> Вопрос про увеличение колличества соединений дляWinXP2, Как это посмотреть?
 DVABAKS Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-02-2006, 13:51 (post 1, #551318)


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Posts: 148
Подскажите где в настройках компьютора можно посмотреть про колличество соединений после установки патча?
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 Trex Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-02-2006, 14:10 (post 2, #551332)


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Когда сам патч включаешь, он тебе и пишет.
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 DVABAKS Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-02-2006, 18:56 (post 3, #551536)


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Posts: 148
Это я видел,но по BitComet и eMulu увеличение скорости не заметил как то можно посмотреть разрешенное колличество соединнений в реестре или где то еще7
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 LF_ Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-02-2006, 20:32 (post 4, #551608)

Hand of Doom
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ну если не страшно, то

Edit tcpip.sys manually to remove the TCP/IP socket creation limit

Another option, for the more adventurous is to modify your tcpip.sys file manually, using a hex editor. The following instructions refer to the final release of XP SP2, with a tcpip.sys file of exactly 359,040 bytes, CRC-32 is 8042A9FB, and MD5 is 9F4B36614A0FC234525BA224957DE55C. Even thouh there might be multiple tcpip.sys files in your system, make sure to work with the one in c:\windows\system32\drives\ directory.

To remove the tcpip.sys socket creation limit:
- Backup your original tcpip.sys file before editing please, this is somewhat important !
- In your hex editor, go to offset 4F322 hex (or 324386 decimal).
- Change 0a 00 00 00 to 00 00 0a 00

All done ! The above change does not require editing of the CRC in offset 130 hex (thanks for the clever solution Thomas Wolf Tompkins).

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 DVABAKS Member is Offline
 Posted: 18-02-2006, 00:30 (post 5, #551789)


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Posts: 148
Спасибо. :rolleyes:
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