Disturbed - Indestructible (2008), [NL+] {Reprise Records 9362-49887-9}
 edenika Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-07-2013, 20:03 (post 1, #1078436)

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Disturbed  - Indestructible
Артист: Disturbed
Альбом: Indestructible, 2008
Издатель: Reprise Records / 9362-49887-9
Жанр: Heavy metal
Формат файла: [NL+]
Ссылка: CD 28 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
Примечание: Press in DE

 1. Indestructible . . .4:38
 2. Inside The Fire. . .3:51
 3. Deceiver . . . . . .3:49
 4. The Night. . . . . .4:46
 5. Perfect Insanity . .3:57
 6. Haunted. . . . . . .4:42
 7. Enough . . . . . . .4:20
 8. The Curse. . . . . .3:25
 9. Torn . . . . . . . .4:09
10. Criminal . . . . . .4:16
11. Divide . . . . . . .3:36
12. Facade . . . . . . .3:47



Topic Link: Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists (2005)
Topic Link: Disturbed - 2011 - The Lost Children

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 Stackanovets Member is Offline
 Posted: 20-07-2013, 17:52 (post 2, #1078461)


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