> The Storyteller - The Storyteller, Power Metal
 Uzaren Member is Offline
 Posted: 30-06-2004, 11:38 (post 1, #277328)

Герой Асфальта
Group: Roots
Group: Roots
Posts: 18547
Артист:The Storyteller
Альбом:The Storyteller, 2000
Жанр:Power Metal
Формат файла:EAC -> APE
Ссылка:CD 0 clicks
Примечание:Находится На NNov Russian Donkey Server

01.And the legend begins
02.Guardians of Kail
03.Always be there
04.Sense of steel
05.Power within
06.Book of mystery
07.Like a wind
08.A test of endurance and strenght
09.Chant of the thieves
10.The Storyteller

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