John Coltrane - Blue Train (1957, 2004), Classic Records HDAD-2010, DVD-Audio 24/192 + DVD-Video 24/96
 LAI671 Member is Offline
 Posted: 29-11-2006, 16:41 (post 1, #683221)

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Group: News makers
Posts: 2428
John Coltrane  - Blue Train
Артист: John Coltrane
Альбом: Blue Train, 2004
Жанр: Blues
Формат файла: DiscJuggler Image + VIDEO_TS in ISO Image
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: Torrent
Примечание: DVD-Audio 24/192, DVD-Video 24/96

John Coltrane - Blue Train (1957, 2004)
Classic Records HDAD-2010, DVD-Audio 24/192, DVD-Video 24/96

1. Blue Train
2. Moment's Notice
3. Locomotion
4. I'm Old Fashion
5. Lazy Bird

Description of disc:
Arguably one of the most influential titles from Coltrane and one of the greatest Blue Note releases ever. In 1957, right at the very start of his prestige recording period, 'Trane did this one-off set in New Jersey with Rudy Van Gelder with historic results. The recent reissue abundance of the title, re-packaged and enhanced in many ways, reveals the reverence put upon these sides. Now, the ultimate version of Blue Train in true 24/96 - 24/192 A-D is available.

Description of technology:

user posted image

The Classic Hybrid DVD Audio Disc (HDAD) is a two-sided DVD disc with 24/192 PCM data playable on DVD Audio players on one side, and 24/96 PCM data playable on DVD Video players on the other side. The Classic HDAD is a truly universal DVD disc playable on all DVD players. So if you have a DVD video player, you can play the DVD Video side of the HDAD-insert the disc with the Blue center ring facing up and enjoy 24/96 playback resolution. On a DVD Audio player, simply flip the disc over with the Red ring facing up and enjoy 24/192 playback resolution.

The process starts with the encoding of an analog signal from a live microphone feed or more commonly from an analog master tape. A highly sophisticated Analog to Digital converter (A to D) samples the analog signal 192,000 times per second (192 kHz) and assigns a numerical value to each sample point. The 192 KHz sampling rate is more than four times the 44,100 (44.1 kHz) sampling rate used on standard CDs. Through a process called downsampling, the 192 KHz data is used to derive a 96 KHz data set that is used on the DVD video player side of the HDAD. The numerical value assigned to each sample point at 192 kHz-about every 5.2 microseconds-is stored as a 24-bit digital word. The significance of a 24-bit digital word is that there are 16.8 million different potential values for each 24-bit word! By contrast, there are only 65,536 different potential values for a 16-bit digital word on a normal CD. The additional 8 bits on an HDAD allow for over 16 million additional voltage values to represent the original analog signal. Further, 24-bit resolution offers 144dB of dynamic range from the softest to the loudest musical note. At 144dB of dynamic range, we greatly exceed the dynamic range available on the world’s finest analog tape machines. For the first time in the history of digital audio, we can provide Master Tape Sound (MTS)TM. We hope that you will appreciate the effort that goes into making this remarkable HDAD when you listen to what this technological wonder has to offer.

Что было и что получилось:
Исходный материал - двухСТОРОННИЙ (не путать с двухСЛОЙНЫЙ) диск. Одна сторона представляет собой DVD-Audio диск со звуком 24/192 и играется только на плеерах поддерживающих воспроизведение DVD-Audio дисков (ну и на компе естественно). Вторая сторона - стандартный DVD-Video со звуком 24/96 играется на всех ДВД плеерах. Почему сделано на двух сторонах? Не имею никакого понятия:-) DVD-Audio представлена в виде образа DiscJuggler. DVD-Video сторона порипана DVD Decrypter и запакована в ISO при помощи UltraISO. Всё это влезает на обычную ДВД5 болванку. Рекомендуется записывать диск с помощью Padus DiscJuggler, простым добавлением обоих папок в проект, так как в этом случае, на 99% гарантируется работоспособность диска, как на компьютере, так и на стационарных проигрывателях.

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 kokiku Member is Offline
 Posted: 30-11-2006, 18:07 (post 2, #683697)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 3676
В муле проходил,
но только одна сторона.
Решили не переворачивать? :rolleyes:
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 LAI671 Member is Offline
 Posted: 30-11-2006, 22:16 (post 3, #683810)

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Group: News makers
Posts: 2428
видимо не заметили что диск двухсторонний :lol:
в принципе можно и в Осла забросить если оно кому то надо.
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 30-11-2006, 22:17 (post 4, #683812)


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а зачем 2я сторона.. мы с руно тогда решили ее не раздавать :)
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 LAI671 Member is Offline
 Posted: 01-12-2006, 00:11 (post 5, #683852)

Talk too much

Group: News makers
Posts: 2428
ну хотя бы ради желания иметь полную копию диска. кроме того не все могут слушать двд-аудио, а тут и на двд-видео превосходный звук.
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 01-12-2006, 00:20 (post 6, #683860)


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да, тут я думаю ты прав :hi:
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 deafninja Member is Offline
 Posted: 26-01-2007, 16:40 (post 7, #706049)


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Hey guys!! Does anyone speak english... :help:
I'm Greek and i have no clue of what you're talking
:w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
How do i get a torrent for this masterpiece??? :help:
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 Posted: 30-01-2007, 21:04 (post 8, #707754)


I am Greek to
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 k-dmitriy Member is Offline
 Posted: 03-12-2007, 10:32 (post 9, #801379)


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эмм, wtf :drag:

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