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>  Важно: µTorrent - краткое описание, Version 1.7.5 (build 4602)
 ktano Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 23-05-2007, 15:04 (post 571, #751737)


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интересно - кто-нибудь пользуется RSS в мЮторренте вообще ?
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 LF_ Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 23-05-2007, 18:16 (post 572, #751773)

Hand of Doom
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RSS тут не для того сделан - есть скажем трекеры, где дают сереалы и кликать на 100 линков - застрелится, поэтому там можно подписаться на серил ХYZ и как только новый линк появляется - мю будет сам его тянуть ;)
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 FlexDen Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 26-05-2007, 10:23 (post 573, #752572)

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Так и не смог настроить эту фишку...приходиться в ручную на каждый сериальчик тыкать и качать
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 LF_ Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 27-05-2007, 03:19 (post 574, #752787)

Hand of Doom
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 FlexDen Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 27-05-2007, 23:51 (post 575, #752978)

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не силён в английском всю жизнь учил немецкий, правда его знаю ещё хуже чем английский :)))))
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 LF_ Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 02-06-2007, 03:29 (post 576, #754515)

Hand of Doom
Group: Roots
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Похоже, релизов больше не будет :)

--- 2007-05-31: Version 1.7 (build 2248)
- Change: uTorrent now no longer forks on uninstallation so it should correctly be removed from add/remove programs on windows 95 varieties
- Change: include all adapters in subnet search for local peers
- Change: consider peers in reserved local ranges as local peers
- Change: don't limit local peers by default
- Change: sort RSS release qualities
- Fix: download rate limiting bug
- Fix: fix a bug with force recheck from 2224

-- 2007-05-30: Version 1.7 (build 2228)
- Feature: allow > 65k pieces in the torrent creator (if piece size is >= 1mB)

--- 2007-05-30: Version 1.7 (build 2224)
- Feature: support > 65535 pieces (now 4294967295 is max)
- Change: don't turn off "check association on startup" if the user says no to the dialog (use the settings to turn it off)
- Change: Display an error dialog if the user types in an invalid path on a single file torrent for the "..." button
- Change: case insensitive hosts in flags.conf
- Change: RSS title parsing
- Change: Implement home, end, pageup, and pagedown selection with shift or control keys in the addtorrent dialog treeview
- Change: Some changes to make up, down, home, end, pageup, and pagedown keys in the addtorrent dialog treeview behave more like the old listview
- Fix: fix duplication connection race condition
- Fix: in filenames, replace trailing spaces with underscores (since Windows does not allow it)
- Fix: repair settings files with duplicate entries (and log about it)
- Fix: rss.start_matches broken with certain settings
- Fix: Dump memory info crash on Vista
- Fix: Would end up not rate limiting local peers if already connected before discovery and they were not on the local subnet

--- 2007-05-27: Version 1.7 (build 2151)
- Change: Remove a hack that was put in for Wine's getsockname() in build 2132; it didn't work correctly
- Fix: multifile torrents and url-list (still unsupported, but log instead of crash)

--- 2007-05-27: Version 1.7 (build 2145)
- Change: Swap tvRSS in to the search engine list, because it's awesome
- Change: Minor gui tweak and text removal
- Fix: crash introduced in 2132

--- 2007-05-27: Version 1.7 (build 2132)
- Change: RSS title parsing
- Change: Detect external IP

--- 2007-05-22: Version 1.7 (build 1977)
- Change: use radio marks for Bandwidth Allocation menu items instead of check marks
- Fix: When installing to user profile directory uTorrent now tries to be smarter in choosing a localized program files directory name
- Fix: Work around a Wine bug where getsockname() returns success but keeps passed in port at 0 if socket already bound; thus uTorrent would itself reset back to port 0 if it was already in use
- Fix: Don't scroll general tab horizontally since it has no horizontal scrollbar
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 ktano Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 05-06-2007, 15:44 (post 577, #755483)


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Описание:Много пустых строк в порт приложения приводит к отказу.

Затронутые продукты: UTORRENT : µTorrent 1.6
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 Ludwiq_1 Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 06-06-2007, 08:48 (post 578, #755750)


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Господа краеведы. Есть вопросик.
По техническим причинам свалил с раздачи, которая состояла из 2-х файлов *mdf и *mds.
*mdf сохранить удалось, а *mds - нет.
Пытаюсь вернуться на раздачу.
Снова беру торрент-ссылку, начинаю качать, закачиваю недостающий *mds, а *mdf меняю на стопроцентный файл.
uTorrent проверяет его и продолжает качать дальше.
Если даю команду не закачивать этот файл, uTorrent проверяет его, и переносит в раздел скачанных.
Однако трекер меня определяет, как какчающего, а не как раздающего.
Предполагаю, что я как-то неправильно пытаюсь вернуться на раздачу. Возможно эта процедура где-то описана, но я не могу пока найти. Помогите советом.
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 korneliy Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 06-06-2007, 09:55 (post 579, #755769)

Модератор форума
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Я бы попробовал выключить на время перенос скачанных файлов в другую директорию - были там какие-то баги в свое время. Или может у тебя он качает в другую директорию просто? Потому что ничего сложного в возвращении на раздачу нет, и ты все вроде бы делаешь правильно.
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 bubamara Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 08-06-2007, 11:03 (post 580, #756338)

Ваня Б. Коровкин

Группа: News makers
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По три билда в день строчат ребята :rzhu:

--- 2007-06-07: Version 1.7 (build 2517)
- Change: Default to delete files to trash
- Change: Language file errors go to log instead of popup
- Change: Make autoupdater a bit smarter with its failure messages

--- 2007-06-07: Version 1.7 (build 2481)
- Fix: fix a case where local peers would be rate limited regardless of the option

--- 2007-06-07: Version 1.7 (build 2475)
- Change: Move NAT-PMP logging to "error" and "verbose", depending
- Fix: fix a rare crash bug on settings change (like popup speed menus)

--- 2007-06-06: Version 1.7 (build 2465)
- Change: There is a new command line option, "/NOINSTALL", which will bypass the installation dialog in most instances. Installer authors should always pass this argument on the first run of the program.

