> Unisonic - 2014 - For The Kingdom (EP)
 Damballah Member is Offline
 Posted: 26-05-2014, 10:47 (post 1, #1095295)

Voodoo child
Group: Netlab Soldier
Group: Netlab Soldier
Posts: 13741
Unisonic - For The Kingdom
Артист: Unisonic
Альбом: For The Kingdom, 2014
Жанр: Melodic Heavy/Power Metal
Формат файла: iso.wv
Ссылка: CD 15 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
Релиз-группа: Group Icon
Примечание: Найдено в сети

Michael Kiske - Vocals (Kiske / Somerville, Avantasia (live), ex-Ill Prophecy, Michael Kiske, Place Vendome, ex-Helloween, ex-SupaRed)
Kai Hansen - Guitars (Gamma Ray, ex-Helloween, ex-Iron Savior, ex-Avantasia (live), ex-Gentry, ex-Iron Fist, ex-Second Hell)
Mandy Meyer - Guitars (Krokus, ex-Ashton, ex-Asia, ex-Cobra, ex-Gotthard, ex-House of Lords, ex-Katmandü, ex-Stealin Horses, ex-Van Zant)
Dennis Ward - Bass (Missa Mercuria, Pink Cream 69, Wicked Sensation, D.C. Cooper, Place Vendome, ex-Bob Catley, ex-Dezperadoz)
Kosta Zafiriou - Drums (Krokus (live), D.C. Cooper, ex-Pink Cream 69, ex-Kymera, ex-Place Vendome)

1. For The Kingdom (New Song)
2. You Come Undone (New Song; EP exclusive track)
3. Unisonic (live 2012; EP exclusive track)
4. Never Too Late (live 2012; EP exclusive track)
5. Star Rider (live 2012; EP exclusive track)
6. Souls Alive (live 2012; EP exclusive track)

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