Dave Brubeck Quartet - Time Out (1959), Sony MasterSound Gold CK 52860
 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 04-03-2006, 22:01 (post 1, #561014)


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Dave Brubeck Quartet - Time Out
Артист: Dave Brubeck Quartet
Альбом: Time Out,
Жанр: Jazz
Формат файла: eac-log-cue-flac-scans-rar
Ссылка: CD 207 clicks
Ссылка: CD (torrent)
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
не токмо японцами.... :lol:

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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 04-03-2006, 22:01 (post 2, #561015)


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thanks to runo, thanks to all friends :)

Dave Brubeck Quartet - 1959 Time Out
Columbia Mastersound Edition SBM Remastered CK 52860

by server_alliance

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Review by Steve Huey
Dave Brubeck's defining masterpiece, Time Out is one of the most rhythmically innovative albums in jazz history, the first to consciously explore time signatures outside of the standard 4/4 beat or 3/4 waltz time. It was a risky move -- Brubeck's record company wasn't keen on releasing such an arty project, and many critics initially roasted him for tampering with jazz's rhythmic foundation. But for once, public taste was more advanced than that of the critics. Buoyed by a hit single in altoist Paul Desmond's ubiquitous "Take Five," Time Out became an unexpectedly huge success, and still ranks as one of the most popular jazz albums ever. That's a testament to Brubeck and Desmond's abilities as composers, because Time Out is full of challenges both subtle and overt -- it's just that they're not jarring. Brubeck's classic "Blue Rondo à la Turk" blends jazz with classical form and Turkish folk rhythms, while "Take Five," despite its overexposure, really is a masterpiece; listen to how well Desmond's solo phrasing fits the 5/4 meter, and how much Joe Morello's drum solo bends time without getting lost. The other selections are richly melodic as well, and even when the meters are even, the group sets up shifting polyrhythmic counterpoints that nod to African and Eastern musics. Some have come to disdain Time Out as it's become increasingly synonymous with upscale coffeehouse ambience, but as someone once said of Shakespeare, it's really very good in spite of the people who like it. It doesn't just sound sophisticated -- it really is sophisticated music, which lends itself to cerebral appreciation, yet never stops swinging. Countless other musicians built on its pioneering experiments, yet it's amazingly accessible for all its advanced thinking, a rare feat in any art form. This belongs in even the most rudimentary jazz collection

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 kokiku Member is Offline
 Posted: 04-03-2006, 23:17 (post 3, #561065)


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Послушал. Очень понравилось.
Даже прожёг. :)
Для "зарулём" правда не очень идёт (тут лучше Metallicy слушать :fu: ),
но для "пробок" :diablo: вполне :rolleyes: .
1959 год - это самое древнее в моей "коллекции".
Так я скоро начну заходить в топик для джаза. :actu:
Спасибо runo и OlCh!
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 runo Member is Offline
 Posted: 04-03-2006, 23:35 (post 4, #561081)

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QUOTE (kokiku @ 04-03-2006, 23:17)
Послушал. Очень понравилось.
Даже прожёг. :)
Для "зарулём" правда не очень идёт (тут лучше Metallicy слушать :fu: ),
но для "пробок" :diablo: вполне :rolleyes: .
1959 год - это самое древнее в моей "коллекции".
Так я скоро начну заходить в топик для джаза. :actu:
Спасибо runo и OlCh!
Ну так это супер классика джаза! Это просто не может не нравиться!
Надо Miles Davis "Kind of Blue" релизить! Тоже один из краеугольных камней джаза!
Кстати, женщинам очень нравиться! Проверялось неоднократно! Можно такой музыкой жен потихоньку "приучать" к своему хобби! :rolleyes: (для тех, у кого они еще/уже есть!) :lol:
По крайней мере не вызывает отторжения! :lol:
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 runo Member is Offline
 Posted: 05-03-2006, 00:17 (post 5, #561109)

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Но это же ПРАВИЛЬНЫЕ дудки!
Так сказать, всем дудкам дудки! :rolleyes:
Альбом, который можно слушать безконечно! Офигительная пластинка!
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-02-2008, 03:33 (post 6, #819001)


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это потрясный диск, очень нравится! вчера слушал и сравнивал live запись с SACD DSD и этот - каждый по-своему нравится :)
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 Vartan Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-02-2008, 06:03 (post 7, #819018)


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Спасибо большое - отличный диск!

А упоминавшийся здесь Miles Davis "Kind of Blue" в торрент может кто-нибудь зарелизить. Особенно если это будет CD слой от Hybid SACD, который сделан из DSD мастера. :hi:

Кстати, о Living Stereo тоже просьба огромная не забывать ;)
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 drobovik Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-09-2009, 17:58 (post 8, #914066)

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Спасибо большое!!!
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