The Animals (1964) + animal tracks (1965) [EMI]
 Siget Member is Offline
 Posted: 27-11-2010, 21:11 (post 1, #992529)


Group: News makers
Posts: 6051
The Animals  - The Animals (1964) + animal tracks (1965)
Артист: The Animals
Альбом: The Animals (1964) + animal tracks (1965), 2004
Издатель: EMI / UK: 473 2722
Жанр: Rock
Формат файла: NL+
Ссылка 1: CD 1
Ссылка 2: CD 2 50 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
 1. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #01] Story Of Bo Diddley
 2. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #02] Bury My Body
 3. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #03] Dimples
 4. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #04] I've Been Around
 5. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #05] I'm In Love Again
 6. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #06] The Girl Can't Help It
 7. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #07] I'm Mad Again
 8. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #08] She Said Yeah
 9. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #09] The Right Time
10. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #10] Memphis Tennesse
11. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #11] Boom Boom
12. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #12] Around And Around
13. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #13] Mess Around
14. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #14] How You've Changed
15. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #15] Hallelujah I Love Her So
16. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #16] Believe To My Soul
17. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #17] Worried Life Blues
18. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #18] Roberta
19. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #19] I Ain't Got You
20. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #20] Bright Lights Big City
21. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #21] Let The Good Times Roll
22. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #22] For Miss Caulker
23. The Animals - [the animals (1-12) (1964) + animal tracks (13-23) (1965) #23] Roadrunner


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....продолжение скромной классической подборки :hi:

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 taurus66 Member is Offline
 Posted: 27-11-2010, 21:16 (post 2, #992531)

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А вот это по нашему :punk: :nl:
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 arizonadream Member is Offline
 Posted: 27-11-2010, 22:04 (post 3, #992541)


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QUOTE (Siget @ 27-11-2010, 23:11)

....продолжение скромнойuser posted image классической подборки
Siget :hi:
Только вот не надо прибедняться... :actu: Как там у председателя в подписи? :laugh:
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 arizonadream Member is Offline
 Posted: 27-11-2010, 23:17 (post 4, #992547)


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