Nostradameus - Prophet of Evil, Power Metal
 Uzaren Member is Offline
 Posted: 14-11-2003, 02:43 (post 1, #191334)

Герой Асфальта
Group: Roots
Group: Roots
Posts: 18547
Альбом: Prophet of Evil, 2001
Жанр:Power Metal
Формат файла:EAC -> APE
Ссылка:CD 1 clicks
Примечание:Находиться на NNov Russian Server

1.The Prophet of Evil
2.Hymn to Theese Lands
3.Evil Prophecies
5.Requiem (I Will Honour Thy Name)
6.In Prison
7.The Escape
8.The Power's in Your Hand
9.Gathering Resistance
10.The Final Battle
11.Scream of Anger
12.Son of a King

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