks 4, 5, 6 and 7 = the Atco is 0.4 dB louder
Track 8 = the Atco is 1.4 dB quieter

Tracks 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 on the Atco have clipped peaks. I was going to do a detailed listing, but there are too many. I counted three clipped peaks on Dance on a Volcano and eleven on Squonk before I gave up. To complicate matters more, track 8 is clipped on the V/C.
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 nbb1967 Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-06-2008, 20:01 (post 3, #843738)


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Posts: 48
Я дико извиняюсь перед поклонниками Genesis-a, но может быть мне кто-нибудь объяснит: разве включенный Overread на PLEXTOR-ах (на любом приводе поддерживающем эту функцию) не является 100% гарантией неправильного рипа, в котором можно забыть про оффсеты, CRC, AccurateRip и даже размер WAV-файла будет отличаться от рипа правильного?

This post has been edited by nbb1967 on 17-06-2008, 20:06
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 Crassimo Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-06-2008, 20:25 (post 4, #843750)

Вольный Стрелок

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Posts: 332
Можно поподробнее? Разве это не должно вести, наоборот, к повышению точности рипа?

This post has been edited by Crassimo on 17-06-2008, 20:38
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 nbb1967 Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-06-2008, 21:25 (post 5, #843774)


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Я еще раз извиняюсь, возможно мой вопрос следствие неверного понимания (толкования) термина Overread. К сожалению, у меня нет возможности сделать и сравнить два рипа с одного диска на приводе поддерживающем Overread (c ним и без него) - мой NEC эту функцию не поддерживает, увы. А представление (возможно, не верное) основано на сравнении чужих рипов, сделанных с Overread-ом и без, и ощутимо отличающихся друг от друга размером WAV-a, количеством тишины в начале и конце...
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-06-2008, 21:38 (post 6, #843781)


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Posts: 18022
по моему пофиг, если только в начале или в конце диска ошибки.
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 tower1 Member is Offline
 Posted: 20-06-2008, 17:44 (post 7, #844259)


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Posts: 52
Послушал, сравнил. На слух вроде звучит поинтересней чем Virgin/Charisma EMI Swindon CDSCD 4001. У кого какие мнения?
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