Israel Kibbutz Choir - 1996 - Yehezkel Braun Choral Works
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Israel Kibbutz Choir - Yehezkel Braun Choral Works
Артист: Israel Kibbutz Choir
Альбом: Yehezkel Braun Choral Works, 1996
Жанр: chorus
Формат файла: NL+
Ссылка: CD 10 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia

 1. Passover Song: Sanctify and lave
 2. Passover Song: This is the poor bread
 3. Passover Song: Let anyone who is hungry
 4. Passover Song: Why is this night different
 5. Passover Song: And this promise has stood by our fathers
 6. Passover Song: These are the ten plagues
 7. Passover Song: When Israel went forth from Egypt
 8. Passover Song: Elijah the prophet
 9. Passover Song: Ended the act of the Pesach night
10. Passover Song: Bring near the day
11. Passover Song: And ye shall say: a feast of Passover
12. Passover Song: Because for Him it is seemly
13. Passover Song: Mighty in royalty
14. Passover Song: The Faithful Utter Praise
15. Passover Song: One kid one kid
16. Niggunim: As the hart panteth
17. Niggunim: A Psalm of David
18. Niggunim: The Angels on High
19. Niggunim: Abraham Our Father
20. 3 Psalms: I will praise the Lord with my whole heart
21. 3 Psalms: Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord
22. 3 Psalms: Praise O ye servants of the Lord
23. Vayimalet Cain (Cain Escaped)
24. Early Morning Mists: Spring
25. Early Morning Mists: Summer
26. Early Morning Mists: Autumn
27. Early Morning Mists: Winter


Yehezkel Braun, born in 1922 in Breslau, Germany, was brought up in Israel from the age of two, in close contact with Jewish and East Mediterranean traditional music. The influence of this background is clearly felt in his compositions. He is a graduate of the Israel Academy of Music and holds a master's degree in Greek and Latin Philology from Tel Aviv University. In 1975 he studied Gregorian chant with Dom Jean Claire at the Benedictine monastery of Solesmes in France. His main academic interests are traditional Jewish melodies and Gregorian chant. He lectured on these and other subjects at universities in England, France, USA and Germany. His compositions include choral works with and without instruments, songs, chamber and orchestral works, music for theater, film and television and arrangements of traditional Jewish tunes for various combinations. In addition to his musical compositions, Braun has published an anthology of traditional Jewish melodies, translations into Hebrew of Greek poetry, and articles, mainly on melody and modality. Yehezkel Braun is Professor Emeritus at Tel Aviv University. He is married and has three children and eight grandchildren. He divides his time between composing, family and reading, mainly classics, poetry and philosophy.
Avnerltai, born in Kibbutz Kfar Giladi (in northern Israel) to parents from Riga, Latvia, studied music in both Israel and Paris (Schola Cantorum). He specialized in the oboe, baroque recorder and choral conducting. In the early years of the Israel Chamber Orchestra, he played first oboe and at the same time began conducting the Israel Kibbutz Choir, thus beginning 30 years as its musical director. In 1976, Avner Itai founded the Cameran Singers and served as its musical director until 1990. This was the first semiprofessional choir in Israel. For 15 years it presented Israeli audiences with subscription concerts, offering a broad range of musical styles. Avner Itai is chairman of the Department of Choral Conducting at the Tel Aviv University Rubin Academy of Music. Many of his students have pursued successful careers as conductors, both in Israel and abroad. Maestro Itai has conducted most of Israel's many orchestras, and his choirs frequently perform with these ensembles. Their European and American tours have been greatly acclaimed. In addition to performing European choral classics, Avner Itai also fosters the acquaintance with Israeli and Jewish music. His contributions in this field have brought him several distinguished awards.
The Israel Kibbutz Choir was founded in 1955 by composer-conductor Yehuda Sharett. It was created to provide a means for kibbutz members to express their artistic talents as choral singers in a nonprofessional framework. The choir, under the musical direction of Avner Itai, today includes 45 members from kibbutzim (collective settlements) throughout Israel. The geographical distances call for a special rehearsal schedule - a full-day rehearsal once a week in Tel Aviv, plus occasional weekend rehearsals at various kibbutzim, which include concerts for all kibbutz members in the region.
Every year the Israel Kibbutz Choir is invited by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, the Kibbutz Chamber Orchestra, and other important Israeli ensembles to perform major choral works. The choir has sung under the baton of Zubin Mehta, James Levine, Daniel Barenboim, George Solti, Kurt Mazur and Gary Bertini, among others. Avner Itai, too, has combined the choir's talents with those of Israel's major orchestras, as guest conductor of many major works. The Israel Kibbutz Choir and its conductor also enjoy their role in bringing the art of fine choral singing to Israeli youth. The concert schedule includes performances at schools and for audiences of kibbutz children.
The choir is a member of the International Federation of Choral Music (IFCM). It has participated in seven "Europa Cantat" festivals and has performed in most European countries. It has thus far released four record albums and two compact discs.

p.s. сочетание содержания и манеры исполнения весьма необычное, диск на любителя. это именно хоровое пение, в его классическом европейском виде, если можно так выразиться :)
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