--- 2007-06-05: Version 1.7 (build 2448)
- Change: Move UPnP logging to "error" and "verbose", depending
- Fix: DHT bootstrapping in many cases
- Fix: UPnP mapping when local IP changes
- Fix: spurious settings file integrity failure messages

--- 2007-06-05: Version 1.7 (build 2407)
- Fix: update local peer limiting when settings change
- Fix: settings.dat could erroneously to be found corrupted when switching from 1.7 to 1.6.1 and back
- Fix: restore missing upload rate for local peers
- Fix: Make crash dialog and dumping work again in Windows 95 varieties
- Fix: Reset completed on date if new files are unskipped and completed
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 bubamara Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 17-06-2007, 22:48 (post 581, #758772)

Ваня Б. Коровкин

Группа: News makers
Сообщений: 3654
Ошибся. Не три - четыре билда в день :drag:

--- 2007-06-11: Version 1.7 (build 2585)
- Fix: tickling of Wine bug with TCP sockets

--- 2007-06-07: Version 1.7 (build 2539)
- Fix: Switch focus to the tab control when the user changes a tab and focus was in a previous tab
- Change: display local peer bandwidth in the totals (like the statusbar)
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 LF_ Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 22-06-2007, 15:30 (post 582, #759989)

Hand of Doom
Group: Roots
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-- 2007-06-18: Version 1.7 (build 2740)
- Fix: Escape-style handling on the exit confirmation and a create torrent dialog

--- 2007-06-18: Version 1.7 (build 2733)
- Feature: Now requires or asks for elevation on Vista if needed. Currently this includes installation, uninstallation, autoupdate, and if settings files are in the same directory.
- Feature: Several of the messageboxes now can be turned off from the messagebox itself, and some have radio buttons instead of yes/no/cancel etc.
- Feature: Several of the messageboxes are now taskdialogs on Vista; a couple use commandlinks instead of yes/no/cancel etc.
- Feature: uTorrent now has a 256x256 compressed png icon for Vista
- Feature: The top toolbar in the main window is now a rebar and will collapse the left portion as the window size decreases
- Change: (technical) When launching uTorrent from another process, it should obey the showwindow flags passed through the STARTUPINFO
- Change: bt.auto_ul_min no longer specifies smallest speed sample, but the lowest auto rate
- Change: The search icon is now to the right of the searchbox
- Change: detect Wine only for TCP socket repair
- Fix: Refresh issues with listviews on pre-XP systems
- Fix: The rest of the webui preferences page is grayed out when it is disabled
- Fix: Off by one error in the speed tab graph
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 Jago Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 28-06-2007, 17:47 (post 583, #761479)


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--- 2007-06-26: Version 1.7 (build 2951)
- Change: improvements to auto uplink management on very high bandwidth connections
- Change: bt.auto_ul_max has been removed
- Change: For messages boxes with checkboxes on pre-vista systems add the checkbox to the tab order and reduce the size between the checkbox and bottom buttons a bit

--- 2007-06-26: Version 1.7 (build 2936)
- Fix: Always consider drives formatted with the FAT and FAT32 file systems writable/accessible
- Fix: crash bug with Files tab

--- 2007-06-25: Version 1.7 (build 2922)
- Fix: crash bug with allow_same_ip

--- 2007-06-25: Version 1.7 (build 2899)
- Change: Tracker list rotates in UI with rate defined by gui.update_rate
- Fix: Search button is now hidden again if there are no search engines set in the options
- Fix: Toolbar is now hides properly again if the option is unchecked
- Fix: Crashes when minimized to tray and trying to close
- Fix: Low color icon no longer displays when not running in 32-bit color, instead 256 color icon is used always
- Fix: uTorrent now always runs as the launching user, even after it does UAC work, so opening .torrent files from explorer will now work correctly
- Fix: Memory leak in files tab
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 insider Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 29-06-2007, 10:42 (post 584, #761643)


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µTorrent 1.7 Release Candidate 1 (build 2991)

--- 2007-06-28: Version 1.7 (build 2991)
- Change: Icon is tweaked to look better on black backgrounds and to be less grainy
- Change: Popup menu from toolbar when collapsed is now native with icons and text, and has a border
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 insider Member is Offline
 Отправлено: 30-06-2007, 09:07 (post 585, #761922)


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µTorrent 1.7 Release Candidate 2 (build 2999)

--- 2007-06-29: Version 1.7 (build 2999)
- Change: I18N a couple more strings
- Change: Consider all filesystem which don't supports ACL writable (which "fixes" an access issue with Wine)
- Change: More aggressive wine detection
- Fix: Windows 95 compatability due to a missing export
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