> Hocico 2003 "Hate Never Dies - The Remix Celebration", в содружестве Suicide Commando, Solitary Experimets и Terminal Choice
 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 21-06-2004, 12:44 (post 1, #274394)

зломбный релизомби

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Альбом:Hate Never Dies - The Remix Celebration, 2003
Формат файла:EAC/APE3.97/rar
Ссылка:CD 3 clicks
Примечание:Hate is my strength and I know it will never die. tnx dopefish for the help

1.Untold Blasphemies (Aslan Faction remix)
2.Ruptura (God Module remix)
3.Without a God (Kiew remix)
4.Forgotten Tears (Suicide Commando remix)
5.Twisted Lines (Solitary Experiments remix)
6.Ladykiller (Terminal Choice remix)
7.Ruptura (Combi Christ remix)
8.Without a God (Soman remix)
9.Forgotten Tears (Haujobb remix)
10.Ladykiller (Obedience remix)
11.Without a God (Dioxyde remix)
12.Forgotten tears (Live out-take)

record company : Out Of Line
release year: 2003
genre: Electronics, Industrial
related: Dulce Liquido

Hocico Discography

line up:
Erk Aicrag - lyric & vocal
Racso Agroyam - programming

Ten years of Hocico! I would like to sing 'Happy Birthday' for 'em, but as that song is copyrighted with royalties still being actively collected, I don't think that'd be a good idea. Well, I could scratch up the vocals, true to the spirit of this duo, and it'd scarcely be recognisable, but I still reckon the original authors would have me up in court. Fun as it would be to make a courtroom listen to electro-industrial music, I just don't have time for shit like that. I've got reviews to write.

Oh, sorry....got a bit lost there. Back to the plot.....

Hocico have chosen to mark their decade of sonic terrorism with a couple of celebratory releases. There's a limited edition boxed set, containing the CD reviewed here plus three further CDs containing the band's old demo tapes. A little research indicated exactly what those demos were recorded with, and since I have to buy the CDs I review (unlike some), I elected to skip over 'the big one'. I'm mean, I still haven't listened to the last bit of that Velvet Underground 5-disc box thingy yet.

For those without the desire to hunt down the remaining copies of this set, as well of those reading in the far future when this'll be fetching Burning Empires-like sums on E-Bay, there's also this, the remix album sold on it's own. A quick scan over the tracklisting reveals that most of the songs chosen for remix are relatively recent creations, with only triply-remixed 'Without A God' pre-dating 'Signos De Aberracion'. Even then, they managed to skip 'Instincts of Perversion', a track ripe for a high-class remix.

Meanwhile, the remixers of choice here are, let us say, 'safe choices', or at least as safe as skull-fucking electro-industrial can be. It'll surprise no-one that Suicide Commando makes an appearance. CombiChrist (rubber-coated Icon of Coil blokey gone all noisey) crops up, too. God Module - present and correct. Aslan Faction? Welcome to the party, Englanderz. And no industrial-remix album would be complete without a Daniel Myer contribution, and sure enough, Haujobb is a player here as well. And case you were wondering, cyberkiddies, VNV Nation were turned away at the door. No place for future-pop here.

What we're essentially left with here, then, is a bunch of similar sounding musicians trying to rework music by an act that sounds a lot like them. And lets be fair about it, most of 'em make a pretty good job. Altering the drums, vocal effects and synth lines, each remixers manages to incorporate at least a little of their own style into the originals, whilst still showing due respect to the original. The appeal of this album thus lies in hearing tweaked versions of select Hocico tracks, getting a feel for what they might have sounded like had they been produced in an almost-recognisable parallel universe.

And, yes, there are highlights. Suicide Commando does a pretty good job at powering 'Forgotten Tears' to a new level, whilst Haujobb succeeds in not fucking it up like they did with 'Headhunter 2000' a few years back (still my most hated remix ever), going for some quirky drum pattern variations and equally odd mix-science. The three takes on the antediluvian 'Without A God' are generally successful, despite some overpowering kick-drum distortion on KiEw's version.

Aslan Faction's attempt at 'Untold Blasphemies' is a reasonable exercise in increasing the stompiness factor, whilst Combichrist and God Module take 'Ruptura' in two different directions, with Jasyn Bangert winning out over IoC man with his 'melodic noise' slant. The only really radical approaches are by Terminal Choice and Solitary Experiments, the former throwing lots of power-chord action into 'Ladykiller', true to recent TC style, whilst Solitary Experiments present the only concession to EBMwave, producing a soaring epic trance lead, whilst still keeping the vocal screeching and pummelling drums intact.

There's also a bit of live material to sweeten the package. There's a reasonable take on 'Forgotten Tears' following on from the remixes, a fairly accomplished 'extended' version of the original, but also indicative of a band that sound too much like the studio when on stage. There's also two MPEG video clips. The 1996 Mexico City shot of 'Hell On Earth' is poor in terms of sound, picture and camerawork, though the version of 'Odio Bajo el Alma' from Hildesheim's aircraft hangar in 1999 is watchable, benefiting from an altogether more professional approach.

And so ends the mini-celebration of the Hocico legacy so far. A greater selection of remixer styles would have helped, as would have a wider selection of tracks to remix. What's done is done however, and if the full box set really isn't for you, this'll do nicely to fill in the collection gap until Racso and Erk come up with something new. Now, if someone would lend me the full version, I might actually be up for tackling that one after all....

сингл 2004 года, вышедший 1 июня:
Hocico.Born.To.Be.Hated.By.Releaseboard.6X.To.rar 0 clicks

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 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 21-06-2004, 20:02 (post 2, #274539)

зломбный релизомби

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то ли еще будет.... wink.gif готовь свой фтп smile.gif
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 DopeFish Member is Offline
 Posted: 23-06-2004, 20:49 (post 3, #275347)


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некий dydol [pl] переименовал файл newest/pig.gif newest/fuyou_2.gif
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 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 23-06-2004, 21:36 (post 4, #275364)

зломбный релизомби

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QUOTE (DopeFish @ 23-06-2004, 18:49)
некий dydol [pl] переименовал файл newest/pig.gif newest/fuyou_2.gif

когда-нить мы сможем за ето отомстить... rolleyes.gif
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 eShiva Member is Offline
 Posted: 25-06-2004, 02:28 (post 5, #275855)


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sanbo, мне тут завалился во входящие заявленый сингл Hocico.Born.To.Be.Hated.By.Releaseboard.6X.To.rar, только в нем все файлы запаролены. А пальцекрутка для рара у меня старая 2.XX только держит. Ты не можешь подсказать как открыть этот архивчик?

заранее благодарен
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 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 25-06-2004, 08:00 (post 6, #275888)

зломбный релизомби

Group: News makers
Posts: 5600
QUOTE (eShiva @ 25-06-2004, 00:28)
sanbo, мне тут завалился во входящие заявленый сингл Hocico.Born.To.Be.Hated.By.Releaseboard.6X.To.rar, только в нем все файлы запаролены. А пальцекрутка для рара у меня старая 2.XX только держит. Ты не можешь подсказать как открыть этот архивчик?

заранее благодарен

пароль -в названии архива, тока добавь www и точки поствь вместо пробелов smile.gif
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 eShiva Member is Offline
 Posted: 25-06-2004, 12:48 (post 7, #275946)


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sanbo - это же не тест на должный уровень слушателей, верно? откуда мне знать, что 6x.to - домен...
спасибо newest/music_walkman.gif
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