> Freenet - New stable build: 5034
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 Posted: 19-11-2003, 18:15 (post 1, #193899)

Hand of Doom
Group: Roots
Group: Roots
Posts: 17384
15th November, 2003 - New stable build: 5034

A new stable build of Freenet is now available. Among the core improvements are a rethink of load balancing, and some measures to help nodes route information more effectively from the moment they start. This should result in a better experience for new users, along with superior overall performance.
As usual with Freenet, the full benefit of these improvements will only really become apparent when the new version of Freenet is widely deployed. Windows users can update by running the "Update Snapshot" program in the Freenet section of their start menu, and Linux users can update by running the update.sh script in their Freenet directory.

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